Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2015-05-20

Pink Tutu Vienna: #1046 – A Whirlwind of Waltz & Wiener Schnitzel! 🩰🇦🇹

Hello darlings! It’s Wednesday, and that means another dose of Vienna sunshine from your favourite pink-tutu-clad traveller, Emma! I’m writing to you today from the heart of Austria, my toes practically tapping to the waltz rhythms that pulse through the cobblestone streets. This city, my dears, is like a ballet in itself – elegant, graceful, and brimming with history.

This week’s adventures started with a bang! You know I’m all about embracing the theatrical in my travels, so I couldn’t resist donning a glorious pink tutu – the one with the cascading layers of tulle and a delicate satin ribbon – and twirling right into the Hofburg Palace for a Viennese ballet performance! Oh, the costumes, the drama, the exquisite movements... It was truly breathtaking. It was "Swan Lake," you know, and I felt like a real swan princess! (Just don't ask about the accidental bump into the royal box. Let's just say a tiara got knocked slightly askew!)

Speaking of swans, I spotted the most darling little pink swan ornament in a tiny shop on a side street. It perfectly captured the essence of this city, a delicate blend of vintage charm and playful beauty. The owner, a delightful lady named Helga, even had a collection of antique ballet shoes – so beautiful they could have stepped right onto the stage! We spent the afternoon sharing stories and secrets about the history of ballet. Turns out, she was a former prima ballerina in her younger years! (Her feet still had that dancer's elegance - I was completely enchanted.)

Later, I met my friend Karl (yes, Karl!) at the Cafe Central for "Wiener Schnitzel" and steaming mugs of coffee. The café is legendary - you can just picture famous authors and composers plotting their next masterpieces over a game of chess or a plate of strudel! Karl, my travel companion in all things Viennese, is a true connoisseur of the city’s food scene – and boy, can he tell a story about it. (You would think he was the author!) He taught me a thing or two about how to tell a genuine Wiener Schnitzel from an imposter (it’s all about the breading, darlings!), and we discussed the best places to get a traditional Viennese apfelstrudel – warm, buttery, and bursting with juicy apple goodness. We indulged, of course, because it wouldn't be a visit to Vienna without a little Viennese pastry, now would it?

On Thursday, I took a leisurely horse-drawn carriage ride through the Prater park. The horses were so elegant, their steps perfectly matched to the rhythmic clip-clop of the carriage wheels, it was a real ballet performance! And the Giant Ferris Wheel, an imposing marvel of engineering and design, cast its whimsical shadow over the park. You know I had to go up for the panoramic views - I think my pink tutu made quite a splash in the photo booth up at the top!

Now, speaking of things making a splash, I have some big news to share! It's happening, my dears - the Pink Tutu Vienna Festival! It's going to be an explosion of pink and tulle and everything amazing! Think a weekend of ballet workshops, fashion shows featuring dazzling pink tutu designs, and of course, a fabulous pink tutu street parade that will bring the city to life! (You can already imagine the colour, the energy, the sheer delight! Just picturing it makes me want to pirouette!) I'll share more details soon - mark your calendars! It's going to be spectacular!

So, Vienna – you've stolen a piece of my heart already! Your opulent architecture, melodious waltzes, whimsical cafes, and sparkling waltz halls are all woven into the fabric of a perfect travel story. I just know that I’m going to leave a little bit of pink tutu magic here, because, as always, my message remains: every day is an opportunity to twirl, and every life deserves a splash of pink!

Until next Wednesday, darlings!

P.S. If you haven't already, subscribe to for more stories from the pink-tutu-tastic adventures! Don't forget to share your own pink-tutu stories with me on social media! Use the hashtag #PinkTutuVienna and tag me @PinkTutuTravels so I can see all your gorgeous tutu moments.

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2015-05-20