Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2010-12-03 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: #744 - A Whirlwind Friday in the Big Smoke

Hello my darlings!

It's Friday, which means it's time for my weekly London blog! I'm back in the big smoke once again, my suitcase crammed with my favourite pink tutu (of course), a sparkly sequined dress for a special ballet performance, and a whole host of fabulous outfits for a day of exploring the capital's hidden gems.

This week, I caught the train down from my cosy little village in Derbyshire, my trusty ballet bag nestled by my side, overflowing with the essentials – my favourite pointe shoes, my pink feather boa (for added drama, of course), and a healthy supply of my secret weapon, pink glitter, because every girl needs a bit of sparkle in her life!

The train journey was pure magic. Watching the green rolling hills of Derbyshire morph into the bustling cityscape of London is always a visual feast, a journey that reminds me how much there is to discover just around the corner.

As I stepped off the train, I knew, with a certain undeniable certainty, that this Friday was going to be a whirlwind of fabulousness.

The Ballet Box:

As always, my Friday evening was booked for a performance at The Ballet Box, a cosy little studio tucked away in the heart of London, that reminds me of a fairytale setting, full of twinkling lights, the smell of fresh rosin, and the energy of a hundred graceful ballerinas, all ready to bring stories to life through the language of movement.

The performance tonight was an eclectic mix of contemporary ballet and classical masterpieces. I was captivated by the raw emotions that surged through the dancers’ bodies, from the raw vulnerability of a heartbroken ballerina in a minimalist dance piece, to the exhilarating precision of a seasoned ballerina as she glided across the stage in Swan Lake, a white tutu swirling around her like a dream. It truly reminded me of the magic and artistry that the human body can achieve.

Sparkling and Shopping:

After the ballet, my energy was positively effervescent! A lighthearted mood washed over me as I strolled through the vibrant streets of Covent Garden.

I was immediately drawn to a small boutique called 'Pink Feather,' its window displays overflowing with delightful frocks, fluffy boas, and yes, you guessed it, even the most glorious pink tutus imaginable!

Oh my, my love for this place is indescribable! Pink feathers, sequins, chiffon, silk - it's a kaleidoscope of delights! My fingers practically itched to touch the soft satin of a scarlet gown and a whimsical tutu, adorned with layers of delicate feathers.

I spent an embarrassing amount of time staring at my reflection in the mirror, completely enchanted by a gorgeous pink feather boa that tickled my nose with every swirl. After a great deal of internal debate (it was a fierce internal battle, I assure you!) I decided that, well, I absolutely had to buy it! My inner fashionista jumped for joy, while my practical side groaned at the price tag. But really, who can resist a good dose of feather boa-induced excitement? Certainly not me!

I felt a little more extravagant tonight, so I headed over to a little Parisian bistro I'd heard about for a bite of something delicious. My usual dinner – a generous helping of creamy lentil soup with a side of crusty bread (with plenty of extra pink peppercorns, obviously!) was just too boring for tonight. Instead, I opted for a decadent Parisian-style duck confit with creamy mashed potatoes, a delicious indulgence, and a perfect reward for a night of balletic wonders.

Pink Tutus For Every Occasion:

I may be slightly obsessed with pink tutus. Perhaps even slightly obsessed with wearing a pink tutu to as many events as possible, from casual lunch dates to ballet classes and, of course, even a walk through Hyde Park!

Some of you may think this sounds silly. You might even judge my style! However, my mission in life, as you know, is to encourage the world to embrace the glorious, whimsical spirit of the pink tutu. It's not about looking 'silly' it's about feeling empowered! It's about having the courage to be different, to celebrate life's simple pleasures, to embrace the beauty of movement, and most importantly, to feel joyous, just like I do whenever I'm wearing one!

Believe me, there’s no better feeling than catching a glimpse of myself in a reflection, twirling in a cloud of tulle, a symphony of pink and feathers a perfect backdrop for a joyful expression. The world is our stage, my darlings, and it’s a beautiful, chaotic, vibrant stage indeed!

Travel By Train: A Passion For Rails:

Travelling by train is more than just getting from point A to point B. It's an adventure, an experience, a moment of quiet reflection amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It’s a journey that evokes feelings of wanderlust, a sense of excitement for whatever destination awaits. I find myself truly appreciating the rolling landscapes whizzing by the windows, the chatter of fellow travelers, and the quiet contemplation of my own thoughts, uninterrupted by the constant pings and beeps of modern life.

This trip to London was even more special, as I took a ‘First Class' journey. The comfy armchairs with extra legroom, the complimentary wine and snacks, and the quiet luxurious atmosphere were all added perks that made my travel experience truly unforgettable.

I always tell my readers that the best journeys start with a heart filled with optimism and a bag packed with dreamy tutus.

Pink Tutu Dreams and Fashion Aspirations:

Now, where was I before this train of thought took over? Oh, yes, London's fashion scene! It's not all about posh boutiques and expensive designer gowns, although I confess to loving a good browse in Harrods, and occasionally a splurge on a showstopping piece that makes me feel like a Hollywood starlet!

It's also about the independent stores tucked away in hidden alleys, where you can find a unique piece of clothing or accessory that expresses your personality, your inner joy and zest for life! I've got a soft spot for a charming little shop called "Pink Parrot", just outside the Royal Opera House. It has a treasure trove of vintage accessories, brightly coloured hats and quirky handbags - the perfect place to find an eccentric piece that shouts "Pink Tutu Style"!

There's just something so empowering about creating your own individual look, about expressing yourself through your choice of clothing.

Whether it's a pair of shoes that twinkle with every step or a top that captures your favorite colour, let your style be a reflection of your personality.

Friday Night Fever:

Later that evening, the air was buzzing with excitement as I made my way to a show in the West End. I had heard that 'Grease', the musical was back, and with the cast studded with talented stars (including my personal favourite the fabulous Emma Stone) I simply couldn't miss it! The music was pure joy and energy. The choreography was simply spectacular (they even managed to include some elements of ballet) and the whole cast exuded a spirit of genuine fun and creativity. The story itself is classic - high school love, music, dance and of course lots of drama. For one evening, it was simply a case of turning back time and feeling the youthful excitement of teenage love!

As the lights came up and the final curtain fell I felt completely buzzed and ready for my trip home, feeling grateful for this extraordinary Friday in London, a perfect reminder that every day has the potential to be an adventure and every adventure has the potential to sparkle a little.

London's Call:

And that my darlings is my week in review. If you are thinking about taking a trip to London, let me tell you - go! You will love the city's energy and vibe, the historic sights and the sense of possibility that hangs in the air like a magical perfume!

London is calling you, dear readers.

So pack a tutu and a sparkly smile!

I'll be here next Friday with another London blog - come along for the ride!

Lots of love,


#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2010-12-03 Exploring London