Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2010-09-03 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London - Post #731: A Whirlwind Friday in the Capital! 🩰

Hello, my lovelies! It's Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood tutu-wearing, pink-loving, ballet-obsessed blogger. This week, I'm bringing you a little taste of London, as I whisked myself away to the big city for a whirlwind Friday of fabulousness!

You see, every now and then, even the most devoted ballerina needs a change of scenery, a chance to explore the vibrant world beyond the barre. So, after weeks of rigorous rehearsals, I decided it was time for a much-needed trip to the heart of London, with all its glitz and glamour!

The journey from Derbyshire felt magical. I tucked myself into a plush train seat, my tulle billowing around me, and allowed the countryside to drift past. The gentle swaying motion and the calming hum of the train had a rather hypnotic effect, almost as good as a full body stretch, wouldn’t you say?

As I approached London, a tingle of excitement went down my spine. You can’t help but feel that energy, the buzz of life, the thrill of being surrounded by countless possibilities, all waiting to be discovered. My heart was doing a pirouette of its own!

I checked into my charming hotel, with its plush velvet curtains and sparkling chandeliers. Honestly, the décor was positively fit for a prima ballerina. The first thing I did, after discarding my travel-worn attire (sorry, no tutu for the train journey!), was slip into something a little more London-chic. My choice? A gorgeous cherry pink pencil skirt paired with a delicate blush-toned blouse, topped off, of course, with a magnificent feathered pink beret. I always say, a girl can never be too much of a statement in pink!

Ballet Ballet Everywhere!

The evening held a double whammy of ballet-related brilliance. First, I found myself at the iconic Sadler’s Wells Theatre for an incredible performance of The Sleeping Beauty, a timeless classic brought to life with an enchanting blend of grace and athleticism. Seeing the dancers swirl across the stage in their dazzling costumes, I almost felt my own tutu rustling, yearning for a performance of its own.

Afterwards, I headed to the hallowed halls of the Royal Opera House, home to the renowned Royal Ballet. Now, even a ballerina with a touch of stage fright, can’t help but feel a surge of inspiration just standing outside these grand doors. This iconic theatre truly transports you back in time.

Before leaving, I lingered a while in the charming bookshop housed within the building, which boasts a diverse selection of books on everything from ballet technique to fashion trends. I picked up a volume on the history of tutus - a fascinating journey through the evolution of this essential ballet garment - which I'm eager to dive into during my quiet moments.

Shopaholic Splendor in Covent Garden

Friday was a day for indulging my shopaholic desires. I made a beeline for Covent Garden, that vibrant, charming haven for all things fashionable and exciting. This bustling heart of London is always a delight, with its street performers, artisan stalls and stylish boutiques.

I meandered through the market, where the air was thick with the sweet smell of freshly baked bread, tempting cheese samples and the delightful scent of exotic spices. My shopping spree started in a darling little boutique called "Pink Paradise," filled with delightful treasures, all in, you guessed it, pink! From cashmere sweaters and silk scarves to the cutest pair of ballet shoes (I had to have them!) – I spent a good deal of time, and, yes, a good amount of cash, finding unique gems in that lovely pink haven.

My London adventures didn't stop there. A delightful cup of afternoon tea with my bestie, a leisurely walk by the River Thames (don't worry, I kept my ballerina tutu under my trusty pink cape!) and a scrumptious dinner at an intimate Italian restaurant filled the rest of my day.

Back to the Heart of Derbyshire - A Day To Remember

As the clock ticked past midnight, I knew it was time to say goodbye to the captivating lights of London. Boarding the train, I settled in for a cozy journey back to my Derbyshire home. It’s always bittersweet, the departure from a whirlwind London escapade, but with the memory of that magic woven into my very being, the journey home wasn't quite the same.

Now, back to the everyday, but I promise I’ll keep those London vibes close to my heart, as I continue on my ballet journey. Until next time, dear readers, keep shining, and maybe, just maybe, add a little pink tutu magic into your world!

Stay fabulous! xx


Don't forget to visit my website for all the latest updates on my adventures in pink!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2010-09-03 Exploring London