Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2020-03-25

Vienna: Waltz, Whirl and Whimsy! (Post #1299)

Hello, my darling dears! It's Wednesday, and you know what that means? It's Pink Tutu Vienna time! This week, I've flown into the beautiful city of Vienna, a haven of culture, history and, of course, waltzing! The air crackles with a delightful energy, the buildings shimmer in golden hues, and the locals radiate an effortless chic that I can't help but adore.

Now, I'm not going to lie, getting here was a little bit of a whirlwind. I’ve taken a few ballet gigs recently, in Derbyshire, back in England, you know - all those charming, countryside halls that just ooze rustic beauty! I'm rather partial to those - the little villages all decked out for their yearly pantomime season. It really brings out the local flavour, if you catch my drift! However, I had to squeeze in some rehearsals at The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, just before setting off for my Viennese adventures.

After an exhilarating performance that left me feeling both exhausted and ecstatic, I packed my pink suitcase (you know, the one with the glittery tulle trim) and caught the Eurostar. I do love travelling by train - it's a chance to be in my own little world, surrounded by charming stories, bustling scenery, and just enough time to admire my reflection in the window. Who wouldn't enjoy seeing the majestic tutu twirling in the window!

The moment I stepped off the train at Wien Hauptbahnhof, I was embraced by a delicious scent of warm pastries, echoing waltz melodies and, to my delight, a pink tutu peeking out from behind a shop window. Talk about a serendipitous welcome! I have to say, I love this city already.

Now, before I start gushing too much about all things Vienna (trust me, there's plenty to gush about!), I thought I'd tell you a little bit about this particular date – March 25th - a day that feels full of magic! You know, today is Johann Strauss II’s birthday, the waltz king, the master of the swirling melody. And let me tell you, a little bit of waltzing is going on right now, outside my hotel window! And did you know? Today is also World Theatre Day, the perfect opportunity to bask in the magic of performance! Oh, I’m thinking I'll start with a nice cup of hot chocolate. Vienna is known for its incredible cafe culture. They are just too good here, the perfect treat!

So, join me on a journey through this city of elegant music, sumptuous cafes, and hidden gardens, as we dance our way through a day of history, glamour, and, of course, some fabulous pink tutus. We’ll start with a visit to the Museum für Kunst und Geschichte. There's always so much to be inspired by in Vienna.

The Ballerina's Ballet Bliss:

I just have to share my exciting news with you - I've snagged tickets to the Vienna State Opera on Friday! Oh, how I love the sound of a grand orchestra playing in such a magnificent hall. My heart always does a little dance whenever I hear the violins and flutes soaring together! And get this, this performance features Giselle! Now, for those of you who don't know, Giselle is a ballet classic that speaks of romantic love, loss, and of course, some pretty darn spectacular dancing! I can’t wait to immerse myself in the ethereal world of ballet. It will be magical, darling! Of course, I will be sporting my signature pink tulle - just wait and see the photos!

And how can we talk about Vienna without mentioning ballet history? It’s truly fascinating, darling! You see, ballet itself has deep Viennese roots. In fact, ballet classes were being held as far back as the 17th century in Vienna - in court, you know - where princes and princesses gracefully pirouetted in elegant ballrooms. That's right, this is where the concept of Viennese ballet blossomed into its grand, glamorous form.

Now, where are my little pink ballet slippers? I need a dance!

Fashion Fit for a Fairytale:

Let's be honest, there's something absolutely enchanting about Vienna’s style. And as for shopping? My oh my! This is my kind of city, you know - where every corner reveals a hidden treasure trove of elegance and grace.

Of course, I’m always on the lookout for fabulous outfits that really say ‘Vienna’, but you know how much I love my pink tutus! Oh, darling, the boutique on Grabenstrasse had the most exquisite tulle creation just this morning. The fabric felt like the finest cloud and the color was - are you ready for this? - pink, pink, pink, darling! I just had to take it home. This dress will definitely be featuring in a future blog post. Oh, I am simply giddy with excitement for you to see!

Speaking of shops, let's talk about vintage fashion! A real love of mine! Did you know that Vienna boasts some truly exceptional vintage boutiques, like Vintage Selection and My Style that make every fashion-lover’s heart beat faster? I mean, who can resist retro-chic that feels like a timeless piece of magic, you know? It’s all about finding those pieces that speak to your heart! And with a little imagination, some well-chosen vintage finds can easily be incorporated into your wardrobe to create an ensemble worthy of a ballet queen!

I've always believed that clothes tell a story and, my darling dears, Vienna's boutiques are bursting with narratives waiting to be unveiled. Let's not forget the classic cafes! They're absolutely charming. A must-visit if you ever get to the city. They always add a bit of magic to a trip!

The Charm of Horses:

Vienna, it's full of wonders. One of the absolute joys here has to be the horse-drawn carriages. They make this city seem straight out of a fairytale! Just imagine, being whisked through the cobbled streets while a dapper pair of horses clatters rhythmically, with the elegant carriages rolling softly on the ancient stones, you can’t help but be swept away into a romantic realm. This city really embraces history and tradition, which is something I truly admire. I might be planning a carriage ride later - a fitting way to embrace Vienna's historical glamour, wouldn’t you say?

The other thing about horses that really takes my breath away is how elegant they are. Just look at them: their sleek coats, their flowing manes, and their beautiful grace as they move, always ready for a waltz across the cobblestone! It’s truly something that never fails to delight. I'll keep you posted on whether or not I brave a carriage ride - oh, just imagining the gentle clip-clop sound as I travel through the heart of Vienna - how divine! A beautiful horse carriage ride through the heart of Vienna - that is a special memory I won’t soon forget!

More Vienna to come...

Oh, there’s so much to share. You know what - this blog post feels just like the beginning of our journey in this glorious city! I’ve barely even scratched the surface. Stay tuned, my loves, for all the fun we’re going to have. I've got so many wonderful stories and pictures to share, so stay connected to and get ready to step into a world of waltz and whimsy, my darling dears!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2020-03-25