Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2018-05-23

Vienna Whirl: Post 1203 - A Tutu-tastic Waltz through the City of Music

Dearest readers,

Greetings from Vienna! The air hums with music here, it’s truly a symphony of a city. I'm writing to you from my darling little pink hotel room, nestled amongst the cobblestones and historical grandeur of this fabulous metropolis. The waltz is in my soul, and the pink tutus are ready to take on the charming Viennese streets.

As always, my journey here was as glamorous as it was convenient, a graceful glide through the countryside by train. I simply adore the way the landscape blurs into a kaleidoscope of greens and blues, the carriages a soft embrace, and the clinking of glasses in the buffet carriage adding a touch of joyous music.

Vienna is, of course, synonymous with waltzes, waltzes everywhere you look, from the majestic halls of the opera house to the cafes on the cobblestone streets. I felt my toes tapping and my skirts twirling as I walked down the Ringstrasse, passing the Vienna State Opera and the Burgtheater, each grander than the last. They just scream for a pink tutu to sashay into their midst!

Speaking of which, Vienna is an absolute haven for ballet lovers! I took a beautiful class at the Vienna State Ballet school. You should see the elegant dancers, all graceful movements and "en pointe" pirouettes. It was just enchanting. The instructor even showed us a little piece from the Swan Lake ballet they are currently preparing, absolutely captivating. It is these moments that make every hardship worth it. I fund my journeys with my ballet performances, so you could say the waltzing spirit is woven into every thread of my trip.

Naturally, a trip to Vienna isn’t complete without a grand evening at the opera. And oh, what an evening it was! "The Magic Flute" had the entire audience enthralled. As I took in the melodies, the costumes, the sheer brilliance of it all, I felt a certain familiarity, a connection with the magic of performance that flows through me. The theatre itself, the Vienna State Opera, is a sight to behold – ornate, grand, and brimming with the legacy of art. Every intricate detail, every dazzling chandelier seemed to whisper secrets of a glorious past.

And let’s not forget Vienna's love affair with fashion! My tutu-tastic adventure wouldn’t be complete without some serious shopping sprees. Vienna has some stunning boutiques and department stores, bursting with vintage treasures and avant-garde designs. I already have my eyes on a shimmering silver dress for my upcoming ballet performance – a touch of Vienna’s enchantment brought to my stage!

The city has its heart set on the elegant, and its streets are filled with coffee shops with tables overflowing with people engaged in lively conversations or reading their newspapers in a serene silence, making each cup of coffee feel like a moment to saviour. I could spend days lost in the city's charm, the vibrant street artists with their vibrant splashes of colour, the magnificent churches whispering their silent stories, and the endless parade of delicious pastries beckoning my sweet tooth.

Vienna is definitely a city that embraces individuality. People wear what makes them happy, and the atmosphere is relaxed and open-minded. Which brings me back to my mission: to inspire everyone to wear a pink tutu, because when you wear a pink tutu, you say to the world: "I'm joyful, I'm playful, I'm unique!" Vienna definitely embodies that spirit - a blend of tradition and modernity, grace and whimsy. I dare you to step out of your comfort zone and try a pink tutu while you're here. You just might surprise yourself!

But enough of my musings, I need to go explore some more. Vienna awaits! Perhaps a romantic stroll through the Prater, a fairytale of gardens and fairground attractions. Maybe a peek inside the Hofburg Palace to learn about the history of the Habsburgs. My mind is already dancing with possibilities.

So, darling readers, I'm off to continue my tutu-tastic journey through Vienna, making memories and finding the magic in the everyday. Do join me, will you? Share your experiences with Vienna and pink tutus, let's paint the world a little pinker together. Until next week,

Yours truly,

Emma, from the Pink Tutu

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2018-05-23