Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2018-08-08

Vienna, my love! Post #1214 - August 8th, 2018

Greetings from Vienna, darlings! It’s Wednesday again, and you know what that means: a brand new blog post from your favourite pink tutu-wearing traveller! I’m back from a whirlwind trip through the Austrian countryside, and trust me, it’s just as romantic and fairytale-like as you’d imagine!

But before we delve into all the details, let's take a moment to admire this magnificent city. Vienna is like a breath of fresh air, a perfect blend of imperial grandeur and artistic passion, sprinkled with a touch of Viennese charm. I mean, it's a city that has inspired Mozart and Strauss, hosted Habsburg emperors, and boasts some of the world's most stunning architecture – I simply couldn’t resist bringing a touch of pink tutu magic to its elegant streets!

A Journey by Rail and Horse

This week's adventure started with a scenic train journey. Yes, my dears, I opted for a leisurely ride across Austria, admiring the rolling hills and vibrant wildflowers that lined the tracks. I felt like I was stepping out of a classic Austrian film, and I couldn't resist indulging in a spot of vintage tea and homemade cake served by a sweet, rosy-cheeked hostess in a charmingly quaint carriage.

Then, after reaching my final destination – a charming little town nestled within the Alps – I stumbled upon a real-life fairytale. The stables were overflowing with beautiful chestnut horses, each one looking more majestic than the last. And let me tell you, I’ve always had a soft spot for horses! They have such graceful movement, and I just can’t help but picture them prancing around a stage in their own pink tutus.

I booked myself onto a picturesque trail ride through the woods, feeling the crisp mountain air and listening to the soft clip-clop of hooves on the forest floor. We galloped across meadows bursting with wildflowers and climbed hills with panoramic views, and even spotted a family of deer peacefully nibbling on the grass. I couldn't help but feel like I had travelled back in time, imagining myself as a young princess in a flowing white gown and a dashing knight beside me!

Tutu Dreams & Fashion Delights

Back in Vienna, my daydreams continued! This city has the most extraordinary fashion scene. I felt like I had stepped straight into a historical movie, and every turn seemed to reveal a new treasure – elegant antique shops bursting with vintage clothes and delicate jewelry, cobbled streets adorned with glamorous boutiques, and chic cafes teeming with beautifully dressed ladies.

Now, a fashionista can never visit Vienna without indulging in some shopping. So, armed with my trusty pink tutu, I embarked on a quest to find some true sartorial gems. I managed to secure a dazzling array of vintage fabrics – satins, silks, lace and even a touch of shimmering velvet - all in shades of pink, of course! They are just perfect for making some dreamy new tutu creations. I've got a million ideas buzzing in my head, so watch out world – Pink Tutu Vienna is about to unleash some seriously stunning, handmade masterpieces!

Dancing to the Music of Vienna

And what’s a trip to Vienna without a bit of waltzing, darling? I'm already making plans to visit the iconic Vienna State Opera House – the birthplace of so many beloved classical ballets! The atmosphere inside those halls is said to be magical. Imagine the grandeur of the chandelier, the rustling of silk gowns, the sheer spectacle of ballet as its meant to be experienced!

While I wait to be mesmerized by the artistry, I’ve been attending the city’s famous dance schools. From ballet classes that echo the movements of legendary ballerinas to swing dance classes brimming with joyous energy, I've been exploring all forms of dance Vienna has to offer. After all, every dance deserves a tutu – even swing!

Pink Tutu Inspiration

But enough about me and my adventures! I’ve noticed a trend – and you’ll all love it! Vienna is just buzzing with pastel hues, a little bit of whimsy, and a celebration of everything delicate and feminine. Think pink lace, elegant pastels, and intricate florals.

If you’re visiting this fabulous city, don't hesitate to embrace your inner ballerina and get playful with your style! Go bold, rock those delicate accessories and let your own unique personality shine. A dash of sparkle always works wonders!

What I'm wearing Today:

I'm rocking my signature pink tutu, of course! But today I’ve paired it with a blush pink blouse, and a floral printed jacket I found in a delightful vintage store. I've added some delicate pink earrings and finished the look off with a charming vintage hat adorned with a single pink feather. It's classic yet playful - perfect for exploring Vienna’s romantic and charming streets!

See you next week, darlings! And until then, let your inner pink tutu shine! Remember, everyone looks better in pink!

Yours truly, Emma

P.S. Follow me on Instagram for even more pink tutu goodness and to see all the photos from my Austrian adventures! (Instagram handle: @PinkTutuVienna)

Remember: You can check out all my posts from Vienna, along with other inspiring adventures, on my website, every Wednesday!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2018-08-08