Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2013-02-22 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London #860 - A Whirlwind Friday in the Capital! 🩰💖

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, your pink-tutu-clad blogger, back with another dazzling blog post!

This week, I’ve traded in my trusty Derbyshire countryside for the bustling energy of London town! I travelled down by train on Thursday, that soothing rhythm of the wheels on the tracks always puts me in a wonderfully dreamy mood.

I arrived in London with a big grin and a head full of excitement. This week's post is dedicated to the incredible adventure I had on Friday, exploring the capital like a pink tutu-clad tornado of wonder!

The morning kicked off with a delicious breakfast at a charming café in Paddington. A fluffy stack of pancakes drizzled with honey – perfect fuel for a day of dancing through London. The smell of freshly ground coffee and the warm, chatter-filled ambiance put a huge smile on my face.

A Spot of Culture at the Royal Opera House

Then, I headed for the grandest of grand opera houses: The Royal Opera House. This iconic building always gives me goosebumps. Today, I was going to experience something quite special - the world-famous Royal Ballet performing ‘Giselle’!

Stepping into the Opera House feels like entering another world. The beautiful architecture, the hush that falls over the audience as the lights dim, and the anticipation of the magic about to unfold... I just love it all!

Giselle is a tragic, yet hauntingly beautiful story, with some of the most exquisite ballet movements I have ever seen. The choreography was incredible; every plié, jeté, and pirouette seemed to whisper the emotional depth of the characters. And of course, I was awestruck by the costumes. The exquisite tutus worn by the dancers were absolutely breathtaking. I wish I could have swirled around the stage in one of those myself!

*After the performance, I couldn't resist indulging in a celebratory afternoon tea at the Langham Hotel. A steaming cup of Earl Grey, delicious scones, finger sandwiches, and, of course, plenty of clotted cream! A truly delightful experience. *

Ballet Fashion at Liberty London

With a full belly and a happy heart, I made my way to Liberty London, one of my favourite fashion havens. Stepping inside felt like entering a wonderland of colours, fabrics, and textures. The elegant architecture of this Victorian department store, the curated selection of brands, and the unique spirit of Liberty – I find it utterly inspiring.

My eyes were drawn to a stunning collection of pastel-coloured tutus from a brand I'd never seen before. I felt like a giddy schoolgirl, trying them on, swirling around in the changing rooms, feeling the soft tulle and delicate embroidery against my skin.

I confess, I even tried on a fabulous, vintage pink velvet dress – perfect for a swirly dance around London's grandest tea party. Though it did leave me wondering if a dress is ever as good as a tutu… perhaps that's a topic for another post!

The Theatre Calling

In the evening, I ventured back into the heart of London’s West End theatre district, drawn to the twinkling lights and the buzzing energy of Covent Garden. After a delightful dinner of pasta and a glass of chilled Italian wine (always good fuel for a dancer!), I headed to see the amazing play "A Streetcar Named Desire" at the Ambassadors Theatre.

This play has always fascinated me, and seeing it live was truly an emotional roller-coaster. The performances were utterly captivating, and I felt the raw energy and emotions radiating through the whole theatre. It was inspiring to see the power of the arts to draw you in and make you feel so deeply.

After the play, I wandered through Covent Garden Market, marvelling at the colourful flower stalls, delicious street food, and charming little boutiques. The vibrant atmosphere and the buzz of happy people felt contagious.

Back to the Hotel

My feet, though slightly tired after a full day of ballet, fashion, and theatre, were ready for one final spin in my tutu before I settled in for the night at my lovely hotel, a quaint little guesthouse with a welcoming fireplace.

The day, filled with culture, creativity, and a touch of magic, ended as perfectly as a final bow. It’s hard not to fall in love with London, isn’t it?

*My Friday in the capital was a truly fabulous adventure! It reminds me of why I love to travel, explore, and share my experiences. So much fun to be had in this incredible city! *

Stay tuned for next week’s post where I will be sharing the incredible **experiences I had on a delightful afternoon tea trip to a castle on Saturday. Keep it fabulous, my dears!

Do join me on my next pink-tutu adventure in the comments! What would be your perfect day in London? Tell me all about your favourite experiences and must-visit places in the capital!

I'd also love to hear about any fabulous ballet shows, theatre performances, or inspiring fashion discoveries you've been making recently.

You can follow all my latest adventures at, and join my Pink Tutu Army on Instagram @pinktutu! Let's share the joy of tutus, pink, and dancing our way through life together!

Until next Friday!

Emma 🩰💖

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2013-02-22 Exploring London