Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2020-05-13

Pink Tutu Vienna: A Waltz in the City of Dreams (Post #1306)

Dearest Tutu Twirlers,

Oh my darlings, the city of Vienna is simply divine! It’s a symphony of swirling waltzes, shimmering palaces, and cobblestone streets that whisper stories of emperors and empresses. I’ve been here a week now, and let me tell you, my tulle-loving heart is brimming with joy.

You know me, always chasing the next adventure, always with a pink tutu in tow! This week’s journey was by train, a leisurely ride through verdant landscapes. It’s remarkable how the countryside always reminds me of the gentle elegance of ballet - a blend of controlled movement and graceful fluidity. Speaking of fluid movements, let’s talk about my outfit! I absolutely adore my new tulle skirt, a shimmering rose-pink masterpiece with a delightful ruffle trim. I paired it with a classic white camisole, my trusty pink ballet flats (a must-have for a ballerina on the go!), and a delicate pearl necklace. Oh, and you simply cannot forget a touch of magic with my trusty pink tutu, perfectly balanced to add that extra twirl of whimsy to any outfit!

Vienna is the embodiment of grandeur and artistry. I mean, seriously, can you believe I actually sat in the Burgtheater – the grandest, most majestic theatre in Vienna, the place where Mozart’s Don Giovanni debuted? I even had a moment of sheer disbelief when I strolled past the magnificent Hofburg Palace, home to the Habsburg emperors for centuries. Imagine, dear friends, waltzing through these hallways with the very ghosts of royalty looking down upon me! (Oh, how I do love a good ghost story! They are simply enchanting!)

But Vienna isn’t just about the past, my dear dears, it's alive with vibrant energy, a city where ballet and fashion blend seamlessly. There are performances everywhere, from the soaring heights of the Vienna State Opera to the intimate stages of charming smaller theatres. I saw an exceptional performance of Swan Lake, with breathtaking choreography that had me enthralled for the entire show. The ballerinas’ grace was a true testament to the beauty and discipline of classical ballet, and those dazzling tutus! Simply divine! And wouldn’t you know it, I found the perfect pair of new ballet flats just around the corner from the theatre, perfect for my explorations in the city!

My absolute highlight this week was finding a delightful vintage clothing shop, tucked away on a charming cobblestone lane, where I stumbled upon a magnificent pink satin shawl. It was love at first sight! The colour is absolutely glorious - the very embodiment of my favourite colour! The embroidery on it is so exquisite – delicate floral motifs reminiscent of my beloved rose tutus. It’s the perfect accessory for adding a touch of old world elegance to any look.

Speaking of fashion, oh, Vienna! This city is simply a fashionista's dream. You could easily spend days exploring its grand boulevards lined with fabulous boutiques and stylish vintage stores. Everywhere you turn, you are met with vibrant colour, innovative designs, and elegant attire, it is no wonder that fashion is so intrinsically linked with the city. The women of Vienna have such an exquisite style! My favourite look is to pair a chic monochrome dress with bold pink accessories, and let’s not forget those glorious shoes! Shoes in Vienna are everything! And of course, there is that magical touch of the pink tutu, just a sprinkle of sparkle to add a touch of ballerina chic to any outfit!

The Viennese food, oh my, is equally captivating! I indulged in rich cakes with delicious pastry cream and, of course, tried my first Sachertorte! My favourite discovery? A quaint café hidden in a courtyard, serving the most decadent chocolate truffles I have ever encountered, dipped in shimmering edible gold dust. Truly a treat for the senses!

Today is 13th May, 2020, and the city is blooming with vibrant life, the parks and squares are a sea of fragrant blossom. I am going to indulge in an afternoon stroll in the glorious Schönbrunn Gardens – a magnificent Baroque park brimming with beauty. I even found a pair of rose pink ballet flats with adorable bows to match my vintage shawl! Just imagine twirling among the flowers in this beautiful pink-hued ensemble!

Vienna is truly a city of enchantment, and it has left a special place in my pink-hued heart. The vibrant ballet scene, the captivating history, and the effortless chic of its residents has captured my attention completely. But alas, the time has come to say farewell to this glorious city, as I move on to explore the next magical destination. Where will it be next? Well, dear readers, that's a secret I will unveil in my next post! Until then, twirl in your pink tutus and remember, you too can add a dash of whimsy to the world!

Sending you all my love,

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2020-05-13