Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2017-06-07

Vienna Waltz: A Pink Tutu Adventures in the City of Music - #1153

Dearest Tutu Tribe,

Hello from Vienna! I’ve arrived in the most magical city and already, my pink tutu feels right at home. Vienna is brimming with waltzes, whispers of history, and a charming old-world elegance that practically begs for a twirl or two.

A Pink Tutu Takes to the Tracks

The journey from Derbyshire to Vienna was a dream come true. I've always loved train travel. The rhythmic click-clack of the wheels, the breathtaking countryside whizzing by, and the charming, intimate feeling of a train carriage – it all feels so quintessentially romantic. And this time, with a symphony of music playing through my headphones and a pink tulle skirt swirling around my legs, it was practically a fairytale!

First Stop: The Schönbrunn Palace

I'm not sure what’s more impressive – the majestic architecture of the Schönbrunn Palace, or the fact that Empress Maria Theresa’s imperial horses once resided there! The gardens are magnificent, and I’m tempted to go for a wander through them in my tutu – but that would be a bit too much even for this tutu-loving ballerina.

The Vienna State Opera: A Ballet Extravaganza

Tonight is the night! The Vienna State Opera is considered one of the finest opera houses in the world, and I’m honoured to be performing here as a guest soloist. My costume is a gorgeous blush pink, and I can’t wait to grace the stage with the beauty of ballet and the elegance of my pink tulle skirt.

The Waltz of Fashion

Of course, a trip to Vienna isn’t complete without a touch of shopping! I’m so delighted to find the city bursting with beautiful vintage shops and boutiques. I’ve found myself a truly stunning hand-painted, antique parasol – the perfect accessory for my upcoming performances.

A Pink Tutu’s Love Affair with History

Vienna, my dears, is steeped in history, and it's positively captivating. The Hofburg Palace, with its towering grandeur and echoes of emperors, has truly taken my breath away. I even took a private tour of the Imperial Treasury – dazzling jewels, exquisite ceremonial clothing, and priceless artifacts from the Habsburg dynasty – truly awe-inspiring!

On the Wings of the Danube

Tomorrow, I'm planning a scenic cruise along the beautiful Danube River, just as the sun sets. The glittering waters and vibrant cityscape will be a fitting finale to my enchanting stay in this wondrous city.

Spreading the Tutu Love

My pink tutu continues to spread joy and happiness everywhere I go. You'll be surprised by how many smiles it brings. From a chatty couple at the local coffee shop to a curious street performer – even the pigeons seem intrigued! And of course, everyone who spots it understands that this tutu-wearing ballerina is all about embracing life’s elegance, grace, and sheer delightful absurdity.

Vienna, you've already stolen my heart, and I'm leaving a piece of my pink tulle in your memory. This tutu-filled adventure has only just begun! Until next week, darlings.

Lots of love and twirls, Emma

Don’t forget to follow my blog and catch up with all the latest tutu adventures on Every Wednesday, at 10 AM, a new pink-tinted journey awaits!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2017-06-07