Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2021-05-19

Vienna Waltz: A Pink Tutu Paradise - Post 1359

Hello my darling darlings, and welcome back to my little corner of the internet! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another instalment of my adventures in pink, this week taking us all the way to Vienna, the heart of waltz, opera, and all things elegant. I'm Emma, your very own tutu-clad travel guide, and I'm about to spill the tea on all the exquisite pink delights I've encountered in this beautiful city!

Before I get started, let's do a quick wardrobe update: As always, the Pink Tutu rules! My latest creation, a confection of layers of the most exquisite baby pink tulle with delicate sequin embellishments, twirled perfectly in the carriage as we arrived. (Yes, a carriage – more on that later!) Vienna is a city that practically demands you dress to impress, and with its grand architecture, it was practically impossible not to feel like a princess from a fairy tale.

And let's talk about the weather, darlings! Vienna has been sunshine and smiles, a complete contrast to the typically damp and dreary weather back home in Derbyshire. It’s been just the perfect weather for waltzing and twirling, so I’ve been living in my tutus, adding a little extra pink flair to the city streets. (Honestly, everyone should wear a pink tutu, it's the ultimate accessory!)

So, Vienna, the City of Dreams! I’ve spent the past week exploring, with its elegant coffee houses, its fairytale-esque palaces, and, most importantly, its stunning theatres. My trip, funded by a lovely series of ballet performances in Manchester, has been filled with a dazzling whirlwind of music, art, and of course, endless opportunities to spin, twirl, and sashay in my pink tutu.

The journey to Vienna was part of the adventure itself. I opted for a glorious train ride from Munich, which took me past picture-postcard villages and vineyards, their sun-kissed landscapes rolling out like a cinematic masterpiece. The train journey was a little like a ballet performance in itself, every carriage adorned with intricate detailing, as if choreographed by a skilled conductor of fashion.

Then came the arrival in Vienna itself! A magnificent coach drawn by two sleek, shining horses met me at the station, ready to transport me to the very heart of the city. It was a moment right out of a fairy tale, with me in my tutu, sitting in the velvet cushions, the carriage bouncing gently down the cobblestone streets, passing elegant buildings and grand fountains.

Now, I have a confession, darling: this journey hasn't been entirely about exploring, waltzing and twirling (though there's plenty of that!). It’s been a whirlwind tour of shopping havens. From designer boutiques on Kohlmarkt to the vintage delights hidden away on the cobblestone lanes, Vienna is a paradise for those who love fashion. I managed to snag the most darling pair of pink suede ballet shoes from a hidden shop in the Graben, a stunning vintage lace top from a shop tucked away in the charming streets around the Hofburg Palace, and the cutest floral printed cotton skirt from a market stall – which, of course, is perfect for a summer day's twirling!

And talking about twirling, no trip to Vienna is complete without a visit to the world-renowned Vienna State Opera. I’ve always adored the opulence and beauty of the building, its majestic exterior and gilded interior just as awe-inspiring as I'd always imagined. I attended a production of 'Swan Lake', and it was absolute magic. The graceful movements, the breathtaking costumes, and the emotional depth of the story took me on a truly transporting journey. Honestly, the dancers were so exquisite, I felt a pang of longing for the ballet studio myself!

I even found a local ballet class and was delighted by the graceful, traditional approach to their training. The instructors here focus on beautiful form and expressive storytelling. While I’m an ardent advocate for all things pink tutu and playful, it was a true delight to connect with such disciplined technique and elegance.

Another must-do in Vienna was visiting Schönbrunn Palace. The stunning architecture, the lush gardens, and the incredible history made this a truly special experience. I couldn’t resist putting on a performance for my fellow tourists by the iconic fountain in front of the palace! There’s something about performing in public that just fills my heart with joy. (You’d be surprised how many onlookers applaud for a good, graceful spin, especially in a pink tutu!).

But let's talk about food! Oh my, darlings! The Viennese cafes are pure enchantment. You haven’t lived until you’ve tried Sachertorte. (Just say the word and you're transported to Vienna, a symphony of chocolate and apricot!) I made a point to spend a lazy afternoon enjoying a cup of exquisite Viennese coffee with some flaky Viennese pastries, all the while making notes for a blog post – writing, eating and sipping away! (Though I may have indulged in one or two too many pastries, the journey to Vienna had a certain level of commitment!).

Speaking of writing, let me share my favourite little discovery from this trip: A secret, tiny bookstore tucked away on a cobblestone side street, crammed with dusty but fascinating first editions, filled with beautiful stories and histories. There I found an exquisite collection of early ballet costumes and their creators - a delight for any history buff and an absolute must-have for my collection.

Of course, I couldn’t leave without getting some unique souvenirs. A few pink tutu-shaped earrings for myself, and a tiny porcelain miniature ballerina for my mother – because she is a big fan! And as an extra treat for myself, a delicate pink silk scarf from one of the street markets, perfect for throwing over a plain white top – or, of course, a pink tutu.

As you can see, darlings, Vienna was a dream. It was filled with elegant waltzing, dazzling performances, charming cafes and the most spectacular historical buildings - all set to the sound of sweet violin music drifting through the air. I even heard whispers of the Vienna Philharmonic playing in the concert halls! I have a feeling I’ll be coming back for more waltzing adventures soon…

This beautiful city has captured my heart, and its unique blend of history, culture, and of course, fashion has given me plenty of inspiration for my upcoming blog posts. So, tune in next Wednesday for more adventures, from a pink tutu wearing, Viennese Waltz obsessed ballerina. And, of course, be sure to share your favourite Vienna moments with me in the comments below!

Until then, keep twirling, keep dreaming, and stay beautiful!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2021-05-19