Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2013-04-26 Exploring London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon - Friday 2013-04-26 - London Calling!

Hello, darling readers! It’s Emma here, and welcome back to #PinkTutuBlogLondon! I hope this Friday finds you all well and twirling with joy. This week, I’m buzzing with excitement, because I’m writing to you from the heart of London itself! Yep, I took the train down from Derbyshire, a journey I always enjoy - there's just something about the rhythmic clatter of the train and the changing scenery that gets me in a whimsical mood. It feels like a scene from a ballet, all that passing greenery, the houses dotted across the landscape… I almost expected to see a dancer peeking out a window in a tutu, wouldn't that be divine?

This trip marks my 869th blog post for #PinkTutuBlogLondon and it’s dedicated to a day exploring this marvellous city. I packed my bag full of dreams, a little bit of glitter, and my lucky pink tutu (which, of course, is the perfect accessory for every occasion!) My heart always beats a little faster when I step onto the platform at Euston station. London’s just… different! It's bursting with a vibrant energy and excitement. Every corner holds a new adventure.

Shopping Spree at Covent Garden

So, what did I do first? What else, but shopping! Covent Garden is one of my favourite haunts for finding unique pieces, quirky treasures and, of course, tutus. It's a kaleidoscope of colours, scents and sounds. You could wander around for hours and never be bored. I fell head over heels for a brand new, blush pink tutu at a darling little boutique tucked away on a side street. It's made of the most exquisite tulle and it’s already starring in my mind for my next performance! I couldn't resist picking up a few new headbands and a vintage book of ballerina drawings too. I just adore the illustrations.

A Touch of History

Next up, I felt a hankering for history, so I found myself at the Tower of London. It's always so captivating to step back in time and imagine all the lives that have walked those very halls. There's just an aura of history hanging in the air, almost like you can feel the ghosts of the past whispering their stories. The Beefeaters are so funny too, with their tall hats and proud strides. I even managed to convince one of them to twirl for me - and to my surprise, he gave me the most magnificent pirouette! You know me, I had to film it and I'll be posting it on the #PinkTutuBlogLondon instagram page soon! It's a classic London moment for the photo album.

A Musical Delight - The West End

A day in London isn't complete without a performance, and luckily for me, it's also the West End! I caught the "Phantom of the Opera" at Her Majesty's Theatre. I always get lost in the drama and theatricality of this classic show. The costumes, the music, the spectacle! Absolutely mesmerising. Seeing Christine dazzle in that iconic white dress, her beautiful voice soaring across the theatre... just pure magic.

After the show, the buzzing city streets seemed to pulse even more vibrantly. There's a feeling of excitement that hangs in the air as everyone strolls home after the performance. It makes me wonder, what magical tales did they whisper over a coffee at a nearby café? The city feels so alive, with the sounds of laughter mingling with the clattering buses and late-night revelers.

A Bit of Ballet at the Royal Opera House

Evenings are always special in London and my night ended in the heart of the city's cultural scene - The Royal Opera House. I treat myself to a private ballet class after the theatre, a bit of self-indulgent heaven to round off my perfect day. This beautiful building with its majestic façade and intricate designs has always inspired me. It was like walking into a fairytale! There I met a group of dancers – so elegant and graceful – It felt like we were all sisters of the stage, sharing a secret passion. My instructor even let me show off a few of my signature moves, which was fun - even if my steps are slightly rusty after the travelling!

Reflections of London

You know, there’s nothing quite like wandering around a city in the twilight. All the bustling activity quiets down for the night, the lights twirl on, and the stars shine a little brighter. The River Thames gleamed under the cityscape like a silvery ribbon. The energy of London’s nightlife filled the air. You could feel its beat all around you, as if the very city itself was breathing.

And with that, another adventure in London comes to a close.

You see, darling readers, this is the magic of travelling. London is an intoxicating city, where dreams, history, culture and a dash of magic all collide. It always leaves me brimming with inspiration. I can’t wait to return and see what new treasures, stories and experiences await. I think I’ve fallen for London all over again, it’s truly enchanting, if a little overwhelming, and even the smallest things inspire me to go out and share this feeling of wonder and joy.

So, do you fancy a bit of #PinkTutuFun? I’m going to put together a little DIY tutu tutorial this week. Make sure you pop over to #PinkTutuBlogLondon for that – I'll be sharing it on Instagram, and the blog too. Maybe it will even inspire you to step out and explore a city of your own? You might just be surprised at what you discover! Until next week, happy twirling!

Emma, Signing off, London, England.

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2013-04-26 Exploring London