Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2021-07-07

Vienna Calling! My Pink Tutu Adventures in the City of Music (Post #1366)

Hello my darlings, and welcome back to the world of Pink Tutu Vienna! This week, I'm writing to you from the heart of Austria, the magical city of Vienna. I simply adore this place - the music, the history, the gorgeous architecture, and the delicious cakes!

Oh, and don't even get me started on the ballet. Vienna has some of the most impressive ballet companies in the world, and I've been absolutely spoiled this week with a triple dose of ballet bliss!

First, a delightful morning at the Vienna State Opera, a masterpiece of neo-Renaissance design, where I immersed myself in a mesmerising ballet performance of “The Nutcracker" . It was my first time seeing it in Vienna, and I was absolutely charmed! There was a lovely, airy quality to the staging, and the dancing was, well, spectacular. As always, I wore a stunning pink tutu - a frothy creation with cascading layers of tulle, perfect for embracing the magic of Vienna.

Then, it was off to the Vienna Volksoper to catch a wonderfully quirky production of “Swan Lake” by the Staatsballett Vienna. You see, this version featured a humorous, contemporary twist. I’m not sure if you’ve seen a version where the Swan Queen uses her iPhone or takes selfies with the Prince… But let me tell you, it was an absolute delight. The costume designer, darling, used the most beautiful pink tutus, just to my liking, though a little bolder than my usual style.

Later in the week, I joined the ballet classes at the Vienna State Ballet – what an incredible experience! These professional ballerinas were simply sensational – their elegance and artistry made my jaw drop! I had the chance to have a few private lessons from some of these amazing artists, which felt completely surreal (you might be noticing a theme here - Vienna has truly surpassed my expectations, in every way!) As a proud Derbyshire lass, I loved the traditional Austrian waltz steps included in the lessons.

The best bit of the class though? Everyone at the school loved my pink tutu and I was even inspired to try out some moves in it, a bold, pink flash against the sea of classic ballet blacks and whites. I can’t tell you how proud I am to have finally gotten one of these esteemed teachers to see a tutu's potential. Maybe my goal of encouraging everyone to embrace a little bit of pink in their lives isn't so far-fetched after all!

Now, you all know how much I love trains! (Especially for the glamour of my ballet suitcase, with all the sparkling tulle I carry along, it's a total fashion statement - pink, of course!). Well, let me tell you, there's just something magical about train travel in Europe. It's the perfect way to soak up the stunning scenery and admire all those historic towns along the way. In this instance, the journey between the station and the *gorgeous Hofburg Palace, one of Vienna’s iconic palaces, with its impressive history and beautiful gardens, was just so serene. You wouldn’t believe the stunning panoramic view! It almost makes you wish you were travelling back in time, wearing one of those fabulous gowns from the Viennese court ballet.

Of course, Vienna isn't just about beautiful ballet! It's a city brimming with history, culture, and art, so this week, I've indulged in my passion for fashion and design! First stop, the magnificent Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum. It's an incredible palace, full of exquisite works of art by some of the greatest artists, like Michelangelo and Raphael. I loved all the beautiful details in the interior, especially the rich fabrics and dramatic colors - you can't escape a certain pink tinge in most of the royal garments on display. After my inspiring tour of the palace and the amazing works of art on display (and another photo in a bright, cherry blossom pink tutu, naturally!), it was on to a lovely cafe for some traditional Viennese cakes! I just adore Viennese coffee and pastries - a perfect afternoon pick-me-up.

Oh, and I must tell you about this beautiful shop I found, full of exquisite hats. (They remind me so much of the hats I see worn at the Vienna Opera Ball!). You should have seen the pink feathers - such vibrant, bright, showstopping colours! Of course, I couldn’t resist getting a stunning, handmade hat with an equally beautiful pink ribbon! It’s a perfect complement to my pink tutu (yes, you’ll be seeing it paired up in my upcoming Vienna Fashion post!). I'm thinking this hat will make an amazing statement at my upcoming performance at the Vienna State Opera Ball, coming up at the end of the month. Fingers crossed for an invitation to one of these exclusive parties. It’s such a highlight of the Viennese social season. It was actually during the Ball season in the 19th century that the first recorded mention of the ballerina tutu took place, can you believe that? The ballerinas of the court ballet started to adopt the single-layer design so their moves could be more fluid and captivating to the court’s audience. What a transformation! It was the starting point for today's amazing ballerinas, wearing everything from the classical tutu to the very special tutus we’ve all seen worn in modern ballets. Now those are what we call fashion icons!

Speaking of tutu history, a lovely stroll through the city centre (in my pink tutu!) took me to the Imperial Palace gardens, which are a breath of fresh air after a morning of admiring artistic masterpieces in the museum. Vienna’s architecture is breathtaking - all those elegant buildings, many dating back hundreds of years. My love of fashion and history often takes me to a world of beautiful historical gowns and tutus. I recently found the most fascinating museum just a short drive outside of Vienna, in Schloss Hof near the Hungarian border, where a fabulous exhibition showcases historical fashion from across the ages, from ancient Roman outfits to elaborate, feathered headwear worn by some of Europe’s greatest royals. A gorgeous collection of ball gowns dating back centuries, as well as a fabulous collection of the ballet slippers, leotards, and yes - tutus from a range of international ballet schools were also displayed. Just imagining those dancers prancing in their tutus in the same halls is utterly fascinating! You just know there’s a story behind each of these delicate garments, and the thought of a royal dancer waltzing across this hall in a perfectly coordinated ensemble leaves me breathless. It is no surprise to learn the ballet here began to thrive after the opening of the Vienna State Opera, and it continues to flourish to this day! It was simply the best, especially the beautiful gowns, the magnificent, colorful, fluffy tutus - I just had to buy a whole pile of tulle in pink from a stall next to the exhibition just to help me imagine all the historical dances and styles, and to take inspiration from them for the ballet performance I'm scheduled to perform later in the month at the Hofburg Palace (how very appropriate).

And then, for something a little less highbrow but equally magical, I decided to embark on a carriage ride through the charming streets of Vienna - just imagine a luxurious white carriage pulled by two magnificent horses (well, with some cute decorations - just a few fluffy pink feathers attached to the harness. Oh, the joy!). I just adore horse-drawn carriages and the whole fairy tale romance of them, not to mention that I felt like I was right out of a ballet story!

But Vienna isn’t all about history and glamour, my dears, Vienna’s charm is its everyday energy and sense of community - It’s not unusual for everyone in this lovely city to burst into spontaneous applause at a talented busker!

That brings us to today’s date - 7th July - which means one thing: time for another fabulous ballet performance! You see, it’s time for me to finally showcase all the exciting tutu outfits and styles that I’ve designed for the evening’s performance at Vienna's Staatsoper, a classical ballet rendition of The Sleeping Beauty which I have had the privilege of being involved with since my arrival in Vienna - a truly dream opportunity to be part of such a world-renowned ensemble. Tonight I will take to the stage, wearing a vibrant, ruby-pink tutu with swirling silk detailing that reflects the beauty of the story and, of course, adds a dash of my trademark pink personality to the production. It’s all part of my mission to bring tutus to everyone and let every one of us feel a little bit like a ballerina!

This week, Vienna has truly exceeded my expectations! It’s full of historical charm, sparkling elegance and enchanting music - the perfect backdrop for a magical ballet experience! If you’re planning a trip to Europe anytime soon, be sure to add Vienna to your itinerary - and if you do, I promise to have some extra tulle for you. Now if you'll excuse me, it’s time to practice!

Catch you next Wednesday!

With love and a whole lot of pink tulle,

Emma xx

P.S. Don’t forget to visit my website for a chance to win one of my very special Pink Tutu creations! (This month I'm giving away my new Vienna Edition pink tutu!) And while you’re there, make sure to browse through all my amazing blog posts from previous journeys and adventures across Europe and beyond! We can all dream together in a beautiful pink world!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2021-07-07