
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-09-12 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: #941 - Friday Fun in the Big Smoke!

Greetings, my darling tutu-tastic readers!

Emma here, ready to share my Friday adventures in the fabulous city of London. This week, I traded in my Derbyshire countryside for a whirlwind train trip to the capital, all thanks to the joy of ballet! A few recent performances have happily funded my little pink-tutu escapade, and you bet I'm making the most of it.

A Tutu-ful Train Ride:

Oh, the thrill of a train journey! The clatter of wheels, the glimpse of passing landscapes, the quiet hum of anticipation. Itā€™s a magical way to travel. I canā€™t resist wearing a vibrant pink tutu for the occasion - it certainly adds a dash of sparkle to my carriage! As I settle in with a good book and a cuppa (tea, of course!), I feel a sense of calm settle over me, ready to embrace London's energetic charm.

London Calling:

The bustle of London station always thrills me! Stepping out onto the platform, I can already feel the city's pulse, its vibrancy and its history seeping into my very being. My tutu swirls a little with the wind, adding a dash of my signature pink to the monochrome scene. Time to take on the day!

A Morning in Covent Garden:

My first stop? Covent Garden! A treasure trove of delicious cafes, captivating street performers, and chic boutiques. I adore its artistic spirit, the sense of whimsy and creativity bubbling around each corner. Today, it was the vibrant music of a buskerā€™s banjo that stole my heart.

Then, of course, the shopping! Itā€™s hard to resist the allure of Covent Garden's chic shops. I found myself wandering in a few, looking for inspiration and a few little treats for myself (you know, a tutu-worthy outfit wouldn't be complete without the right accessories!). I was in awe of the beautiful lace-work of one stall, dreaming of the elegant floral pink tutu I might commission. Perhaps a bit pricey, but definitely something to dream about!

Royal Ballet Bliss:

This Friday, the Royal Opera House held a matinee performance of Romeo and Juliet, which is absolutely my favourite ballet. I can't resist seeing Romeo and Juliet every time itā€™s on! This performance, filled with emotion, passion, and heartbreak, really stole my breath away. There was something almost mystical about seeing the graceful bodies of the dancers telling this classic love story. My pink tutu danced along with the characters, as if my spirit was dancing with them!

After the performance, I decided to soak up the lively atmosphere around the Opera House, soaking up the sights, sounds, and sense of wonder that envelops London after a captivating show.

Street Magic:

Who doesnā€™t love a little street magic? On my walk towards the Tower Bridge, I was drawn to a magician's stall, his magic show drawing a crowd with his charm and witty tricks. It reminded me that sometimes the most magical experiences happen in the most unexpected places, like finding an enchanting little theatre right around the corner from the Shakespeareā€™s Globe theatre. I was fortunate to catch a showing of ā€œMacbethā€, a perfect little interlude between my day of adventure and the beautiful spectacle I was about to see in the Tower Bridge. The stage lighting of the little theatre really added to the dramatic tension of ā€œMacbethā€, and the show had the audience gasping and holding their breath. You donā€™t need a giant stadium to experience brilliant theatre ā€“ small and intimate is just as beautiful.

An Illuminated Icon:

Then came the moment Iā€™d been looking forward to! My walk towards the Tower Bridge, lit by the golden glow of the evening sun, was almost a dream. As I reached it, the tower stood illuminated in the fading light, a majestic giant guarding the city's heart. My pink tutu shimmered beneath the golden beams. It's moments like this when I feel most connected to the energy of this magnificent city, my spirit intertwined with its timeless grandeur.

A Fond Farewell:

Evening in London holds a special kind of magic. The city lights up, illuminating streets like sparkling threads. After an afternoon of breathtaking moments, itā€™s time to hop back onto the train. The soft clatter of the wheels, the familiar swaying rhythm, brings a sense of tranquility, I close my eyes, replaying the day's events like a beloved film in my mind. My pink tutu will remain a little souvenir of this adventure ā€“ Iā€™ll add a picture to my website this week!

Spread the Pink!

And remember, my darlings, pink is not just a colour ā€“ itā€™s a spirit! A spirit of joy, of creativity, of dreaming big! So, let your pink tutus shine! Maybe youā€™ll inspire someone else to do the same! Until next time!




#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2014-09-12 Exploring London