Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2023-03-08

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post 1453 - A Whirlwind Waltz Through Vienna!

Dearest tutu lovers! It's Wednesday, which means a fresh batch of Vienna delights are swirling around my brain and fingers, ready to be shared with you! As I sit here, sipping a Cappuccino with the Vienna State Opera shimmering in the distance, I'm filled with an excitement that could only be fuelled by a perfect blend of pink tulle, grand architecture, and the magic of dance.

Today, my loves, is about embracing a truly Austrian experience. Picture this: the scent of freshly baked strudel, cobblestone streets that whisper stories of emperors and waltzes, and the golden glow of Vienna's famed Sacher-Torte. This is my kind of fairytale, especially when adorned with my trusty pink tutu!

For those who don't know, Vienna is a symphony of culture, a melting pot of history and beauty, a ballet dancer's dream come true! So let's twirl into a world of imperial elegance and whimsical charm, shall we?

A Trip Down Memory Lane: Tutu Tales of a Ballet-Obsessed Blogger

Before we truly dive into this magnificent metropolis, allow me a little anecdote about tutus - a story of history, fashion, and that ever-important element of pink! As many of you know, my life has revolved around ballet in every possible way, but I'm particularly fascinated by the history of tutus. Did you know that the iconic tutu, the short, frilly one we all picture, actually came into fashion in the mid-19th century? It's believed to have been popularised by the legendary ballerina Marie Taglioni, who quite literally redefined dance history with her light and graceful performance in the ballet La Sylphide. Can you imagine the gasp of the audience as she pirouetted onto the stage, all lightness and flowing pink tulle? A revolution in dance and fashion rolled into one!

You know how I love to chase history. Just a week ago, I went to the Museum für Angewandte Kunst in Vienna. It's a stunning building and even has its own dancing hall. What an exciting place! Here, I got a little closer to this historical connection between the ballet and tutu evolution - there are fascinating garments from different periods, showing the changing style of dancewear through time. I found myself transported, picturing these graceful women twirling and leaping in their flowing tutus, each one a work of art in motion.

Taking Vienna by Storm... in Pink Tulle!

This week has been packed with all things Viennese! Of course, we have to speak about the Vienna State Opera, a world-famous venue that literally resonates with a passion for ballet and classical music. Stepping inside this magnificent building is a surreal experience, a reminder that artistry is alive and thriving! You're surrounded by breathtaking murals and statues, gold leaf, and a lingering aura of magic, all creating an air of grandeur and anticipation. Oh, how I wish I could just swirl and pirouette across that glorious stage!

I spent an afternoon soaking in the atmosphere, mesmerised by the beautiful craftsmanship of the building. If you have the chance to explore Vienna, this is an absolute must. The guided tours are wonderfully informative and help you understand the historical context of the building, from its conception as a palace in the 18th century to its status today as a world-renowned theatre. The air hangs heavy with anticipation, a chorus of whispers and hushed excitement – a wonderful reminder of the magic that lies at the heart of this city.

I also had the opportunity to enjoy a traditional Heuriger evening, an experience I'd recommend to anyone seeking authentic Austrian charm. Heuriger are local wine taverns often located in vineyards or on the outskirts of Vienna, filled with laughter and good cheer, offering delicious home-cooked meals and, of course, wine, Heuriger is truly a delight for the senses. The Heuriger I went to had beautiful traditional decor, wooden furniture, and fairy lights. A small group of musicians provided traditional Viennese folk music, a backdrop for dancing, chatting with friends, and enjoying the beautiful food and atmosphere.

A Fashion Fairy Tale: Whimsical Chic in Vienna's Boutiques

Vienna isn't just about museums and historical buildings, although I find them quite inspiring! My favourite past time? Shopping, obviously, especially for outfits! It wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu Vienna adventure without a trip through the city's charming boutiques. Every corner I turn unveils a new, exciting find. A vintage store bursting with vintage finds and Trachten shops, full of exquisite traditional costumes – the fashion is a real highlight of my visit! Even strolling along Kärntner Strasse, Vienna's main shopping street, is an event in itself. Imagine elegant shops with intricate windows, their displays tempting me with the latest trends. My trusty pink tutu always attracts curious stares and amused smiles - It really does bring a little bit of fun and magic wherever I go!

However, my absolute favourite find is a boutique I discovered while wandering through the enchanting cobblestone streets of the Altstadt (Old City). A real gem with a touch of elegance! Hidden among grand architecture, the shop is a veritable feast for the senses. With its beautiful displays of exquisite clothing, it feels like stepping into a fairytale. The sales assistant, a kind woman named Marie, understood my passion for tutus and fashion and she helped me find the perfect pink dress, perfect for spinning and twirling, and of course, paired with a whimsical pink tulle accessory. My inner ballerina was overjoyed!

Vienna has completely charmed me with its stunning beauty and delightful culture. There's a magical spirit here, a joy for life and beauty that shines through everything. I could just imagine being on the balcony of the Hofburg Palace, overlooking the sprawling city below. Can you see it? Me, in my pink tutu, spinning around, feeling the joy of Vienna pulse around me.

And to top off my whirlwind week, I’m planning a grand finale - a delightful visit to the *Wiener Staatsoper (Vienna State Opera). Can you imagine a more spectacular ending for a week immersed in Viennese culture and artistry? The anticipation alone has my ballet heart beating with excitement. Stay tuned, darlings, for a full report! After all, I'll have to tell you all about the costumes, the performances and, most importantly, how it makes me feel as I take a moment to let this magic seep into my very being.

Stay tuned, my lovelies, for more tales of twirling adventures and pink tulle moments as we explore the enchanting world of Pink Tutu Vienna!

Until next week,

Emma xo

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2023-03-08