Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2004-11-19 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Adventures, Friday 19th November 2004 - Post #429

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to London! I’ve been squeezing every last bit of joy out of this fab city, and it's all been thanks to another smashing performance with the Derbyshire Ballet Company. You know I love the feeling of those theatre lights, the music building and that exhilarating anticipation just before the curtain rises. And this time, it meant a trip to London! Oh, how I adore travelling by train! The clackety-clack of the rails, the anticipation as you leave your familiar surroundings behind, and the promise of adventure... It always fills me with excitement!

This week I’m going to tell you about all the gorgeous London delights I discovered!

A Day In London With Pink Tutu Power!

The train ride to London was absolutely dreamy! I love catching the train from my home town of Matlock, nestled amidst the stunning Peak District countryside, and watching the scenery change as the train rolls through charming towns and bustling city outskirts. As always, I couldn’t resist popping on my signature pink tutu – pink tulle twirling as we hurtled along the track! My fellow passengers smiled, a couple of children even giggled! It just makes everyone smile, you see – that's the magic of tutus!

I’d been longing to visit London for weeks, planning out every moment and scribbling down a list of places to visit: West End shows, fabulous boutiques and cafes – London just calls to my girly soul. As soon as the train pulled into Kings Cross St Pancras, I was smitten. The historic station, with its grandeur and old world charm, set the scene for a day of pure enchantment! I headed to the platform, my tutu billowing like a pink cloud as I imagined all the famous authors, dancers and theatre-goers who’d walked those same cobblestones.

First up – my absolute must-do in London, and the highlight of my trip! – was the ballet! I’d heard rumours of the Royal Opera House’s production of “Giselle” and I couldn’t wait to see it. The performance was absolutely breathtaking! The dancers, oh my word, their artistry was beyond words! The costumes, the music, the passion! The magic just took my breath away. I couldn’t help but cry a little at the end, the beauty and tragedy of the story is just so profound! After the performance, I twirled my way out of the Royal Opera House feeling utterly enchanted. I had the most magical evening! I really want to get myself in to one of the ballet schools in London – it’s definitely an ambition!

London: A Shopper’s Paradise!

Next up, the obligatory shopping spree! Now, I know London has more than its fair share of designer boutiques, but what truly gets my heart fluttering are the quaint, quirky independent stores tucked away down side streets. The afternoon was spent skipping between the gorgeous boutiques in Notting Hill, picking out whimsical vintage hats and adorable accessories – just my style!

For a London afternoon tea, I discovered a charming little cafe in Marylebone, adorned with pretty floral wallpaper and elegant china cups. I enjoyed delicate finger sandwiches and warm scones slathered with thick clotted cream, oh, the delight! This perfect English afternoon, I think, will be etched in my memory forever! I truly indulged in the moment, enjoying the sunshine pouring through the cafe window, while watching Londoners bustle by on their afternoon errands. It felt so wonderfully old-world and magical, and very "Pink Tutu".

After afternoon tea, my London wanderings took me to Covent Garden, the heart of London's theatre district. The energy and excitement buzzing around me was electrifying. The beautiful architecture, the buskers playing on every corner, and the street performers drawing crowds with their acrobatic feats – everything about this place captivated me. I simply love the vibrant and alive atmosphere of London’s theatreland.

And finally, no trip to London is complete without a visit to the majestic Buckingham Palace. Seeing those golden gates, the iconic guards in their scarlet tunics, and the grand façade of the palace, all framed against the setting London sky… It was a dream! The sheer power and history of the place took my breath away, making me feel incredibly small but in a wonderful way, it’s just an experience everyone should have once in their life. It made me remember how very fortunate I am to live in such a stunning country with such grand, awe-inspiring sites.

Back Home in Derbyshire: Looking Ahead to Future Adventures!

Back in the Peak District, it’s time to catch up with my little corner of the world again! It’s been such an exhilarating week and I’ve gained so much inspiration, especially in the way of the stunning performances I’ve seen and how I want to improve and get my ballet stronger, more elegant and fluid, just like the dancers in London.

I know it’s only Friday, but I’m already eagerly awaiting next weekend’s ballet performance! Who knows what adventure will follow this time? Perhaps a trip to Edinburgh or perhaps back to London to see another show. My life as a ballet dancer is constantly full of new adventures, and I love that! Every new challenge is another opportunity to push my own boundaries and try something different, all the while encouraging the world to embrace their inner pink tutu and see the magic that awaits! Until next week my dears!

Don’t forget to join me at, where you can share your own London experiences, show me your favourite outfits, and of course, tell me about your own pink tutu adventures! Until next week my lovelies! See you all then, xoxo Emma

This week’s Fashion Tip: If you're a little hesitant to rock a full-on pink tutu, try incorporating a touch of pink in your outfits! A delicate pink scarf or headband can add a touch of femininity and whimsy to your look. Trust me, a bit of pink never hurt anyone! xx

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2004-11-19 Exploring London