Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2024-02-07

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #1501 – Whirlwind Waltz in the City of Dreams!

Oh, hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing, waltz-loving blogger, Emma, here! And guess what? I've landed in the magical city of Vienna! This place is absolutely brimming with romance and a charming history that whispers with every cobblestone and elegant café. As I twirl through the streets in my cherry blossom pink tutu, the music of Vienna's heart seems to beat in harmony with my steps.

Vienna! Oh, how I've longed to explore your magnificent waltz halls, to lose myself in the stories behind your baroque architecture, and to sample your famed coffee with a slice of sachertorte (oh my!).

But first, let's rewind a little, shall we? How did I end up here? Well, a couple of weeks ago, I received a charming letter from the Vienna Opera, inviting me to grace the stage for a special performance! You know I couldn't resist that invitation, could I? It’s not every day that one gets to share their love of dance in such an awe-inspiring venue. The stage lights, the applause, the pure magic of expressing yourself through movement – it’s enough to make my tutu fly!

And speaking of my tutu, this time I went for something rather special: a dazzling cherry blossom pink, just like the blooming trees gracing the Vienna State Opera's garden. It truly embodies the ethereal grace of Vienna, and if you're visiting any time soon, be sure to have a photo under these trees, you won't regret it!

I'll be honest, travelling by train has always held a special place in my heart. It's a beautiful, slow way to soak up the changing scenery, listen to the clickety-clack rhythm, and most importantly, it's a fabulous excuse to break out my favourite ballet flats! So, off I set, my ballet bag packed with a fresh pair of pink ballet shoes (just in case I need a little impromptu pirouette during the journey!), my trusty book about the history of ballet (always good to brush up on your facts!), and my travel diary (I love jotting down my observations and feelings about each place I visit).

My train journey was a pure delight! Picturesque rolling hills dotted with charming villages gave way to vast, sprawling forests. A sense of adventure, so reminiscent of the enchanting fairy tales I used to read as a child, filled my heart. It wasn't just the journey that captured my imagination. Vienna itself felt like stepping straight into one of those old-fashioned ballet stories. The grand buildings, with their elaborate carvings and beautiful frescoes, truly seemed to whisper tales of grand balls and enchanting romances.

Once I arrived, I found myself immersed in a whirlwind of culture and beauty. Vienna truly does pulsate with an infectious energy. My senses were captivated by the intoxicating aroma of fresh coffee and pastry, the lively music floating from the open windows, and the joyous chatter filling the cobblestone squares. Everywhere you look there is history.

My very first adventure led me to the magnificent Schönbrunn Palace. I simply couldn’t wait to see this jewel of baroque architecture! After taking a leisurely stroll through its enchanting gardens, I discovered a secret little path that wound through the dense foliage and led to a quaint little cottage nestled beside a tinkling fountain. It was like discovering a magical portal into the past, filled with forgotten whispers and whispers of a royal lifestyle. And of course, no visit to Vienna would be complete without a performance at the legendary Vienna State Opera. My heart swelled with a mixture of excitement and trepidation as I made my way into the opulent hall.

This building alone could easily win an award for being the most beautiful in all of Austria. The ornate dĂ©cor, the magnificent chandeliers casting shimmering patterns across the velvet-covered seats, and the sense of anticipation hanging thick in the air – it was simply exhilarating! I was even lucky enough to chat with a kind gentleman who, believe it or not, used to perform with Rudolf Nureyev back in the day! We talked for a good while about the magic of ballet, his anecdotes and stories added another layer of beauty to my experience, you know?

He also shared with me an interesting anecdote: “You see, dear Emma, the ballet world isn't always about grand halls and sweeping ballets. It's also about the quiet moments of practice, the dedicated effort of a dancer perfecting their art. The journey itself, even for a seasoned dancer, can be more beautiful than the destination." It really set me thinking, even on this big grand trip.

While the performances I attended were certainly a highlight, there was much more to explore than just the world of ballet. Vienna, it turns out, is a wonderland for anyone with a passion for art, music, and history! I've spent hours getting lost in the captivating displays of the Kunsthistorisches Museum. The sheer beauty of those masterpieces, especially those paintings that showcased swirling movement and dance, left me feeling absolutely speechless. And of course, I had to pay a visit to the enchanting Belvedere Palace, home to the world-renowned collection of Gustav Klimt’s paintings. There's something quite remarkable about the way his artwork captured the fluidity of life, with strokes of colour swirling together, reminding me of the way dancers glide through the air.

It wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu Vienna blog post if I didn't spend a little time talking about fashion! I simply cannot resist a little shopping, especially in a city so famous for its stylish boutiques. Vienna was a real treat! Every corner seemed to beckon me into chic shops bursting with intricate designs and beautifully crafted garments. I managed to score some utterly gorgeous new additions to my tutu collection – think elegant, flowing skirts in the most delicate shades of pink, shimmering lace details for added drama, and even some beautiful floral embellishments. And you can’t forget a beautiful pink velvet jacket, because even in Vienna, it can be a bit chilly sometimes!

Oh, and have I told you about the cafĂ©s? They are pure Viennese magic! The rich aroma of coffee beans fills the air, tempting you with warm lattes, delicate pastries, and elegant Viennese charm. Sitting amidst the genteel bustle, enjoying a perfectly brewed cup of coffee while reading about the history of the waltz (and maybe indulging in a decadent sachertorte, too!) – there’s nothing quite like it.

I even managed to incorporate a little of my beloved pink into the most stunning cafĂ© called CafĂ© Central! You’d never believe it, it's renowned for being one of the most beautiful and elegant cafĂ©s in Vienna. There I was, having my latte (and indulging in a divine raspberry cake, because Vienna really makes you want to treat yourself), surrounded by exquisite chandeliers, gorgeous marble detailing, and the lingering air of aristocracy – and you know what? I just had to pull out my pink tutu!

“Ooh, that's so vibrant! It truly captures the spirit of Vienna," an elderly gentleman sitting nearby remarked, nodding his head approvingly as he took a sip of his cappuccino. "Just like our grand ballrooms!” I giggled. "It's the magic of pink, isn't it?" I beamed at him.

Now, I'm off to explore the city's magical horse-drawn carriages, they are so whimsical and perfect for a whimsical girl like myself. Vienna is one of those cities that captures the heart and lingers in the mind long after you've left its enchanting embrace. It's a city of elegance, romance, and history – a perfect destination for a girl in a pink tutu who’s dreaming of waltzing under a sky filled with twinkling stars.

Until next time, darling readers!

And, as always, remember to keep twirling!

Emma xoxo

P.S. Want to see my new pink tutu collection? Be sure to visit my Instagram page – @pinktutudancer – to catch a glimpse!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2024-02-07