Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2020-02-19

Vienna Waltz: A Pink Tutu Takes on the City of Dreams (Post #1294)

Hello, my darlings! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to Vienna, the city that practically sings with elegance and waltzes with history. Now, I know you might be thinking, "Vienna? What could possibly be more exciting than a pink tutu-wearing ballerina in Derbyshire?" (Besides, you know, wearing a pink tutu!). Well, let me tell you, my sweet darlings, this trip was divine!

Remember how I said in my last post that I'd be travelling by train to Vienna? Well, there I was, my suitcase brimming with perfectly curated pink and pastel ensembles, my favourite fluffy pink tutu tucked snugly in its own case (because every ballerina knows a tutu deserves its own space), and my heart full of anticipation.

I must say, I've always loved train journeys. There's something so magical about gliding across the countryside, the world passing by in a blur of greenery and charming little towns. This time, the journey felt especially special, as if the train itself was taking me back to a time when ballet was the pinnacle of elegance and everyone was just a little bit more...enchanted!

The Magic of Vienna

And Vienna? Vienna, my darlings, is truly a city of dreams! It's the kind of place where history practically spills onto the cobblestone streets, and the air feels thick with the music of Mozart and Strauss. Honestly, I felt like I had stepped into a ballet scene, except instead of a stage, I was surrounded by baroque architecture, majestic palaces, and vibrant cafes bursting with life.

From the moment I stepped off the train, I knew this trip was going to be unforgettable. And of course, what better way to experience Vienna than with a whirlwind tour of its iconic ballet venues?

Firstly, we simply had to visit the Vienna State Opera, a truly awe-inspiring spectacle of grandeur. The sheer size of the place, the opulence of the interior, the intricate detailing – it all made my inner ballerina swoon. Imagine the sheer excitement of those who first graced this stage – a magical place of artistic brilliance!

But there was so much more to Vienna than just its ballet venues. This was, after all, the city of waltz and a place deeply interwoven with music history! My evenings were a constant whirlwind of classical music – visiting the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra at the Musikverein, being serenaded by a talented violinist in a street performance, and attending an intimate concert at a charming little coffeehouse. Each experience was magical in its own way, leaving me feeling completely charmed.

Pink Tutu & Cityscapes

Of course, I wasn't just there to listen to beautiful music (though that alone would have been enough to send me to heaven)! Shopping is always an important part of any trip, and Vienna proved to be a sartorial delight. Imagine, if you will, exquisite boutiques brimming with elegant gowns and delicate lace, all waiting to be transformed by a splash of pink and a touch of my beloved tutus! My suitcases, my dear readers, became rather heavy, thanks to an assortment of exquisite vintage treasures, handcrafted jewellery that shimmered with intricate detail, and some utterly divine silk scarves.

Oh, the fashion I saw in Vienna! The city felt like an elegant catwalk – ladies dressed to the nines in delicate floral prints and chic black ensembles, gentlemen exuding old-world charm in tailored suits. It was simply breathtaking, a feast for the eyes that fueled my passion for both fashion and dance.

It wasn't just the grand opera and prestigious ballet schools that held my attention, my darlings. One evening, as I was taking a leisurely stroll through the Stadtpark, I stumbled upon a charming little ballet studio tucked away in a quiet corner. A tiny sign proclaimed it to be a "Ballet School for the Little Ballerinas."

Now, my sweet readers, can you even imagine the excitement bubbling within me? I peeked through the window, mesmerized by the sight of these little angels practicing their arabesques and fouettés. They reminded me so much of myself, back in Derbyshire, twirling around in my bedroom in my little pink tutus. And as I watched their passion and dedication, my heart filled with joy and pride. These girls were the future of ballet, and I knew, deep down, that the spark of dance burned as bright within them as it did within me.

I could only imagine the joy of ballet performances by these future starlets, a combination of the beauty of Vienna and the grace of their tiny forms twirling with grace. Oh, what joy it would bring me to imagine them, dressed in their beautiful pink tutus and dancing with a smile that makes your heart skip a beat. I imagined them on a little stage, with beautiful pastel set decorations and sparkly tutus – pure magic, my dear readers, pure magic!

From Ballet Shoes to Horse Drawn Carriages

Speaking of magical things, Vienna wasn't all elegant ballet performances, sparkling shops and historical sights. There were also those incredible horse-drawn carriages, a real touch of fairytale charm. And what would a ballet-obsessed fashionista be without a ride in one of these exquisite vehicles? The rhythmic clip-clop of the horses’ hooves and the gentle swaying of the carriage created an enchanting symphony, like something out of a romantic ballet scene.

As the sun began its descent, painting the city with golden hues, the cityscape seemed to transform, with cobblestone streets whispering secrets of the past and ancient buildings standing tall, as if holding their breath in admiration. The city had captured my heart completely. It felt like a storybook come to life.

You know, I was reflecting on how my journey from Derbyshire to Vienna had transformed my view of life. Vienna was about grace, artistry, history and beauty. There was a timelessness, an almost unreal sense of a past interwoven with the modern, that you just couldn’t get anywhere else.

I know you're thinking, "But Emma, wouldn't Vienna be even better with pink tutus?" And of course, you are absolutely right, my darling. I made sure to embrace my pink tutu as a symbol of joy, embracing the Parisian elegance with my very own unique spin.

The moment I arrived in Vienna, the vibrant city embraced me. Everywhere I went, the tutu became a source of amusement, wonder, and conversation. I was welcomed with smiles, photographs, and excited shouts of, "Ooh, a pink tutu! That's fabulous!" I felt like I was spreading a message of happiness and encouraging a touch of playfulness, and of course, promoting my belief that we should all be a little bit more tutu-inspired.

Vienna was a whirlwind of emotions, from the graceful waltz to the exhilarating elegance, from the magnificent history to the delicious food – a city of magic and fairytale beauty.

But perhaps the biggest magic I experienced in Vienna, my dear readers, was that the city, in its grand beauty and charm, had finally given me my mission, my calling, if you will – I want to encourage everyone to feel a little bit more "pink tutu"!

I'm Emma, and you can find me here, dancing on the every Wednesday – bringing you my adventures in the pinkest, most glamorous world I know!

Until next week, my dears!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2020-02-19