Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2015-11-20 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: #1003 - A Whirlwind Friday in the Capital!

Hello my lovelies! It’s Emma here, and what a whirlwind of a Friday it’s been! As you know, London calls to me like a siren song. My love affair with the capital is an ongoing affair, each visit filled with new discoveries and delightful surprises. And this trip was no exception!

Today was all about a classic Pink Tutu Blog London adventure – think train travel, shopping sprees, a magical ballet performance, and enough twirling to make a ballerina dizzy (and believe me, I was!). But before I spill all the details, let's pour ourselves a cup of tea and settle in, shall we?

A Train Journey Filled With Twirling Dreams

I hopped on the train from my Derbyshire haven this morning, feeling like a ballerina in her prime, all ready to conquer the city. This is, without a doubt, my favourite way to travel - the rhythmic clatter of the wheels, the ever-changing scenery whizzing by, and the space to contemplate my grand London plans. Of course, a touch of Pink Tutu flair was essential: a bright pink cardigan, a delicate ballet-inspired necklace, and - my faithful companion - a beautiful, blush-hued tutu tucked securely in my bag, just waiting for its big London debut.

First Stop - Fashion Heaven

Arriving at King's Cross Station, I could practically feel the energy of the city coursing through me. First stop: Oxford Street! Oh, the joy of strolling through these streets, my senses buzzing with all the amazing shops and window displays. This was a day for dreaming, for trying on fabulous garments and imagining the countless ways I could bring them to life with a Pink Tutu touch. I walked out with a couple of beautiful pink dresses, a silk scarf, and a few other delightful trinkets – after all, every Pink Tutu ballerina needs to look her best!

The Magic of the Ballet

I had been anticipating this ballet for weeks – “The Nutcracker” at the Royal Opera House, one of my all-time favourites! The whole evening was pure magic - the costumes, the music, the incredible artistry, the stories they told. I can’t even tell you how much I was inspired! My feet practically danced on the ground the entire time, and by the end, I was twirling along with the sugarplum fairies!

Post-Show Celebration - A Culinary Dream

After the ballet, I had booked a table at this amazing little French bistro I'd discovered online. The atmosphere was just as lovely as the food – we’re talking candles, soft music, and conversation that flowed as smoothly as the wine. I savoured every bite, my heart full with the magic of the day. I love London, I love its endless array of culinary delights. It’s truly a city that caters to every palate, every desire!

Pink Tutu Power - A Message for the World

You know me, my lovelies. I can’t let an adventure go by without spreading a bit of Pink Tutu power!

To every single one of you reading this - wear a pink tutu! Yes, you read that right! Wear a pink tutu, feel the joy it brings, the confidence it imbues. It’s a statement, a symbol of pure joy and individuality. It's a reminder that we should all embrace our inner ballerina, our inner love of life, our own unique style.

Remember - the world is your stage! So step out, twirl with confidence, and live life with the vibrant energy of a pink tutu. And please, share your pink tutu adventures with me on! I love hearing your stories!

Now, time to catch my train back to Derbyshire, head filled with memories, and my heart brimming with pink tutu inspiration. Until next Friday!

Love and Twirls,


#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2015-11-20 Exploring London