Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2020-01-31 Exploring London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon: A Tutu-ful Friday in the Big Smoke! (Post #1222)

Hello my gorgeous darlings! It's Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-clad blogger, back with another weekly dose of London loveliness!

This week I swapped my usual Derbyshire countryside charm for the vibrant pulse of London, taking a lovely train journey that filled me with excitement like a ballerina about to pirouette onto the stage. I absolutely adore the hustle and bustle of a big city, the buzz, the energy, the infinite possibilities. There’s just something special about London that fills me with a deep sense of inspiration, don’t you think?

Speaking of inspiration, my London adventures are entirely funded by my ballet performances! From tutus to train tickets, my pirouettes are paying the bills. Every dance is a step closer to fulfilling my lifelong dream: inspiring everyone to don a pink tutu! Why pink? Well, darling, it's simply the colour of joy, creativity, and pure, unadulterated girly bliss!

This week's Friday blog is dedicated to all things fashion, ballet, and fun, and let's be honest, you can't have one without the other! I've got all the London deets to share, from the dazzling stage shows I saw to the divine shopping discoveries I made.

A Train Ride & A Tutu Time Tale:

Let's rewind a little. My journey started with a journey on a charmingly quaint, red-and-white train from Derbyshire to London. As the scenery shifted from rolling green hills to bustling towns, I donned my favourite ballet bag (oh, it's got more pockets than you can shake a tutu at) and planned my itinerary for the day.

Upon arriving in the capital, my first order of business? A tutu check-in at the world-famous Selfridges. Honestly, I need to be very careful in there! They have a splendid shoe department, the perfect spot for shoe-tastic additions to my dance wardrobe! My favourite thing about London shops? The service is fantastic! I was treated to a lovely cup of tea and a generous helping of sweet treats whilst browsing the divine new collections. I have to say, Selfridges definitely makes a tutu-wearing ballerina feel like a princess.

Tip from Tutu Emma: Take a day trip from Derbyshire. The scenery on the train to London is spectacular! Don’t forget to pack a bag big enough to bring back all your London shopping goodies!

A Theatrical Treat: A Ballerina’s Dream Come True!

After a whirlwind of shopping, I set off for the magnificent Dominion Theatre in London's West End. This iconic venue is truly special!

And the reason I was there? The Nutcracker. It's a ballet that takes me back to my childhood dreams of twirling across the stage, of being the Sugar Plum Fairy in a sparkling tutu. Watching it was an absolute joy. I was mesmerized by the artistry and grace of the dancers. It reminded me that no matter what life throws your way, always chase those magical dreams.

My tip? Book your tickets online and take a walk around the area. The Dominion is tucked away on Tottenham Court Road, an iconic London street filled with shops and theatres. Just breathe it all in. It's truly a special feeling to be surrounded by the magic of live performance.

Street Performance Style: Ballet’s Charm Meets London’s Pulse:

My heart is always racing when I’m in London. And it wasn't just from the bustling crowds, I had a big treat lined up: a ballet street performance in Covent Garden!

The Royal Opera House, is a must-see for any ballerina, or simply anyone with a soul. I'm such a massive fan, and watching talented performers dancing their hearts out in such a captivating setting, was truly inspiring! It was the perfect way to blend London’s urban pulse with ballet’s classic grace.

Tip from Tutu Emma: **Don't forget your camera! Capture those moments of brilliance and creativity on the streets of London, whether you see buskers, street performers or maybe a spontaneous flash mob!

The Food for the Soul: Afternoon Tea in the Heart of London

No trip to London is complete without an indulgent afternoon tea. It's simply tradition, and it allows you to really savor the quintessential London experience!

So, I popped on my favourite pink dress (because let's be real, my tutu can’t go everywhere), grabbed a table at one of the many divine tea rooms, and allowed the magic of tea and delicious treats to take over. It's simply a sensory delight!

My favourite thing? It was the perfect time to indulge in one of London's most delicious culinary experiences!

Tip from Tutu Emma: Always try the scones! London's traditional afternoon teas always include these buttery, soft treats, and they're divine with a generous amount of clotted cream. Yum!**

Shopping Splendour: A Tutu Wardrobe in the Making!

You'll be shocked to hear it, but a visit to London always inspires a bit of retail therapy for this ballerina! From vintage finds in the iconic Portobello Road Market to trendy boutiques, there's something for everyone!

However, my true treasure hunt took me to Harrods! It's a truly lavish experience! I adore the grand halls, the stunning displays of luxury, and the sheer overflow of amazing designers!

Harrods is more than just shopping, darling, it's an event! A haven for all things stylish!

Tip from Tutu Emma: Explore! Don’t be afraid to wander off the beaten path, because you never know what gems you might find. London’s side streets are full of treasures and vintage boutiques just waiting to be discovered.

London’s Nighttime Magic:

I spent the evening exploring London's glittering nightlife. It was fantastic.

After taking a twirl through Hyde Park to work off my afternoon tea, I treated myself to a stunning dinner with the divine food and company. My dinner spot was an absolute treasure. I've promised to keep it hush-hush, but let's just say it had an extraordinary atmosphere. It's a hidden gem that most Londoners even seem to miss, and let me tell you, the atmosphere was divine!

Tip from Tutu Emma: Go on an adventure and discover your own hidden gems! Ask local Londoners for recommendations. These hidden restaurants are where the real character of the city comes to life.**

A Day of Magic, Tutu & Fun in London:

As the city lights began to twirl into a mesmerizing dance of neon and soft glow, it was time to bid adieu to this captivating day in London.

Walking back to my train, I couldn't help but smile at the magical day. My pink tutu has a way of turning everything into a grand adventure. London is a place of constant inspiration for my love of dance, fashion, and fun! It fills my heart with the joie de vivre I need to keep those toes tapping!

See you next week for more adventures from yours truly, your London-loving ballerina!

Until then, dance like nobody's watching (but they probably will with your pink tutu on!)!


#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2020-01-31 Exploring London