Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2016-01-08 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog: London Calling! #1010

Hello my darlings! It’s Friday, which means it's time for another fabulous blog post! Today I'm whisking you all away with me on a day trip to London town, all dressed up in my favourite pink tutu of course!

You know me, I love to travel by train. It’s the most magical way to see the countryside, and it allows me time to really get into the mood for my adventures. This time, I left my little village in Derbyshire bright and early, a spring in my step and a very sparkly pink tutu twirling around my knees. It was the perfect outfit for a day of exploring the city and catching a show, wouldn't you agree?

Speaking of sparkly, I just have to share with you my new ballet shoes! They're from the most fabulous shop in town, and they have a touch of shimmer that practically glows. I'm wearing them in the pictures you'll see later. They're already my lucky shoes - you see, they were the ones I wore during my phenomenal performance last night. The entire audience was on their feet, applauding and cheering. Oh, you know I'll be adding photos from that to the next blog post, of course!

But, back to my London escapades. The journey itself is half the fun. I spent the time on the train looking out of the window, dreaming of the exciting things to come. And wouldn’t you know it, a kind, handsome fellow passenger smiled at my pink tutu. It’s amazing what a little bit of colour can do for your day!

Pink Power in London!

London, London, London! How I love you! Arriving in Paddington Station is always exciting, so much life, energy, and possibility - it truly takes your breath away. I took a deep breath and let it all in - the hustle and bustle of the crowds, the aroma of street food and coffee shops, the iconic red double decker buses rumbling past.

Then, of course, the most important task was to find the nearest coffee shop to fuel up for a day of pink-tastic fun! London's cafes are perfect for watching the world go by. You can see every walk of life strolling past - dapper men in suits, stylish women with their designer handbags, young couples enjoying the weekend, and families making their way to the various museums and attractions.

Today, though, I wasn't heading for any museum! No, today was all about seeing a ballet show and taking a tour of the shops! A fabulous ballet performance called 'Cinderella' at the wonderful Royal Opera House, followed by a little indulgent retail therapy - there's nothing like a good shopping spree after a magical show! There was, naturally, no shortage of sparkly outfits on display. The window displays of those gorgeous boutiques on Bond Street really did capture my eye! And, let's just say my credit card had a pretty busy afternoon. I can't wait to tell you all about the new goodies I found in the next blog post!

Speaking of credit cards… If you haven't realised yet, my trips to London and beyond are completely self-funded. I make sure to save the pennies from every performance to make these dream trips happen. A bit like how the lovely Cinderella herself had to use her magic slippers to travel to the ball… only in my case, I use ballet! You see, it’s all about using your passions to fuel your adventures!

Royal Ballet dreams at the Royal Opera House!

Tonight, though, I felt like Cinderella at the ball! Seeing a performance of 'Cinderella' was beyond incredible! The dancers were absolutely divine and the costumes were a sight to behold, especially the little fairy godmother, dressed in a sparkling ball gown and delicate fairy wings. You could have heard a pin drop during the quiet moments of the performance and then the whole audience burst into applause after every scene! I loved it so much I’ve bought tickets to go again with a group of friends – a night out filled with glamour, tutus and the most beautiful ballet, what more could I ask for?!

It truly inspires me! You know, I’m pretty sure my ballerina journey is only just beginning. Seeing these graceful ballerinas in such a breathtaking performance made my own inner ballerina twirl with delight! And the whole evening has reignited a spark in me that's driving me to find the best tutus and practise, practise, practise! The dream of joining a company and sharing that joy with everyone through performances is becoming more vivid and vibrant every day.

Oh, and before I forget… Remember I promised to share some tips to help you bring your dreams to life too. So here’s a magical piece of advice – don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do. Dream big, dare to follow your heart, and you’ll achieve amazing things! After all, that’s what my pink tutu is about.

Pink is not a colour… It's a lifestyle!

Just like today! I've had such a wonderfully exciting day exploring this incredible city. A reminder, of course, to all of you lovely readers, to dream big! The journey might not always be easy, but I truly believe with passion, hard work, and a little pink sparkle, everything is possible!

Now, off I go to get back to my London adventure. This blog has gone on for long enough, hasn't it! And I have to get ready for dinner! But before you go, tell me what you’re up to this weekend! Do let me know. Leave your comments below, or tag me on Instagram at @PinkTutuEmma! You know where I’ll be. I can’t wait to see your fabulous Friday stories. And of course, wear that tutu with pride – you look fabulous in it!

Catch you all next Friday, and have a beautiful weekend!

Lots of love and sparkles,

Emma xxx

P.S Don’t forget to visit our website! It's full of fabulous pink-tastic fashion and travel tips, plus plenty of inspiration to unleash the inner ballerina in you!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2016-01-08 Exploring London