
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-02-14 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: #911 ā€“ A Friday in the City, Darling!

Hello my lovelies! It's Emma here, back with you from my latest adventure, and this time it's London! I know, I know, such a clichƩ. rolls eyes in mock fashion But you guys, the Big Smoke always makes my heart sing.

It all started with a little train ride from my humble abode in Derbyshire, a trip I'd been looking forward to for weeks. Now, let's be honest, trains aren't exactly renowned for being the most glamorous mode of transport. But to me, they're like a little capsule of pure escapism. With a cup of tea, a good book, and of course, my trusty pink tutu (just gotta make sure to pack it carefully!), it's a little slice of paradise, even if it is a bit squished!

And arriving at Kings Cross Station...well, the magic just begins. That glorious, Victorian grandeur always sweeps me off my feet. It's a place where you feel like you've stepped back in time, and it just begs to be explored, with its cobbled streets and quirky hidden shops.

Speaking of hidden shops, one of the joys of being in London is discovering all those lovely, independent boutiques tucked away down the backstreets. Today I've been scouting out some seriously chic vintage pieces and picking up the perfect pair of fuchsia-hued flats to match my latest tulle dream (more on that later, darling!).

Oh, but where was I? Right, my day of London adventures! Well, this being a Friday and all, I just had to catch a ballet show. I'm a ballerina, remember? And Iā€™m quite lucky to have access to many fabulous venues here in London, from the Royal Opera House to smaller intimate spaces, each offering something magical and unique.

The Magic of Theatre

Tonight was something really special, at the wonderful Sadler's Wells Theatre, an amazing space steeped in theatrical history. The production, ā€œA Midsummer Night's Dreamā€, was beautifully done ā€“ an enchanting blend of classical choreography and modern flair. There was something for everyone, and I swear I could practically feel the audienceā€™s imaginations soar.

Afterwards, the feeling of being a part of something magical simply stays with you. As I hopped onto the Tube to head home (and a good nightā€™s sleep for all those tutus!), I felt that undeniable buzz that only a great night at the theatre can deliver.

But London isnā€™t all about ballet and glitz, although I must confess, it does excel in both those areas. What truly makes this city a treasure is its fascinating history and cultural richness. Today, I found myself exploring the vibrant streets of Notting Hill, known for its pastel-coloured houses and famous market. Not only did I snap some absolutely adorable photos (stay tuned for that Instagram update!), but I also managed to snag the most perfect floral head-band ā€“ a touch of whimsical loveliness for my ballet-inspired style!

And then, of course, thereā€™s the food. Londonā€™s culinary scene is an absolute symphony of deliciousness, and I couldnā€™t resist sampling some of the city's best delights. From a classic afternoon tea (the scones, oh my!) to the most mouth-watering Italian pasta in Little Italy, itā€™s clear this city has got taste buds covered. And letā€™s not forget the quintessential London breakfast: the Full English! My goodness, what a feast for the senses.

But honestly, darling, what makes my travels truly exceptional is connecting with others. This weekend, Iā€™ve been lucky enough to share some magical moments with fellow ballet lovers, fellow tutu enthusiasts (I always get a giggle out of that!) and fellow travel aficionados, all eager to discover Londonā€™s hidden gems. We even exchanged pink tutu-themed tips (you know I love a good exchange of pink tutu knowledge!), and I shared my top secret spots for picking up vintage dancewear and, of course, those always perfect pink tutus!

My Tutu Adventures and Tips for Visiting London

Of course, there are some golden nuggets of wisdom I must impart, to make sure your visit to London is every bit as special as mine:

  • Wear comfy shoes, and bring those comfy walking shoes! Seriously, London is a city you can lose yourself in. And thereā€™s nothing worse than having to stop your adventures because your feet are sore. So, flats or cute ballet shoes (I just LOVE ballet shoes, what can I say?) are a must-have.

  • Bring your Pink Tutu!! (Okay, this might seem a bit of a running joke, but I actually mean it!) Whether youā€™re heading out for a show, a fancy restaurant, or just exploring the city, I always find that my tutu brightens up the day (and the smiles I get from strangers are divine)!

  • Pack a portable charger for your phone! You wouldnā€™t believe the number of Insta-worthy moments in London! From the breathtaking views from the London Eye to the picturesque streets of Westminster, you'll want to capture every single one.

  • Invest in a good London Underground Map (or download a digital version). Trust me, getting lost in London can be fun, but only for a short time! Get your bearings sorted before venturing out, and make the most of your day!

  • Check out some theatre shows! This cityā€™s theatre scene is world-renowned, and you never know what gem you might stumble upon. Whether itā€™s Shakespeare in all his glory or a musical with a quirky twist, I always encourage exploring what's happening on stage.

  • Experience London by train! Yes, I am slightly biased, but seriously, traveling by train is one of the most delightful ways to absorb Londonā€™s unique atmosphere. You can gaze out at the changing landscapes and dream up all the adventures youā€™re going to have in the city!

Ending the Blog with a Twinkle

So, that was my fabulous Friday in London. A ballet show, fabulous shopping, some beautiful walks and the most amazing sights - and even better company!

To finish this little London love-letter, I'd love to know - have any of you been to London? And, what's your favourite thing about this fabulous city? Leave your thoughts and tips below, and don't forget to spread the Pink Tutu love. You know how much I love to see all those tutu-licious pics from you!

Until next time, my loves. Remember to dream big, wear that pink tutu, and never stop twirling!

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-02-14 Exploring London