Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2015-11-06 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #1001 - Friday 2015-11-06 - Tutu-ing Around Town!

Hello, darling dears! It’s Emma here, your resident pink tutu-wearing, ballet-loving blogger, back with another fabulous post from the bustling heart of London!

Today, as always, marks my weekly blog post for you, my fabulous tutu-loving fam, here at! I’m so thrilled you’ve all tuned in.

After a lovely journey from Derbyshire, where my ballet school is, by train this week, I arrived bright and early in London feeling fresh, and excited for a day filled with all things London: tutus, fashion, theatre, and of course, the sheer delight of exploring this magical city.

The train journey to London is one of my favourite things. There’s something so quintessentially British about sitting on the train with a cup of tea and watching the countryside whizz past. As I settle in and watch the world blur by, it feels like a portal to adventure.

But even more so, as a girl who truly believes that anything is possible with a pink tutu, the journey serves as a constant reminder that dreams, just like train journeys, can lead to magical and unexpected destinations!

The Royal Opera House - A Ballet Dream

And today's magical destination was none other than the Royal Opera House. Honestly, you guys, the sheer excitement was nearly unbearable! To stand beneath those glorious arches and inhale the air filled with the whisper of countless ballet performances, well, let’s just say my heart skipped a beat or ten!

After a quick stop for a pink-hued smoothie and a couple of sparkly donuts from a cafe right on Covent Garden, my inner ballerina was ready to be enchanted. And let me tell you, I was absolutely transported by the exquisite artistry of "Giselle." The delicate dance moves, the powerful emotions expressed through every gesture, and the vibrant costumes… my tutu-wearing heart nearly burst with joy!

Side Note: I must tell you about the most exquisite hat I saw on my way to the Royal Opera House. A glorious shade of baby pink, trimmed with a feather plume that seemed to dance in the wind. Honestly, it could have been part of a costume itself, and it just had to be shared with you, my fellow tutu aficionados!

Oh! I almost forgot, today, November 6th, marks a particularly exciting day in London, folks! It's Guy Fawkes Night, and London's about to explode with bonfires, fireworks and that lovely bonfire toffee. Talk about a spark-tastic occasion, wouldn’t you say?! The air was positively crackling with anticipation and excitement. Maybe it's just me, but a touch of magic and wonder comes to London at this time of year. It really does feel as if you could take flight on a firework trail and soar amongst the stars, or perhaps even take a twirl with the fairies in the moonlight. It's a very tutu-fied feeling!

Back to the ballet...

While I was utterly enchanted, "Giselle" also brought a surge of inspiration for my upcoming performances. I was especially captivated by the beautiful costumes. They had such an effortless flow, a delicate ethereal quality that was almost dream-like. Just the kind of ethereal charm my tutu is longing for. Now I just need to find that perfect London tailor to help me create my next tutu-tastic masterpiece. It’s a work in progress, but that’s half the fun!

But remember, darling dears: the real beauty of the ballet lies within each of us, within the courage to twirl, to soar, and to express ourselves. Let's celebrate that shared love, every step, every twirl, every magical movement!

Shopping Spree: London Fashion is Calling

Every visit to London just isn't complete without a little bit of shopping. London is quite frankly a wonderland for the fashionably minded. You just never know what treasures you'll find. From independent boutiques in charming alleyways, to department stores as big as palaces, there's a style and a price point for every tutu-tastic vision.

After the ballet, my fashion fairy whispered, "London Calling!" And so I found myself dipping my toes in the sparkling pond of Oxford Street. Oh, the window displays! You can just feel the energy pulsing off them, each one a little vignette of pure London-inspired chic.

This trip was a little different for me. Instead of just grabbing all the sparkly tutus I could find, I decided to hunt for inspiration. I browsed the boutiques with an eye for interesting shapes, unique cuts, and of course, a touch of pink, but the kind of pink that whispers elegance and grace, not screams for attention. It was fascinating! Maybe that’s just how this whole London magic works - a little bit of inspiration from the city’s charm and sophistication, and a sprinkle of my own personal style. I do hope you’ll agree, I came home with some pretty amazing finds!

And you, dear tutu fans, what are you craving for your wardrobe? Share your London fashion finds in the comments! Let's create a community of style and spark joy together!

Tea, Crumpets & Tutu Dreams:

Evening time in London. I took a seat by the window of a cosy tea room and just enjoyed the feeling of being in this city. London’s a great blend of traditional and trendy. A world of sophistication mixed with a dash of playfulness - the perfect fit for any pink-loving ballerina, wouldn’t you say?

The warmth of the tea, the fluffy crunch of crumpets, the gentle chatter around me - I truly believe those little moments, those stolen bites of happiness, are the building blocks of an enchanted life!

And speaking of enchanted, this city inspires a hundred daydreams, doesn’t it? It inspires a hundred tutu dreams. Today, London had me dreaming of dancing in Hyde Park as the sun sets, swirling around the pond as the swans gather, a giant, luminous tutu reflecting the colours of the London sky, an echo of the ballet’s elegance mixed with a little touch of pixie dust magic. Oh, if only I could twirl forever, and you could watch from the sidelines. Now that's the real dream, don't you think?

Tutu-tude is Key!

I know, dear readers, it’s just another week for most, but it’s a full circle for me! The week in London has once again filled me with energy, inspiration and memories I'll treasure. But even more importantly, it has renewed my faith in the power of the pink tutu!

Now, this may seem a little quirky to you, but my dearest tutu fam, know this: with every step I take, every twirl I make, my pink tutu reaches more people and helps to spread the joy of ballet and self-expression. It inspires, encourages, and shows the world that anything is possible, even dancing on the streets of London in a pink tutu! And don't forget, with a sprinkle of courage and a healthy dose of tutu-tude, we can achieve anything, so don’t be shy - put on that tutu, spin, twirl, and celebrate life in every step!

Until next week, keep twirling!



(XOXO, from your resident pink tutu-loving blogger in London)

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2015-11-06 Exploring London