Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2018-06-20

Vienna Calling! Pink Tutu Adventures in the City of Music 🩰🎶💖 (Post #1207)

Hello darlings! It's Wednesday again, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu adventure! Today, I'm writing to you from the most magical city in the world… Vienna, Austria!

I arrived here just yesterday, after a whirlwind train journey from Salzburg (oh, you'll hear all about that in next week's post!). As soon as I stepped off the train and inhaled the fresh Austrian air, I knew I was in for a real treat.

Vienna is just dripping with history and culture – think grand architecture, waltzes in the streets, and a whole lot of art. It’s like stepping into a painting, all gold and pastel shades.

And you know me, darling – wherever I go, my pink tutu always comes with me. It's my lucky charm, my signature look, and the symbol of my life’s mission: To bring joy to the world through dance and colour.

Speaking of which, I was SO excited to see what the ballet scene in Vienna was like. Let's just say I was absolutely swooned by the Vienna State Opera House! Can you even imagine, darlings, the beauty of that building? Marble columns, crystal chandeliers… it truly is fit for a queen! And I managed to score some tickets to see Swan Lake, of course. My favourite ballet.

The performance was a total dream. It’s funny because, as a ballerina myself, sometimes I find myself getting too analytical in a show. But here, in Vienna, it was like magic! Every single detail, from the costumes to the choreography, was perfection.

But first, let’s talk about my journey to Vienna, shall we? I hopped on a train in Salzburg. You might be thinking, "Oh, just another train, Emma?" but no darling, it wasn't just any train! It was one of those historic, double-decker beauties – complete with comfy armchairs and big windows that framed breathtaking views of the Alps.

I’d brought my knitting with me, of course. My mum taught me how when I was just a little girl. I always make a new scarf when I’m on the train and then give it to my favourite shop assistant. It's just a small way to show that I'm thinking of them!

When I finally arrived in Vienna, it was like something out of a fairytale. Weary, yes, but oh so excited, I hopped off the train, adjusted my tulle, and made a beeline for the centre of town. My first stop: A little cafe where I ordered an exquisite Viennese coffee and the most incredible pastries – pastries that made even my favourite tutus blush. It was the perfect start to my Austrian adventure.

The highlight of my day in Vienna so far, you ask? Well, it has to be visiting the Schönbrunn Palace. The place is simply breathtaking! It's so grand, so history-filled, and it was the former summer residence of the Habsburg emperors. Talk about a real life fairytale!

The palace itself is stunning. The rooms are like stepping back in time, all decorated in gold and pink – a true feast for the eyes. And the gardens? Well, darling, you simply have to see them to believe it! Rows of perfectly sculpted flowers, lush greenery… it felt like a scene straight out of The Sound of Music. I must say, that movie was filmed in Salzburg, a beautiful city, but Vienna feels like it deserves it’s own song and dance number too.

While I was there, I also managed to find a beautiful shop that had some amazing tutus. It's just like magic – whenever I go to a new city, I'm destined to find more of my favourite pink fabric, even the most unusual shades, pastel colours you know? It just keeps calling me.

Today, it’s a deep pink that had a bit of an emerald green shimmer on the tulle. You could even call it a duochrome. Of course I snagged that one! The owner of the shop was lovely, just like the tutus in her store. We had a wonderful chat about ballet and I explained my mission to get the whole world wearing pink tutus – just a tiny spark of pink happiness, that's all it takes.

Later, I'm meeting up with a lovely Austrian ballerina for a ballet class – something I do almost every time I'm in a new city. Sharing the love of ballet with others, getting a new perspectives, and pushing myself beyond my comfort zone, it’s just wonderful. I think you should try it, darlings. It's so much fun!

Now, my darlings, I have a feeling this post is getting rather long, so I better go. It's already late and the moon is shining so brightly through my hotel window! My favourite thing about this trip so far has to be how kind the Viennese people are. I am so impressed by their love of culture and music, the streets just buzz with that creative energy.

Tomorrow I'm planning on visiting the Hofburg Palace and its many art collections. Of course I’ll also be indulging in more of those heavenly Vienna pastries! And, who knows, I may even catch another ballet show while I’m at it.

I can't wait to share more of my adventures in Vienna with you all next week!

Till then, remember to embrace your inner pink and keep twirling!

With love,

Emma x

PS - If you haven’t already, be sure to check out for more of my fashion picks and balletic adventures. I post every Wednesday, you know! And follow me on Instagram @PinkTutuTravels to see all my daily outfits and experiences! I love seeing your comments and getting your feedback, so don’t forget to say hello!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2018-06-20