Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2020-02-26

Pink Tutu Vienna: Adventures in the City of Music & waltzing Whimsy!


Hello darlings! It's your favourite tutu-wearing traveller, Emma, and I'm waltzing my way into your screens this week, direct from the heart of Vienna, the city of music!

Vienna. Oh Vienna, how I've longed to dance with you! I've been dreaming of this trip for months, and it’s finally here! From the opulent Hofburg Palace to the grand Vienna State Opera House, this city is simply dripping with history, culture, and - you guessed it! - gorgeous, fabulous fashion.

This week, I'm taking you on a whirl through my Vienna adventure, where I'll share all the things I've loved about the city so far, from discovering incredible ballet performances to browsing for the perfect tulle masterpiece at the grandest department stores!

First, let's talk trains, darling!

Travelling by train is one of my absolute favourite things. Something about gliding through the countryside, watching the world whizz by while I sip a cup of tea, simply transports me! I know some of you might find train travel a little tedious, but I say, embrace the slow pace, put on your favourite music (preferably a ballet soundtrack, natch!), and enjoy the journey. And when you're in a country like Austria, where the scenery is as dramatic as the history, travelling by train is just magical!

I left my Derbyshire home feeling like I was stepping right out of a vintage fairytale. A big chunk of the Derbyshire countryside reminded me so much of the rolling hills in my favourite films like The Sound of Music - cue my inner Julie Andrews doing a twirl in a giant white dress (sorry, dear readers, the tutus weren't as practical for the long journey).

Riding to Vienna on a grand adventure!

Once I arrived in Vienna, I had to do something completely decadent - a carriage ride through the city centre! I felt like a princess in one of the storybooks we read as kids - a real Cinderella moment, darling! The clip-clop of hooves against the cobbled streets, the gentle sway of the carriage, the whiff of freshly baked strudel wafting from the nearby bakeries - it was all so wonderfully charming.

I found the most stunning carriage service tucked away in a tiny cobbled alleyway - the horse was even decked out in beautiful harness and the driver wore a top hat that would make even the Queen jealous!

Ballet Bliss in Vienna

What's a pink tutu blogger's trip to Vienna without some ballet, right? And let me tell you, darlings, the ballet in Vienna is just phenomenal! I was lucky enough to snag a ticket to see Swan Lake at the Vienna State Opera House - oh, it was a spectacle to behold! From the intricately detailed costumes to the dancers' elegant movements, I was mesmerized from start to finish.

Afterwards, I simply had to have a photo in front of the opera house! It's a majestic building, truly breathtaking in its beauty! I swear, it's like something out of a dream!

Now, what could be better than one ballet? Well, TWO ballets! I also managed to catch a performance by the Vienna State Ballet - the sheer grace and power of these dancers was unforgettable! It had me in tears, darling, they were simply divine!

If you're ever in Vienna, be sure to book yourself tickets for a performance. I highly recommend you indulge in a fancy afternoon tea with scones and cucumber sandwiches at the Café Sacher before you go, it'll set you up for a truly spectacular evening.

Shopping in the City of Dreams

Vienna is also a shopping paradise, and of course, I had to go on a tutu hunt! After a whirlwind visit to the gorgeous flagship store of the grandest department store, I walked away with not one but three fabulous tulle tutus! The first was a vibrant hot pink, perfect for a day trip to Schönbrunn Palace; the second, a pale lilac, for waltzing around the city in a playful mood; and the third, a classic black tutu, ideal for a touch of Parisian chic, darling. I'll share pictures of those with you soon!

I also managed to snag a stunning pair of fuchsia heels from the local shoe boutique, along with some beautiful floral headbands. You just can’t go wrong with a statement headband in this city. I’ll be sure to write a dedicated blog post for that little gem soon, because they really were quite something else!

But my shopping sprees weren't just for myself. My lovely mother loves me so much, she was begging me to bring back souvenirs for her! So, of course, I found some exquisite little Austrian music boxes, with dainty porcelain ballerina figurines - so darling!

Culture and Cuisine

Of course, no trip to Vienna would be complete without exploring its cultural treasures. We spent an afternoon at the beautiful Hofburg Palace - I’m telling you, those intricate, golden gates, they were simply mind-blowing! I even had the pleasure of trying on a gorgeous imperial gown that once graced the court - oh my! I felt like a proper princess!

Speaking of princess vibes, you can’t visit Vienna without indulging in the delectable treats that are Vienna’s specialty! And I’m not just talking about the famed Sachertorte (which I tried, it was truly heavenly - like a delicious chocolate dream)! No, darling, you have to have the delicious pastries. Think of sweet, flaky, crispy strudel - I think I may have eaten one with every coffee I ordered while wandering the city’s elegant squares. I even attempted to make a strudel from scratch when I returned to England - the jury's still out on my attempt, but hey, that’s all part of the fun!

Oh, and darling, I mustn't forget to mention the Wiener Schnitzel! So, basically, you have to have at least two of these on any trip. Or three, who's judging? It's a dish that was literally invented in Vienna, and a must-try for any visitor. Oh, the crunchy coating and the juicy chicken - simply delicious!

Dancing the Night Away

My last day in Vienna involved a waltz, a tradition for every visitor, really! The grand waltz, like the ballet, it's simply part of Viennese history. I didn't do so bad, darling. My waltz with a handsome Viennese stranger - sighs dreamily - ended with a lovely, almost perfect dip. Let's just say, I may be thinking about buying another tutu... it may be a little bit flashy for waltzing in Derbyshire but Vienna definitely brought out my boldest side!

Vienna: A Love Affair

You see, darlings, my trip to Vienna wasn't just about the pretty clothes or delicious treats. It was about exploring the culture and history of this incredible city and embracing all it had to offer. From the graceful waltzes to the ornate architecture, to the stunning costumes and graceful ballerinas, it’s left an imprint on my soul. Vienna will always be special to me - I'm already thinking about when I can come back!

Until next Wednesday, darlings, remember:

Always wear a pink tutu.

If you’re travelling by train, enjoy the journey.

Always indulge in your love of the beautiful things in life, whether it be ballets, pastries, or waltzes!

And of course, never stop twirling!

Hugs & Pink Tutus,

Emma x

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2020-02-26