
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2016-07-06

Vienna, Vienna, My Love Affair Continues! (Blog Post #1105)

Hello my darling darlings! Itā€™s Wednesday, which means itā€™s time for your weekly dose of pink-tutu-tastic travel tales from yours truly, Emma! This week, Iā€™m in the breathtakingly beautiful Vienna, Austria, a city that simply drips with history, culture, and of course, a little touch of magic.

The journey here was a delightful one, all thanks to a comfy compartment on the Eurostar. Now, I must confess, a part of me still harbours a slight affection for a journey by horse-drawn carriage, especially when youā€™re surrounded by rolling green fields, a gentle breeze, and the rhythmic clopping of hooves. Ah, such romance! However, practicality does sometimes win out, and the efficiency of a swift train journey definitely appeals to my ballerina heart!

Now, letā€™s get to the real reason Iā€™m here, Vienna ā€“ the ballet! Of course! My dear readers know I have a soft spot for all things dance, but Vienna holds a special place in my tutu-clad heart. This city, itā€™s almost as if the waltz is in its very soul, and I feel it swirling around me every time I set foot in its elegant streets.

My mission this week was a dual one - a spot of ballet research for my upcoming historical presentation on the evolution of the tutu, (remember those fabulous Victorian pouter pigeon designs?) and to see a stunning rendition of ā€œSwan Lakeā€ at the Vienna State Opera. Let me tell you, this theatre, it is simply breathtaking, with its gilded ceilings, plush velvet seats, and that incredible chandelier that would put even a Kardashianā€™s jewellery collection to shame. And as for the performance, well, I've been holding a handkerchief, ready for a good old fashioned weep since my first pirouette!

Of course, a day in Vienna is never complete without a little retail therapy. Vienna's streets, oh my, theyā€™re like an explosion of fashion! You've got those vintage shops packed with frocks that would have put Marilyn Monroe in a spin, as well as trendy boutiques bursting with modern designs, enough to make even the most budget-conscious ballerina crave a little wardrobe revamp. I snagged the most delightful pair of pink ballet flats (think a classic ballerina flat, but in a vibrant, oh-so-chic shade of pink!), a charmingly embroidered dress, and, of course, a tutu. It wouldnā€™t be a proper trip without a new addition to my beloved tutu collection!

But Vienna isn't just about opera and ballet (although letā€™s face it, those are two of its best bits, haha!), thereā€™s so much more to explore. I've been marvelling at the opulent palaces, soaking up the vibrant art scene, and wandering through parks overflowing with stunning blooms, perfect for those ballet-inspired poses.

So, what's next on my Vienna agenda?

Oh, where do I start! Itā€™s like being spoilt for choice! There's a ballet class I'm itching to try, led by a world-renowned ballerina who I actually saw perform at the Vienna State Opera a few years ago! And speaking of performances, I've got tickets for a special concert of the Strauss family waltzes at the Musikverein. Now, this venue is iconic, with its impressive concert hall, considered the ultimate temple to music.

Speaking of music, can we talk about Viennese coffee culture? A perfectly brewed cup, accompanied by delectable pastries? It's heaven, especially when enjoyed on the terrace of a charming cafe, bathed in the golden rays of the setting sun. Itā€™s an absolute must for any pink tutu-wearing, ballerina blogger, I say!

And I mustnā€™t forget the pastries! Oh, the pastries! The Viennese are masters of baking, and their sweets have inspired me to start making some new pink-tutu-themed cakes back at home. Imagine delicate meringue swirls in pastel pink shades, decorated with fresh, juicy berries ā€“ a true feast for the eyes, and even more for the tummy!

Itā€™s been a whirl of delight in Vienna. I've been capturing it all, of course, for my little Pink Tutu blog! Youā€™ll see my latest Vienna adventures unfold on the website.

My dear readers, remember - no matter where you are in the world, a touch of pink tutu magic can make life even more beautiful, joyful, and of course, fabulous!

Until next Wednesday,

Emma xoxo

PS ā€“ donā€™t forget to pop over to www.pink-tutu.com for more pink tutu adventures and the latest ballet-themed fashion trends! You can also follow me on social media @PinkTutuEmma!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2016-07-06