Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2012-01-27 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! - Post #804

Friday, 27th January 2012

Hello darlings! Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood ballerina and chronicler of all things pink and twirly. This Friday finds me back in my favourite city, London! I’ve always loved the buzz of London, the vibrant streets, the amazing theatres, and most importantly, the shopping! 😉

As many of you know, I’ve been fundraising for this trip with a whirlwind of performances, all to indulge my inner shopaholic and London-lover. I was a bit worried about the journey, as it involved a train ride all the way from my beloved Derbyshire. Now, I know some people find trains a bit stuffy and boring, but I find them absolutely charming. I even brought a little notebook and my favourite pink pen to jot down some London-inspired tutu designs for my next creations (watch this space, dear readers!).

Anyway, let me take you through my jam-packed day!

A Touch of Vintage at Liberty

I couldn't start my London adventure without a little detour to Liberty, my go-to haven for all things vintage, floral, and utterly divine. You wouldn't believe the amazing fabric stash I unearthed! I practically gasped when I saw a swathe of dusty pink silk chiffon – it’s destined to be a tulle-licious masterpiece! Oh, and the lace, my dears! So much lace! I might be spending a good few hours at Liberty over the next few days.

A Spot of Tea and Scones at The Wolseley

No trip to London is complete without a spot of tea, and my heart belongs to The Wolseley. Picture this: plush red velvet chairs, marble tables, a sense of grandeur that whispers of old-world charm. They do a mean cream tea, and I’m happy to report that the scones were soft and buttery, the jam just the right amount of sweetness, and the clotted cream, well, you’ll just have to go and try it for yourself!

On Stage at The London Coliseum

The main reason I was in London this weekend was to see "The Nutcracker" at the English National Opera. I'd already seen this beautiful ballet at The Royal Opera House, but I couldn't resist a second viewing! The English National Opera is simply stunning – the grandeur of the auditorium, the opulence of the decorations, the sheer talent on stage. It made my ballerina heart soar! I can't even begin to explain the artistry of the dancers. And the costumes! Talk about a sea of tulle and sparkles. It made me yearn to be back in my pink tutu, but for now, I'll just have to be a spectator.

A Late Night of Laughter at the Royal Court Theatre

I couldn’t let my night end just like that. So, after The Nutcracker, I popped over to the Royal Court Theatre to see a little bit of "The Weir," a darkly funny Irish play with some very poignant themes. I can't recommend it enough. It reminded me that even in the most whimsical, pink-tutu-filled world, there is room for drama and contemplation. It’s about striking the perfect balance, wouldn’t you say?

A Slice of Parisian Flair

Oh, the delights of a French patisserie! I absolutely adore strolling down the streets of London and finding these little hidden gems of culinary delight. This evening, I popped into Paul, a classic French bakery that had the most mouth-watering displays of croissants, pastries, and baguettes. It’s not a very English affair, I know, but you can’t fault a French bakery’s deliciousness!

A Shopping Spree on Oxford Street

No day in London is complete without a shopping spree on Oxford Street! This is my absolute playground. It’s like a swirling kaleidoscope of colours, sounds, and scents. This time, I found a fantastic vintage shop with a hidden treasure trove of antique hats. Let me tell you, they're just screaming to be matched with a pink tutu! I couldn't resist buying a couple – one with a feathery pink boa and the other with a massive pearl brooch. So glamorous!

Evening Cocktails at The Savoy

There's no place better to enjoy a nightcap than the Savoy. It has the most exquisite, luxurious feel, with grand marble staircases and beautiful chandeliers. I indulged in a gin cocktail, a perfect way to end this exciting day!

Pink Tutu Thoughts

London has such a magic about it, and this Friday trip was no exception. The city felt alive with excitement, from the street performers to the bustling crowds. I absolutely loved everything about it – the grand architecture, the charming little shops, the world-class entertainment. And don't even get me started on the amazing food! Oh, and my new vintage hat, my new fabric finds, the delicious pastries… it’s definitely a day that will be etched in my memory.

However, what truly resonated with me on this London adventure was the vibrancy and the energy. I walked past so many people from so many different walks of life, with so many different styles, and that’s something I find deeply inspiring. And maybe, just maybe, they saw me twirling down the street in my pink tutu and felt a spark of joy and whimsy. That’s what my pink tutu is all about – bringing a touch of colour and magic to every day.

Now, darlings, I have so much more to tell you about London – from the delightful cafes and hidden squares to the best shopping destinations! Until then, I leave you with a little dose of pink-tutu inspiration. Why not wear your own pink tutu today? Embrace the unexpected, and never forget the power of a twirl!

Yours in tulle and glitter,


#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2012-01-27 Exploring London