
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2016-08-17

Vienna Calling! My Pink Tutu Adventures in the City of Music (Post #1111)

Hello my darling dears,

It's Wednesday again and you know what that means! That's right, it's time for a new Pink Tutu Vienna blog post! This week I'm absolutely buzzing with excitement because I've just arrived in the magical city of Vienna.

Oh my goodness, this city is just breathtaking! I knew I would love it - the rich history, the gorgeous architecture, the culture - all things a pink tutu-wearing ballerina like me adores! I hopped off the train straight into a Viennese carriage, complete with a handsome gentleman in a top hat (just like in the films, darling!). I felt like I was in a fairy tale.

You wouldn't believe it, but the first thing I did after arriving was head straight to the Vienna State Opera. As soon as I walked in, I felt the magic! I swear the chandeliers shimmered brighter in this theatre, the scent of history filled my nostrils, and my heart just swelled with pure ballet joy. My pink tutu certainly made a splash! There's nothing quite like waltzing into a grand opera house wearing a fluffy pink tulle masterpiece. Everyone seemed to have their own little dance in their eyes, watching as I floated around, twirling and greeting fellow ballet enthusiasts.

Before even starting to explore Vienna properly, I was determined to take a peek at some of the ballet costumes stored within the Vienna State Opera's costume archives. A big dream of mine is to understand the historical influences behind tutu designs and it was an incredible opportunity to see these historical creations in person. You wouldn't believe the layers of history contained within those shimmering fabrics! Some tutus dating back over 100 years! The craftsmanship was astonishing, a testament to the dedication of those who came before us. I even saw a stunning hand-painted silk tutu designed by the infamous Vienna Ballet Master, Wilhelm Friedrich Schlenker. I took endless pictures, of course. This experience truly felt like being in a museum of ballet!

After that, it was time to get my own ballerina wardrobe sorted. The shops in Vienna are absolutely exquisite. My absolute favourite was a beautiful vintage boutique called "Belle Epoque" - I discovered some amazing pink gems tucked away in the corner! Of course, a vintage pink dress adorned with pearl embellishments is now making its way to Derbyshire with me. Can't wait to strut around in it. And let's not forget about the hat. There's nothing like a flamboyant pink feather creation to add some theatrical drama to my look!

This evening, I'm off to a delightful ballet street performance. It's set in a little courtyard off one of the ancient squares. Imagine dancing beneath a moonlit sky, with the sound of a violin serenading me as I twirl to my heart's content. Oh, I can just feel the magic already! I'm especially looking forward to seeing a young ballerina I met earlier. She reminded me so much of myself at the start of my ballet journey - a determined, bubbly spirit in her bright pink tutu! She dreams of becoming a professional ballerina and is studying under some incredible teachers in Vienna. She showed me a little of her technique, it was simply delightful. And you know I couldn't resist passing on a few tips about choosing the perfect pink tutu.

This week in Vienna is all about blending history with ballet. I plan to delve deeper into the rich history of ballet in this city, perhaps visit the famous Vienna Hofburg Palace where the waltz originated and maybe even take a waltz lesson in the gardens (imagine waltzing amongst those grand historical statues!). And of course, no visit to Vienna would be complete without exploring its magnificent music scene. Mozart and Strauss are just some of the legendary musicians who left their mark on this city and it would be a shame to miss the chance to see their work performed by some of the most talented musicians in the world. Perhaps I'll catch a show at the Musikverein or maybe even take a seat in the beautiful concert hall of the Vienna State Opera for an enchanting evening of music.

Speaking of Vienna's famous waltz, you can expect to see plenty of elegant swirling on my social media in the coming days! You wouldn't believe the gorgeous photo ops here - the architecture is just crying out for a ballet-themed shoot. Just wait until you see the beautiful images on my instagram feed.

Remember to keep up with my Vienna adventure on my Instagram page @pinktutuemma and don't forget to check in next week for another post about my time here in Vienna!

And now, time for me to twirl out of this blog and back into my magical Viennese life. Remember my darlings: Embrace your inner ballerina, find the pink tutu that calls to your soul and let your heart guide you on the dance of life!

With much love and a flutter of pink tulle,

Emma xo

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2016-08-17