Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-11-16 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London #585: Friday 16th November 2007 - London Calling!

Hello, darling darlings! It’s your favourite tutu-wearing travel bunny, Emma, and guess what? I'm back in London, the city that never sleeps (or at least never seems to slow down)!

I must admit, I'm absolutely brimming with excitement. The train journey from Derbyshire was bliss, as always. I love watching the countryside blur by from the window, feeling the rhythmic rumble of the tracks beneath me. And, of course, my trusty pink tutu felt absolutely perfect amongst the plush velvet seats and the soft scent of old leather.

Now, this week I'm not just in London for a fleeting visit. This time, I’ve been invited to the prestigious London Dance Festival! Oh, how I love those sparkling gala evenings with the music swelling, the costumes twirling, and the thunderous applause that sends shivers down your spine. You know me, I always sneak in a pirouette or two during the interval! I simply adore seeing the incredible talent of so many dancers - it’s truly inspiring!

Speaking of inspiring, I think I have finally convinced the conductor of my train to start wearing a pink tutu! He looked a bit sceptical at first, but when I showed him the latest ballet inspired collection at Harrods (seriously, darling, it was fabulous!) and told him it was my goal to make tutus acceptable attire for everyone…well, he smiled! Okay, maybe just a small smile, but I know I planted a seed, and sometimes that’s all it takes.

Speaking of shopping, darling! Can we just talk about London shops? My shopping bags are already overflowing. Just this morning I took a whirl through Oxford Street. The shops were crammed with fabulous clothes and I must say I really cannot resist a bit of retail therapy! My favourite find today has got to be a glorious raspberry-pink cashmere sweater – just the thing to add a dash of colour to my ballet outfits, you know.

Oh! And before I forget, I spotted a beautiful floral print dress in a lovely little boutique tucked away in Covent Garden. Imagine a sunny afternoon in the Italian Garden, a gentle breeze in my hair… sigh… I just must find the time to pop back there.

But let’s be realistic, I've got more than just clothes shopping on my mind. My schedule is bursting at the seams! Tonight, I'm whisking myself off to a thrilling new ballet production - a modern reinterpretation of Giselle. Can’t wait! It's at the Royal Opera House, no less. I've got my fancy tutu, sparkly shoes, and my very best smile at the ready, and of course, my favourite pair of pearl earrings. Just picture it - a touch of Parisian chic in the heart of London. It's simply divine.

And you know what? After the ballet, I’m going to find a little pub, settle in, and enjoy a pint of cider with a delicious plate of fish and chips. I must admit, I'm already feeling the London energy coursing through me. It's a city of magic and opportunity, a city of art and life, a city of tutus (maybe, one day…), and most of all, it's a city where anything is possible.

So darling darlings, keep those tutus twirling and your spirits high. Don’t forget to check in next week, same time, same place for another London adventure. Remember, life is a stage and you can always dance to your own beat.

Love and tutus, Emma

P.S Don’t forget to check out my latest tutu creation on my website at You can find out about my performance dates, my favourite tutu-wearing tips (I even have a special post on how to find the perfect pink tutu!), and even a link to my new Etsy shop where I sell my own beautiful handcrafted tutu accessories! You won't want to miss it!

P.P.S. Remember, always wear your heart on your sleeve (or, maybe, on a pink tutu, if you’re really feeling bold!)

PinkTutuBlog #London #Fashion #Ballet #Dance #Travel #Shopping #Love

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2007-11-16 Exploring London