
Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2015-09-11 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! (Post #993)

Hello darlings!

Itā€™s Friday, which means it's time for a new post!

This week I'm back in London town, my absolute favourite place to be. I'm wearing my most dazzling pink tutu, of course, because you simply canā€™t go wrong with pink and twirling in the heart of London. Iā€™m in the mood to embrace everything about this vibrant city ā€“ the culture, the fashion, the street performers, and even the charming chaos!

As always, I'm here to inspire you to get your pink on and embrace life's joyful moments. Let's dance through the streets of London, shall we?

A Whirlwind Train Journey to London

I arrived in London by train, which, if you ask me, is one of the most charming ways to arrive. I always love watching the countryside drift by, especially in autumn. I was listening to a bit of Debussy on my headphones, it just really suits a train journey, doesnā€™t it? I mean, it just does, it really takes me to another place! The ballet moves just seem to flow into the musicā€¦ itā€™s the most amazing feeling.

I've got to be honest, I did sneak a peak at a few fashion magazines on the way too! The Autumn/Winter collections have just started appearing, and there are so many beautiful pieces with beautiful bold colours. But what is most important to me is what I think looks good. The colour must really speak to me. Itā€™s not about the latest fad, I donā€™t feel that I really fit into that box, you seeā€¦ itā€™s not about the latest fad - it's about what makes you feel amazing! So, a pink tutu just really does the trick! Itā€™s definitely an outfit statement, that's for sure! There is just something about the magic of a tutu! They always make me feel elegant and happy. I am actually in the process of getting another one made by a dressmaker in Derbyā€¦ it's going to be amazing, in a bold colour that I canā€™t quite share with you just yet - it's a little bit of a surprise!

Shopping Spree on Oxford Street!

Once I got to London, I headed straight to Oxford Street to go on a shopping spree. A quick bit of retail therapy is the perfect remedy for any pre-ballet performance jitters. This week Iā€™ve got a particularly busy week.

First, on Monday night Iā€™ll be performing a ballet street performance with some other ballerinas outside the theatre district to try and raise funds to cover all my train fare and to get that amazing tutu. We do need a lot of pink tutus. So do spread the word if you want to help with the fundraiser. The more, the merrier I always say! We have some great costumes that are going to be dazzling for this event. And itā€™s really hard to resist having some amazing clothes. I have the best collection.

We did spend the morning planning, it always works out well when we all have a voice, I like it to feel inclusive, thatā€™s how it should be with ballet, you see? Everyone should feel like they can have their say and have their space in our amazing community. And in the end, that's how you really get things done in London!

Anyway, back to Oxford Streetā€¦ I always head straight for the department stores, there are some great things out there to get. And donā€™t even get me started on the shoes, darling! I always come away with at least three pairs! I mean, we have to have options.

And todayā€™s outfit! Oh, you simply must see this fabulous new blush pink hat, I know you will just adore it. You could even go as far to say itā€™s a ā€œshow stopperā€! Well, I did get the hat as part of an amazing set of headbands, it is one of the things I look for when I go out and about ā€“ I think you must find an outfit where you really get that sparkle feeling and that wow factor. And what could be more fabulous than a blushing pink fluffy hat to complete an elegant outfit? So, in the evening when we do our performance Iā€™ll wear it with a black ballet skirt that will make the pink stand out. I did get another fabulous pink feather boa which looks so fab and very ballerina! Of course I can't forget my statement handbag. You really canā€™t go wrong with a good sized bagā€¦ you can take so much with you and you can even pack in a lovely spare pair of shoes in a bright colour. It will always stand out and you will look your very best. And so the search begins for that perfect outfit!

Afternoon Tea in a Tea Roomā€¦

After Oxford Street, I treated myself to a delightful afternoon tea. There are some truly beautiful tearooms in London! Itā€™s such an elegant tradition, wouldnā€™t you say? I think afternoon tea just really makes for a lovely afternoon treat and what is more beautiful than a perfectly dainty selection of sandwiches, delicate pastries, and a pot of piping hot teaā€¦ it's simply lovely! There is so much beauty in these beautiful tearooms, it is so well-preservedā€¦ they feel like little worlds that are set back in time. And it makes me feel all calm and chilled. I know, so clichĆ©, but it really does make me happy. The food, the ambience, everything!

Of course, I had to wear a lovely pink-themed hat. A little bird-themed straw hat was the perfect match for this occasion. I had so much fun sipping my tea and trying all the cakes and pastries. What an experience.

I had a bit of a chat to a lady with a fascinating hat and an incredible tutu which she has created. Sheā€™s going to a balletic themed tea party in Bath next week. I was just telling her that Bath is an absolute must-visit if you ever have the chance, itā€™s simply a beautiful city.

### Ballet Performance Tonight at the Coliseum!

After afternoon tea, I went back to the apartment to have a little rest, to take in the ambience, before this evening's show at the Coliseum! It's a world-class venue, which always gives me butterflies, you knowā€¦ just that little bit of excitement, the anticipation!

This eveningā€™s performance will definitely be one to remember - I will be in the audience watching an incredible performance. Tonightā€™s ballet will be a feast for the eyes, darling. It is such an honour to see so many talented artists coming together. This is the lifeblood of theatre and an essential experience. And you know me - always in my favorite tutu.

Friday Night Lights

This is really a perfect way to end the week. Just a little treat and an incredible performance that will last in my memory forever, especially in such an amazing building - The Coliseum, and I get to witness an incredible performance!

And now for the big question... what's next for my pink tutu and me? Well, tomorrow I am meeting up with some friends and we are having a bit of a pamper day, followed by a delicious roast, that is our ritual every weekendā€¦ it is the perfect weekend treat! So what are your plans, my dear readers?

And now my darlingsā€¦it is time to head off. This blog post is getting a bit longer than planned but thereā€™s so much to say!

Love to you all.

Emma xx

P.S. I hope you're feeling inspired to wear your own pink tutu. Donā€™t forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com! Iā€™ll see you next week. Donā€™t forget, itā€™s all about pink and happiness!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2015-09-11 Exploring London