Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2021-02-24

Vienna Calling: Pink Tutu Edition - Post #1347

Bonjour, my darling tutus! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for your weekly dose of Pink Tutu Adventures! This week, I've packed my suitcase (it's the pink one, naturally!), put on my most glamorous tutu, and set off to explore the magnificent city of Vienna, Austria.

As you know, I'm a firm believer that there's no place on earth more beautiful than a place bathed in the glow of a setting sun. Especially when you're on a train, surrounded by rolling green hills, the scent of fresh air swirling through the carriage, and the distant strains of a classical symphony playing in the background. (Okay, I'm being a tad romantic here, the symphony was actually on my headphones. But you get the picture, right?)

My arrival in Vienna was pure magic! From the moment I stepped off the train, I was captivated by the city's charm. Elegant buildings with their grand facades, manicured gardens filled with spring flowers, and, of course, the infectious melody of Viennese waltzes playing in every café and street corner.

Now, you know me, I couldn't resist starting my Viennese adventures with a little tutu-shopping spree! And I found a veritable treasure trove of frills and fabulousness in the city's cobblestone streets. Let's just say my luggage is a bit heavier now, but that's a sacrifice I'm happy to make. 😉

Of course, my Viennese odyssey wouldn't be complete without immersing myself in the city's vibrant ballet scene. I managed to snag a prime seat for the Vienna State Opera’s rendition of "Swan Lake" - a production that's nothing short of breathtaking.

Speaking of ballet, did you know that Vienna has a rich and fascinating ballet history? You simply can't talk about Viennese ballet without mentioning the legendary Johann Strauss II, whose waltzes were so integral to ballet's golden age. His melodies infused the world of dance with romanticism, elegance, and unparalleled beauty. It was pure joy to listen to the graceful music echo through the theatre.

I even popped into the Vienna State Ballet's costume workshop to learn a bit about the delicate artistry of crafting a ballerina's attire. It’s amazing to see how many layers of meticulous work and detail go into each and every tutu. And speaking of tutus… I couldn't leave Vienna without adding another one to my collection! This one, with its intricate lace details and blush pink hue, is destined for countless Instagram worthy photo shoots! (Follow me on Insta, dear friends - @PinkTutuVienna.)

You might think that all my tutu-focused adventures would leave me exhausted, but not in Vienna! I discovered a secret haven in the city: the Schönbrunn Palace gardens. They're a hidden oasis of floral extravagance and tranquil beauty. It’s the perfect place for a gentle afternoon stroll.

Now, to make this trip extra special, I indulged in a unique Viennese experience. Imagine, a graceful white horse pulling a stylish carriage, me perched atop the cushions in a perfect pink tutu, with the sun setting behind the grand buildings. A dream, wouldn't you say?

And to wrap up this day of Parisian enchantment, I decided to delve into Viennese cuisine. Picture this: I sat down at a quaint café with a warm cup of delicious Viennese coffee and a decadent Sachertorte - a true culinary delight!

So, darling tutus, if you find yourselves dreaming of an elegant, romantic, and ballet-filled city escape, Vienna should be at the top of your list! It truly is a city that dances its way into your heart, leaving you yearning for more.

P.S. Keep your eyes peeled for my upcoming post! I’ve already booked tickets for a magical evening at the Schönbrunn Palace gardens, and of course, a dazzling performance of Tchaikovsky's "The Nutcracker". What more could a ballerina ask for?!

Until next week, dear readers, remember: Life's too short for drab clothes and dull adventures. Let your inner ballerina shine! Wear that pink tutu, dance like nobody's watching, and live a life that's utterly, delightfully YOU.

With love and tutus,



#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2021-02-24