Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2022-11-16

Vienna Waltz: Whirlwind of Pink and Passion (Blog Post #1437)

Guten Tag, darlings! Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-clad ballerina, and I'm positively pirouetting with joy to be sharing my latest adventures from the breathtaking city of Vienna!

This week, the air hummed with a waltz rhythm as I embraced Vienna's enchanting allure. My heart, as ever, thrummed in time with the city's heartbeat – a blend of imperial grandeur, Viennese charm, and a dash of fairytale magic. I knew I had to share this intoxicating atmosphere with you, so here we go!

A Ride Through History

My journey to Vienna was a testament to the beauty of train travel. The gentle click-clack of wheels on track was like the delicate patter of a dancer's shoes, and the ever-changing scenery painted a mesmerizing canvas of rolling hills and quaint towns.

From the rolling hills of Derbyshire, I boarded a carriage, my trusty pink tutu safely nestled in my suitcase. I settled into my plush seat, feeling like a modern-day fairytale heroine ready for an adventure. As the landscape whizzed past, my imagination danced to the beat of a Vienna waltz, anticipating the waltz of delights that awaited me in the Austrian capital.

The train station in Vienna itself felt like a scene straight out of a grand ballet, filled with bustle and anticipation, a grand stage set for an exciting ballet of experiences to unfold. And oh, the magic that awaited!

A Symphony of Fashion

Vienna is a symphony for the senses, and this city truly knows how to dress up. Stepping out of the station, I was immediately swept up in a tide of chic locals, their elegance a beautiful dance in itself. The city pulsates with a sophisticated yet playful style, with classic coats, statement hats, and – you guessed it – a touch of pink peeking through, confirming that my colour crush transcends geographical borders.

Now, no trip to Vienna would be complete without a little shopping therapy! I simply had to explore the city's delightful boutiques, soaking in the atmosphere of elegant couture, and trying on exquisite outfits – always, of course, with an eye out for a pink tutu or two to complete the ensemble. The boutiques seemed to whisper secrets of style, the delicate silks, satins, and lace, hinting at glamorous waltzes, moonlit balls, and enchanting nights under the Vienna sky.

Stepping into the Ballet's Embrace

Of course, no ballerina's trip to Vienna is complete without paying homage to the birthplace of ballet itself! The Vienna State Opera is an architectural masterpiece, its grand facade and opulent interiors creating a stage fit for a divine ballerina.

On Wednesday, (which just happens to be my dedicated Vienna blog day, isn't that serendipitous?) I found myself ensconced in the velvet theatre seats, transported back in time as the iconic Strauss waltzes filled the air. The Vienna Philharmonic, famous for their unparalleled talent, was playing live music! The intricate choreography of a "Sleeping Beauty" production filled me with wonder and inspired me with new steps to learn and execute. I couldn't help but sway and pirouette in my seat, completely lost in the artistry of it all.

Speaking of history, I spent the following day indulging in Vienna’s ballet history. From exploring the Viennese Opera’s past performances to immersing myself in the history of tutus - imagine, tutus have been worn for centuries! The city is teeming with dance stories and forgotten tutus, each one holding a tale waiting to be unveiled.

Waltzing With The Locals

After indulging my inner ballerina, it was time for a little fun and adventure! Vienna’s parks, especially the vast Schönbrunn Palace gardens, are simply enchanting. On a crisp autumn morning, I took a carriage ride through the palace gardens. A beautiful dappled light, and the rustling leaves like whispers of ancient stories, played across my face.

It was the perfect setting for an afternoon waltzing to a whimsical polka and taking photos of my pink tutu as a lovely reminder of my Austrian waltz. As the sun started to dip behind the horizon, painting the sky in fiery hues, I joined locals for a casual coffee at a traditional café – a classic Viennese ritual. As I savoured the warm coffee and enjoyed the buzz of the lively café, it felt like I had found a perfect balance of the traditional and the contemporary – an essence of the Viennese spirit itself.

A Taste of Tradition

But my Viennese adventures were not solely about waltzing, shopping, and soaking in the historic charm. Food is, of course, a vital part of any adventure, and Vienna has truly spoiled me rotten! From traditional pastries that simply melt in your mouth to hearty dishes that leave you feeling delightfully satisfied, Viennese cuisine is a journey in itself. I tried Wiener Schnitzel – oh my! The thin slices of perfectly seasoned and pan-fried meat – pure perfection.

The culinary highlights include, of course, Sachertorte. Chocolate layered with apricot jam and then drizzled with decadent chocolate glaze - utterly irresistible. I devoured this famous cake on my first day, along with a generous serving of creamy, fragrant Viennese coffee. The perfect finish to a beautiful afternoon exploring the city’s charming cafes and shops.

On the Road Again... With Horses!

Every now and then, even a ballet-loving, pink-tutu-obsessed blogger needs to take a step away from the glamorous dance studios and bustling boutiques! This past weekend, I went on a delightful countryside adventure! Just outside of the city, there is this lovely, picturesque meadow and stables, and guess what they offered? Horseback riding.

A pink tutu in a stable, you might say? Well, no one was around to judge me for sure, and let me tell you, the rhythmic canter of a horse as it carries you through the fields, the gentle swaying as it moves, feels so close to ballet! The wind in my hair, the open fields stretching before me – a true escape. I rode a magnificent, dappled grey thoroughbred who seemed to understand my ballerina nature - it moved gracefully as I imagined I was flying across the countryside. It's like I was living one of those dreams where we all imagine we can soar!

This magical escape into nature solidified my belief that Vienna is more than just waltzing through palaces – it’s about finding your own unique waltz within the rhythm of this extraordinary city.

From Vienna to...

Now, dear friends, this captivating waltz through Vienna has been an experience to cherish, filled with beauty, elegance, and a touch of magic. But the world is waiting! I'm packing my pink tutu, ready to waltz my way through the world, to share my love of dance and pink with everyone. Where will I be next? It’s a secret – but rest assured, you'll be the first to know, right here, on my blog.

Until next time,

Emma xxx

(Don't forget to check back next Wednesday for more pink tutu adventures on!)*

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2022-11-16