Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2020-10-07

Vienna Whirlwind: A Pink Tutu Odyssey! 🩰✨

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite tutu-wearing traveller, Emma, back with another post from the breathtaking city of Vienna! This is post number 1327 for my beloved, and as always, it's Wednesday and I'm ready to share another pink and twirling adventure with you!

As you all know, Vienna holds a special place in my heart. The waltz, the history, the architecture - it's a city that practically sings with beauty. And who better to embrace all this magnificence than a pink tutu-clad ballerina with a passion for adventure?

This week, I'm taking you on a whirlwind tour through Viennese culture, starting with the glorious Vienna State Opera. I must admit, a visit here was a non-negotiable part of my Viennese journey. As I gazed at the magnificent building from the outside, I imagined the countless grand opera performances held within those gilded walls. Stepping into the foyer was like stepping into a fairytale – plush red velvet seating, elegant chandeliers, and an air of sheer grandeur.

The performance itself? Absolutely spectacular! It was The Magic Flute, Mozart's iconic opera. The singing was divine, the costumes dazzling, and the orchestra – oh my! The melodies floated around me like a heavenly dream. The energy in the theatre was tangible, and I felt myself swept up in the magic of it all. It truly reminded me of why ballet and opera hold such a powerful place in our cultural tapestry.

Afterward, my adventure continued in Vienna's famous Naschmarkt, a bustling food market filled with vibrant colours and delicious smells. The market has everything – fresh produce, cheeses, spices, handcrafted goods, and even delectable sweet treats! You could spend hours just wandering and soaking it all up. Of course, no trip to a market is complete without some shopping, and I couldn't resist picking up a few treasures to take home. A handmade ceramic bowl from a local artisan and some aromatic spices – perfect souvenirs of my Viennese escapade.

But the adventure doesn't end there!

To really capture the spirit of Vienna, I knew I had to embrace the traditional Viennese Waltz. After all, there's no better way to dance through life than in a pink tutu and a swirling, elegant waltz! The Wiener Staatsoper itself hosts special ballroom dancing nights throughout the year, so naturally, I had to snag a ticket for one.

This wasn't just about the dance; it was about immersing myself in the atmosphere, experiencing a slice of Viennese history, and meeting new people. Dressed in my shimmering pink tutu and a classic black tulle skirt, I felt a rush of excitement as I took the floor. The music filled the air, the soft waltzing melody beckoning me to twirl and spin. My fellow dancers, all adorned in their best finery, smiled warmly as we navigated the intricate steps of the waltz. The feeling of graceful movement and elegant steps, the soft laughter and excited chatter – it was pure enchantment.

A Passion for Fashion and History:

Being in Vienna, a city steeped in such rich history and culture, inevitably sparked a fascination with ballet history and tutu history. Vienna has witnessed some truly remarkable ballerinas over the centuries! Imagine the grace of Fanny Elssler, the daring virtuosity of Mathilde Kschessinska, the captivating elegance of Anna Pavlova – Vienna's stages have held legends! It makes me even more eager to share my passion for ballet and explore the evolution of the tutu throughout the years. It's amazing how this one garment can express such a vast array of emotions, styles, and storytelling.

My passion for dance, naturally, leads me to embrace fashion! Every city holds its own fashion magic, and Vienna is no exception. Its streets are filled with chic boutiques, charming vintage stores, and, my personal favourites, the many beautiful dancewear shops! Each dancewear shop offers its unique charm and flair, filled with tutus in all imaginable shades, fabrics, and designs – some elegant, some whimsical, some modern, some classic. And each tutu whispered stories of dedication, passion, and dreams, reflecting the incredible history of dance in this city.

Speaking of my tutu collection, I recently stumbled upon the most exquisite vintage pink tutu in Vienna! The delicate tulle was intricately layered with satin ribbons, and it reminded me of the elegance and romance of bygone eras. I simply couldn't resist adding it to my ever-growing collection – and you know, darling, I just had to share my new find with you all! It's been my favourite for outings these last few days.

Travel by Horse and Train:

There’s something truly magical about travelling by train, wouldn’t you agree? The scenery outside the window whizzes past, and you can feel the thrill of being transported to a different place. As a girl who adores all things beautiful and graceful, I found a particularly delightful way to travel in Vienna. A ride in a horse-drawn carriage through the heart of the city! Imagine yourself perched in a charming carriage, the clip-clop of hooves against the cobblestone streets creating a gentle rhythm. The air is fresh and crisp, the sights and sounds of the city envelop you as you journey past grand palaces, charming cafes, and quaint squares. The city’s allure, amplified by this quintessential mode of transport, left an unforgettable imprint on my memory.

But let’s talk about how I get to all these magnificent places. It wouldn’t be possible without my work as a professional ballet dancer – I get to see the world and experience new things through the gift of dance. Each performance is a joy to give, a chance to share the magic of ballet with the world. So when you see a twirling ballerina on a stage, remember the adventures she takes, the stories she shares, and the passion she brings to every performance!

Life in a Pink Tutu:

This is what it means to live in a pink tutu: embracing the beauty of the world, living life to the fullest, and never, ever forgetting the magic that resides in each of us.

Oh, and my dear readers! You are all invited to wear your pink tutus as you go about your week! Maybe it's a vintage pink tutu you have stashed away, a handmade one you created yourself, or a new tutu that you’re absolutely in love with – whichever it may be, don your tutu, embrace the joy of dance, and spread a little pink-tutu love to everyone you meet! It’s a truly wonderful way to celebrate life, beauty, and all things twirling!

And finally, don't forget to visit every Wednesday to join me on a new pink-tutu adventure!

Until next time, darlings!

Your devoted, tutu-wearing friend,


P.S. I’m already planning my next big adventure – maybe it’ll be Budapest or Prague! Do you have any suggestions for pink-tutu-worthy adventures in these cities? Tell me all about it in the comments!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2020-10-07