Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2020-01-24 Exploring London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon: A Pink-tastic Friday in the Big Smoke! (Post #1221)

Hey there, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-clad blogger, Emma, back with another dazzling installment from #PinkTutuBlogLondon! This week, I've traded the rolling hills of Derbyshire for the hustle and bustle of the big smoke, London! It's always a thrill for me, hopping aboard the train and leaving the green pastures behind, for a weekend of city chic and cultural delights. This week, I'm especially excited as I've got a special line up of treats in store. A spot of ballet, of course, some delightful shopping for my ever-expanding pink tutu collection, and maybe even a theatrical performance - all topped off with a whole lot of London glamour!

So buckle up your ballerina slippers and let's dive right into my pink-tastic London adventure!

A Train-tastic Journey:

As usual, my journey to London was an absolute joy! There’s just something magical about settling into a train carriage, feeling the smooth glide along the tracks, and watching the landscape transform into a blur of green fields and bustling towns. It’s a fantastic opportunity to soak in the sights and sounds, even indulge in a spot of light reading, and maybe a cheeky nibble from the on-board café (I do love a good cream tea, you know). My little pink tutu, nestled neatly beside me, even had its own comfy window seat for the trip, and let me tell you, the excitement in the air was almost tangible.

London Calling!: The Big Ballet Buzz

As I hopped off the train and onto the bustling London platform, a sense of thrill and excitement filled the air! This city, a symphony of energy and possibilities, never fails to electrify me. It's just brimming with life, from the constant buzz of conversation to the steady hum of the tube carriages.

My first port of call, as any self-respecting pink tutu devotee would have it, was the iconic Sadler's Wells Theatre. Now, this is where the real magic happens! I just adore this venue for its warm, intimate atmosphere, perfect for experiencing the sheer beauty and athleticism of ballet up close. This week, they were presenting "Swan Lake," one of my absolute favourite ballets, a classic story told through intricate steps and poignant music. It's always a breathtaking journey to watch the transformation from the pure grace of the white swan to the dramatic, almost hypnotic energy of the black swan. I could barely contain my glee as I gasped, giggled, and even shed a tear or two, along with the rest of the captivated audience. The dance performances were captivating, and the dazzling costumes - well, they left me completely spellbound! What a treat it was to lose myself in this world of fantasy and artistry, right here in the heart of London.

Shopping for Pink Perfection:

No trip to London is complete without a shopping spree! And as you can probably guess, my pink tutu collection was in dire need of an update! Now, I must tell you, there’s just something so electrifying about being in London and knowing that you’re a mere step away from an endless array of fashion gems. I always love getting lost in the boutiques, exploring the nooks and crannies of hidden vintage stores, and browsing the racks of high street shops. Today, I embarked on a mission for pink-tastic discoveries!

I headed to the colourful streets of Covent Garden. Oh, the wonder! From quirky, independent shops overflowing with unique pieces to grand department stores brimming with designer names, there was a little something for everyone, including my pink tutu loving self.

Let's just say my afternoon was spent with a pink-tinted view of the world! A beautiful satin tutu with delicate sequins, shimmering in pale rose pink, a vibrant fuchsia blouse with intricate embroidery - each purchase was an adventure in pink perfection. Even a dainty rose gold bracelet, gleaming with the promise of a stylish ballet look! I can't wait to add all these new beauties to my collection. They'll certainly be the perfect accessory to my next big performance, don't you think?

Street Art and Theatrical Magic:

After a fabulous shopping trip, my Pink Tutu energy was soaring! But the day wasn’t over yet. London, a city teeming with life, promised much more for my pink-tastic explorations. So, we continued our London adventure by taking a scenic stroll along the South Bank. The London Eye, Tower Bridge, and the National Theatre all came into view as we ambled past vibrant street art. It was incredible seeing such colourful, expressive art displayed on brick walls and public spaces. There was a whimsical sense of creativity bursting through every corner. I’m planning a day to sketch my favourites.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the cityscape, it was time for an enchanting theatrical experience. I snagged a last-minute ticket to a captivating play about the life of a renowned ballerina, aptly titled, "The Dancing Soul." I don’t want to spoil the plot for you, darling, but it’s a real tearjerker! It explored the highs and lows of the world of dance with a beauty and a raw emotional honesty that I found absolutely riveting. I had a little dabble with the local culture, indulging in a comforting cuppa, (as one does), while taking in the sights of the lively streets, people watching, absorbing the magic of the moment.

A Pink Tutu Farewell to London:

Now, my dear readers, I must confess, it's hard to bid farewell to the dazzling world of London! But my Pink Tutu journey has to end sometime. Tomorrow I’ll hop on that train back to Derbyshire. It’s time to return to my tranquil countryside life, but don’t worry, my pink tutu is ready to take on whatever creative adventures I’ve planned.

But remember this, darlings, every adventure starts with a single step! And if I’ve learned anything today, it’s to follow your dreams with passion and enthusiasm, and perhaps, to unleash your inner ballerina – a little pink tutu goes a long way!

As I leave London behind, a few final reflections, on what makes this city such a magic magnet for me:

  • A City that's a Ballet Lover's Dream: With renowned venues like Sadler's Wells, the Royal Opera House, and so many others, London truly embodies a rich cultural legacy that delights and inspires dance lovers from around the world. It's always a feast for the senses.

  • Shopping Spree Nirvana: There is just something electrifying about shopping in London! The energy is buzzing and the array of clothing shops is endless. Whether you're seeking out statement pieces or vintage treasures, the city has it all. My Pink Tutu heart is always on the lookout for stylish finds that make me feel my absolute best.

  • An Explosion of Art: London is simply bursting with art and creativity! From the awe-inspiring collections of the National Gallery to street art, contemporary galleries, and everything in between, there’s always something to spark the imagination and ignite the senses.

Until next time, darlings, stay inspired and stay chic! Remember, every day is a chance to spread a little pink tutu magic!

To find out more about Emma and her adventures you can follow her on:



We hope to see you next Friday! Stay pink-tastic, darlings!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2020-01-24 Exploring London