Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2021-09-01

Vienna Waltz in Pink: Ballet Dreams and Tutu Treasures - Blog Post #1374

Wednesday 1st September 2021

Hello my dearest Tutu Tribe! I'm writing to you from Vienna, Austria, where the air is filled with the scent of coffee and the streets echo with the joyful strains of Strauss waltzes. I've landed in this glorious city of music and culture, ready to spin a tale of ballet dreams, pink tulle, and historical discoveries - all wrapped up in a perfect, frothy Vienna knot!

Vienna has been on my tutu-clad radar for a while now, mainly due to its incredible history of dance. It's where the waltz took flight, where ballerinas graced grand opera houses, and where the magic of the Vienna State Opera continues to enchant. My arrival was met with sunshine, a bustling, colourful atmosphere, and of course, my mission - to find the most exquisite pink tutus in all of Vienna!

The journey itself was a delight. I boarded a sleek train in my Derbyshire home, feeling as elegant as a dancer preparing for a grand performance. I love travelling by train. I settle in, pull out my travel journal (naturally covered in pink and adorned with a hand-sewn tutu brooch) and jot down my observations.

A Vienna Ballet Odyssey: Following in the Footsteps of History

Upon arrival in Vienna, the city immediately captivated me with its historic grandeur. Buildings shimmered in gold, intricate statues looked down from every corner, and cobblestone streets beckoned me to explore. My first stop, naturally, was the Vienna State Opera, a magnificent building whose history practically pulsates from its walls.

I imagined the grand dancers from the golden age, their silk tutus swishing around them as they executed impossibly elegant pirouettes. The opera itself is a jewel, its intricate facade and towering presence reminding me of the grand ballrooms in my ballet fantasies. There are actually some free backstage tours on Thursday's that I plan on taking in, so I'll be sure to keep you updated!

My tutu-filled Vienna adventure began with a whirlwind tour of the "Museum für angewandte Kunst" (MAK), home to the “Wiener Werkstätte” collection. This movement, spearheaded by Josef Hoffman and Koloman Moser, showcased elegant lines, simplified forms and refined use of colour - and the tutus on display were absolutely stunning. The simplicity, beauty and functionality of these exquisite ballet creations was incredibly inspiring and had me wondering about the modern day use of these principles, how the history of the tutu and ballet intertwined. I am off to find out...

A Ballet of Tutus: Shopping and Exploring Vienna’s Hidden Gems

After my historical pilgrimage, I plunged headfirst into the vibrant heart of Vienna. Imagine strolling down a cobbled street lined with charming boutiques, each bursting with the colours of the season and the promise of fashion adventures. Vienna’s shopping scene is a mix of tradition and contemporary, a symphony of unique boutiques and department stores overflowing with exquisite finds. I've discovered some hidden treasures tucked away in charming little alleyways, including a delightful vintage store brimming with playful, vintage frocks and – of course – a fabulous selection of tutus, each whispering tales of past performances and grand soirées.

One little independent shop even sold pink tutus! Not just any pink, but every single shade imaginable from bubblegum to blush pink. This is a new pink record. I may have gone slightly overboard... Let's just say my suitcase has become a haven of tulle and feather boas. It's a good thing I am travelling by train.

From Waltz to Ballet, Vienna’s Unforgettable Rhythms

The evening brought a touch of Viennese magic, culminating in a stunning ballet performance at the Volksoper Wien. The programme showcased the best of Austrian choreography, from graceful waltz-inspired movements to exhilarating contemporary leaps and pirouettes. It's fair to say that the tutus on display were magnificent, shimmering under the stage lights and catching my eye like sparkling gems.

What struck me most was the energy, the passion and the pure joy radiating from the dancers. Their movements were a story, each step and twirl conveying a unique emotion, captivating the audience. Seeing this spectacle of artistry made my own dreams for the future brighter than ever. I know now that my journey to become a dancer in a pink tutu, is a dream worth pursuing!

Vienna, my dear, you have stolen a piece of my heart! You have shown me the elegance of the waltz, the grace of a tutu, and the captivating magic that lies in every corner of this enchanting city. I'll be sharing more of my adventures, from more discoveries and dances to a glimpse into my Viennese pink wardrobe. Stay tuned!

Until then, twirl and smile!

Your Vienna Ballerina, Emma

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2021-09-01