Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2015-02-04

Pink Tutu Vienna - Blog Post #1031 - A Whirlwind Waltz Through Vienna 🩰

Hello lovelies!

It's Wednesday, and you know what that means! Time for another pink tutu adventure from your favourite travelling ballerina, Emma! I'm writing to you live from the beautiful city of Vienna, a place I've been dreaming of visiting since I first saw a picture of the magnificent Schönbrunn Palace in a dusty old ballet book. I must say, Vienna has lived up to all my expectations and more!

This week, I'm excited to share my Viennese escapades with you all. But first, a little about the journey. After a romantic train ride across the countryside, where I, of course, donned my pink tutu and matching travelling cape for a bit of "ballet street style" photography (which I must say was rather popular amongst fellow travellers – I've received so many compliments!) – I arrived in Vienna and immediately felt the city's magic.

The charming streets are brimming with elegant cafés, charming shops, and beautiful architecture that looks straight out of a fairytale. I found myself drawn to a little horse-drawn carriage that was perfect for exploring the city. Picture this: me, twirling in my pink tulle, gliding through the cobblestone streets of Vienna, the rhythmic clop-clop of the horses' hooves providing the soundtrack to my fairy tale. I know what you're thinking: "Isn't that a bit impractical?" To which I say, who says practicality and fashion can't coexist?! It was an experience that truly embodies the spirit of Vienna: elegance, tradition, and a dash of magic!

Now, onto the exciting part - the ballet! The highlight of this week has been attending a breathtaking performance of the Vienna State Opera. Imagine, a grand theatre, plush velvet seats, dazzling chandeliers, and an orchestra that seemed to bring the music to life with every note! It was pure enchantment, and let me tell you, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. The choreography was mesmerizing, the costumes spectacular, and the dancers, oh, the dancers! Their graceful movements, effortless leaps, and expressive emotions filled me with such admiration and joy. I must confess, a few happy tears escaped my eyes during a particularly poignant moment. After the performance, I was swept away by the grandeur of the Vienna State Opera House itself. I even snuck into the library for a glimpse at their impressive collection of ballet manuscripts. It was like stepping into history, into the heart and soul of this extraordinary art form!

I couldn't have come to Vienna without indulging in a bit of shopping, now could I? My little ballerina heart danced with glee as I discovered the cutest boutiques in the city. From delicate ballet slippers and enchanting accessories to elegant gowns fit for a princess, I found the perfect additions to my growing collection. Oh, and I discovered this amazing antique shop with a treasure trove of tutus - imagine my excitement! Some of the styles were from the 19th century - simply magical! They were begging to be worn, but alas, I have no room in my suitcase!

As the day drew to a close, I found myself sitting in a quaint café, sipping on a delicious cappuccino, and scribbling down these words. I can’t help but think how lucky I am to experience these incredible places and moments. Vienna truly lives up to its reputation as the "City of Music" and it's not hard to see why! Everywhere I go, I hear beautiful melodies and harmonies that just make my soul sing! And of course, there’s a distinct charm to Vienna that's truly enchanting - one that makes you feel like you’ve stepped back in time while simultaneously feeling perfectly modern and chic.

My trip wouldn't be complete without mentioning the locals. Vienna’s people are warm, friendly, and utterly delightful. The cafe waitresses are all smiles and their Viennese charm is truly infectious! I even had a delightful chat with a young man in a bookstore, who, believe it or not, said he loved tutus too! (Yes, I told him about my mission to get everyone to wear one - it is a cause that's close to my heart!)

So there you have it, my fellow tutu lovers, another pink-tinted journey from your favourite ballet-obsessed blogger!

And remember: if life throws you a curveball, dance through it with a pink tutu.

Until next time, keep twirling!


Emma 🩰

P.S. I'll be back next Wednesday with more adventures from the wonderful world of ballet! Follow my journey on and on Instagram at @PinkTutuEmma for behind-the-scenes fun and fabulous photos!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2015-02-04