Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-02-07 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London #910: A Friday in Fairytale London 🩰💖

Hello my lovely lot! It's Emma here, and oh my goodness, London has truly stolen my heart this week! I'm back for another Friday post, and trust me, I've got enough London adventures to fill a whole tutued theatre! Let's get swirling…

The Train Journey

I'm a true train enthusiast – I love the rhythmic clatter, the winding scenery whizzing by, and that feeling of excitement that settles in your stomach when you know you're off to explore somewhere new. This time, I boarded a train from my charming Derbyshire hometown, excited about a whirlwind trip to the big city! It's amazing how travelling by train allows me to slip into my little world of daydreams.

This week, I felt the excitement bubbling over, as my heart knew it was a journey to the theatre-obsessed London. The seats were soft, and my fellow travellers, always such a colourful mix, smiled kindly at me when I couldn't resist twirling a little with my pink tutu swirling around me.

Stepping onto the London Stage

Reaching London is like opening the curtain on a whole new stage. It's like the bustling heart of the theatre world – every street, every landmark, even the tube station's announcement – feels like an exciting act unfolding.

This time, I was drawn to Covent Garden. Just walking around those beautiful cobbled streets is a joy. I practically pirouetted down every street, twirling and twirling as I admired the buskers, the flower stalls, and the beautiful Royal Opera House in all its glory.

The "Swan Lake" Inspiration

Today, I decided to see a matinee performance of "Swan Lake" at the English National Ballet at the beautiful Coliseum theatre. It was absolutely spectacular! The costumes were so ethereal, and the dancers were so graceful. I literally gasped out loud during the famous Act II, with the swan transformation and the swirling dance. Every movement just melted my heart. It was like being swept away into a fairytale – and yes, I was totally inspired to take a new spin on a ballet-themed outfit!

Post-Show Shopping Therapy

Of course, no visit to London is complete without some retail therapy, and this Friday's post-show adventure was absolutely thrilling! I swear, London has the most incredible boutiques in the world – and let's face it, who needs an excuse to buy pretty things? The pinkest shades of tutus, the most whimsical headbands, and all the latest ballerina-inspired shoes… my shopping bag overflowed, and my heart overflowed even more!

Dining Delight and Pink Power

As for dining, I took a stroll through one of the cutest little bakeries I've ever seen! You'd never guess it, tucked away down a quiet side street in Notting Hill. It's the sweetest little place, full of charming Parisian flair – you know, the kind with gingham tablecloths and delicate cakes. It's the perfect setting to sip on pink tea while indulging in macarons!

But my most adventurous moment came with my lunch - you guessed it – pink power! I found this absolutely brilliant cafe – it had to be fate - in Notting Hill that specialised in all things pink! The pinkest plates, the pinkest salads (I even found my favourite pink quinoa), the pinkest pastries. It was a true ode to the pink princess in all of us. And I knew this place deserved a full photoshoot for the blog - so here's my secret tip – keep your eyes peeled! It’s just off the Portobello Road.

A London Dream

Today was a fairytale day in a truly fairytale city. From that mesmerizing dance in "Swan Lake" to the pinkest bakery and everything in between – my London dream unfolded! London just pulls me in with its energy and magic. Every time I come, there's something new to explore and enjoy.

Friday in London - Just A Start

This post is just a tiny taste of my London adventure – I still have the rest of the weekend to explore, and you can bet I'm going to soak up every minute! From Covent Garden’s street performances, to the magical atmosphere of Notting Hill – I know there's going to be so much to see, discover, and blog about.

I’m looking forward to taking you on the journey with me every Friday. Join me on my Pink Tutu Adventures! I want to hear from you too – what’s on your list of things to do in London? Let’s share the London love!

Until next week, remember, even if you’re not wearing a pink tutu, never be afraid to twirl and make your dreams come true!


Keep twirling with love,


#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-02-07 Exploring London