Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2018-05-16

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #1202 - Whirlwind Waltz through Vienna!

Greetings, my darling darlings!

It's Emma here, writing to you from the enchanting city of Vienna. Just think, darling, this time last week I was back in my beloved Derbyshire, tucking into a lovely cream tea and dreaming of this fabulous adventure! It's Wednesday, which means it's Pink Tutu Vienna time! I know I promise to post once a week, but honestly, the beauty of this city has got my creative juices bubbling like a bubbling cauldron of couture!

I got here on Tuesday after the most romantic train journey. Picture this: dappled sunshine through the carriage windows, fields of wild flowers gently swaying to the rhythm of the rails, and me, wearing my very special pale pink tutu that shimmers in the sunshine. Yes, the passengers gave me a few curious glances (after all, this is Vienna, not my usual tutu-wearing territory in Derbyshire!), but let's just say they were more admiring than dismissive! My secret? A smile and a good dose of "Pink Tutu Confidence!" I'm always up for a challenge, especially when it involves spreading the love for the fluffy goodness that is the tutu!

But let's get to the juicy bits! You see, Vienna is like a gigantic waltzing confectionery box full of exquisite treats. The architecture is a breathtaking masterpiece, and just about every corner seems to hold a hidden history. Last night I took a carriage ride, which took me on a truly magical journey. My horse was a beautiful chestnut stallion, his mane so silky that I could've sunk my fingers into its silken texture! Vienna truly has a certain Je ne sais quoi!

This morning I woke to the tinkling melody of the Hofburg Orchestra practicing. Imagine the delicate twirls of a hundred dancers, each step echoing through the grandeur of the palace, the scent of roses swirling in the air, and me, oh, me, sipping a perfect cup of Viennese coffee whilst perched on a window seat. Pure cinematic romance! It was all I could do to tear myself away from such an intoxicating atmosphere, so, with my ballet shoes tightly in my little pink satchel (because what's a ballet ballerina to do without her shoes?) I popped into a charming little boutique to browse for a new tulle dress! A pink one, of course!

Speaking of ballet, you won't believe the treat I'm going to this evening - a private showing of Giselle! The theatre is said to be one of the oldest and most prestigious in the whole of Vienna, and just knowing I'll be swept away by this story of love, heartbreak, and of course, those exquisite ballerina moves, well, it has me hopping around my hotel room with delight! Oh, and speaking of delight, I discovered a hidden café today serving delicious "Sacher-Torte" with whipped cream. Just thinking about the fluffy meringue with a dollop of heavenly chocolate is making my tummy rumble!

This city truly is a melting pot of history, artistry, and sheer glamour! I'll be posting more next week about the delightful ballet performance, so stay tuned for more pink tutu-powered adventures from the heart of Vienna.

*And remember, darling darlings, wherever you are in the world, wear your pink tutu with pride, because there's a little bit of magic in each of us! *

Your Vienna-obsessed ballet-loving friend,

Emma x

p.s. Don't forget to check out my Instagram @pinktutudream for more of my Viennese escapades. And oh, my darling readers! I’ve decided that I’ll be giving away one of my signature pink tutus! Keep your eyes peeled on the Pink Tutu Blog over the next couple of weeks. The lucky winner will be announced on 31st May, so keep your dancing shoes at the ready! Just tell me what you love most about pink tutus and where you would wear it. * I can’t wait to hear your answers!*

p.p.s Don't forget to check out for all the latest fashion tips, travel tales, and pink tutu goodness!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2018-05-16