Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-11-02 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! #583

Hello my dearest tutu-lovers! It's Friday, the 2nd of November, 2007, and I'm positively bursting with excitement to share my adventures from London with you. This week, I travelled by train all the way from Derbyshire, and let me tell you, I wouldn't have it any other way. There's just something magical about the gentle rhythm of the tracks and the world whizzing by as you settle in with a good book, a cuppa, and your trusty pink tutu, of course!

Speaking of tutus, London has certainly inspired a whole new collection of pink dreams! Just the sheer abundance of colour, creativity, and… shall we say, theatrical energy, has sparked a whole wave of pink-hued tutu inspiration for me. I can't wait to whip up something truly special for next week's performance!

First Stop: London's Breathtaking Brilliance

My arrival in London was met with a symphony of sights and sounds. Towering buildings scraped the sky, buses swirled like a whirlwind of red double-deckers, and the air vibrated with a charming cacophony of accents. I even managed to spot a vintage black cab, which made me practically swoon with delight.

After settling into my delightful, whimsical pink-themed hotel room (pink floral wallpaper and everything!), I hit the pavement and began to explore. The first thing I did was grab a delicious, gooey custard tart (just the kind of comforting treat a girl needs after a long journey!). Then, I took the tube to Covent Garden. There's something so undeniably magical about Covent Garden. The architecture is simply breathtaking, with cobbled streets, charming lampposts, and rows of beautiful shops just begging to be explored. There were street performers too, weaving magic with their musical skills. And you guessed it, my inner ballerina just HAD to have a little twirl under the gorgeous glass roof of the market.

A Fashion Feast at Harrods

One cannot possibly visit London without a trip to Harrods. Now, I love to go window shopping almost as much as I love actual shopping, but the displays in Harrods are nothing short of a fashion feast for the eyes. I’m dreaming of that stunning evening gown I saw in the window… and I may have even spied a couple of divine tutus.

But you know, my dears, a truly magical experience at Harrods is a visit to their Food Hall. They had a section dedicated entirely to chocolates. Heaven. I managed to keep my sanity, but not before indulging in the most divine selection of handcrafted pralines. (No, I won't reveal how many boxes I bought!)

Dancing under the Crystal Palace

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the ultimate highlight of my trip. I got tickets for the Royal Ballet at the Royal Opera House, nestled amongst the exquisite architecture of Covent Garden. Seeing the swans floating effortlessly on the stage of the grand Royal Opera House, lit by the dazzling chandeliers, simply took my breath away. The costumes, the music, the graceful movements – oh, my dears! I've been dreaming in arabesques ever since. It really was a magical night!

My London Wish List

Before you ask, of course I made a list of places I simply must return to:

  • The National Portrait Gallery: I love seeing how the artists capture the essence of historical figures through portraits. Plus, imagine the fabulous dresses they get to paint!
  • The Tate Modern: I hear their collection of modern and contemporary art is simply incredible, and it sounds like it would be inspiring for my next dance choreography.
  • The V&A: Now, we all know that my heart belongs to the ballet world, but I am also fascinated by historical clothing and design. I'm convinced I could spend weeks exploring every intricate detail of the costumes and accessories there!

A Farewell from London…

As I wave goodbye to this breathtaking city, my tutu swirls with newfound inspiration. The energy of London has ignited a whole new collection of pink-tutu-clad dance moves, and I just can’t wait to bring it to the stage. London, I leave a piece of my pink tutu heart here with you, and I promise I’ll be back, to explore and twirl with you all again soon!

My pink-tutu challenge for you this week:

What was your favourite moment this week? What did you love, learn, or achieve? Share your triumphs with me on!

Until next Friday, darlings, keep those tutus twirling!


Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-11-02 Exploring London