Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2021-03-26 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: Post #1282 - A Pink-tastic Friday in the Big Smoke!

Hello my darling tutu-wearers! Emma here, back with another Pink Tutu Blog London, fresh from a whirlwind day in the Big Smoke! It's Friday 26th March 2021, and let me tell you, London never fails to sparkle!

As always, I embarked on my London adventure with a train journey from my lovely Derbyshire home. I love that train ride; the rolling hills give way to bustling stations, and suddenly I'm immersed in that delicious London atmosphere. I'm a creature of habit, so I always have my trusty pink tutu, a light cardigan (London weather, eh?), and a big smile. After all, who wouldn't be smiling when they're on a Pink Tutu adventure?

This week, my pink tutu led me to Covent Garden! I had to see the Royal Ballet’s The Winter’s Tale, which is Shakespeare meets ballet, a beautiful mix of love, betrayal, and forgiveness. The performance was truly magical. The dancers were stunning, the costumes were absolutely divine (my eyes just feasted!), and the choreography - well, it took my breath away.

Afterwards, a little self-indulgence was in order, wasn’t it? I adore London’s street performers, they’re just brilliant! But a few minutes of dancing feet tapping my way through Covent Garden, and I had to check out the shops. London’s a shopper’s paradise! The vibrant energy and unique finds in the quirky little shops - it's a dancer's dream!

And then, I did something slightly crazy - I walked to Oxford Street! It's always an experience! There are so many clothes shops on Oxford Street; it felt like my bank account could hardly handle the sight! It's the place where fashion truly comes alive, with window displays like theatrical sets. I know it's tempting, but let's all remember it's good to treat ourselves now and again, even if it's just a browse.

Speaking of treats, the day wouldn’t be complete without a proper London experience: afternoon tea. My go-to place in London for this has got to be The Ritz - I mean, what’s more chic? My favorite is their special pink champagne tea, which includes delicious, delicately-cut sandwiches, delectable scones (which of course I have to devour with lots of clotted cream and strawberry jam), and an assortment of scrumptious miniature cakes and pastries, all presented on a beautifully tiered stand. And I swear I felt like royalty as the waiters kept my cup filled with the finest tea! It's truly an experience to be enjoyed slowly, savouring each mouthful!

After tea, I made my way back to the station, feeling a little tired from a busy day exploring London. A little piece of me always wishes I could just stay a few days longer! I had the most amazing time today and I'm so thankful for this beautiful city. It truly makes every week feel like an adventure, especially when you're rocking a pink tutu!

A little reminder to my dear readers: Remember, your journey with your pink tutu is just starting! It's never too late to embrace the fun, the freedom, the excitement, the confidence that comes with wearing a pink tutu. Every time you step out in your pink tutu, you're sharing your own special kind of joy! It’s time to break down those boundaries, push aside those doubts, and just go for it.

So what’s next? Join me for another fun-filled adventure next Friday! And if you want more of my adventures, you can follow me on my website, Until next week, stay vibrant, stay cheerful, stay sparkly… and always remember: Life is too short to not wear a pink tutu!

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2021-03-26 Exploring London