Pink Tutu Blog London

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2022-12-09 Exploring London

Pink Tutu Blog London: #1371

Friday, 2022-12-09

Oh, London! It's like a beautiful, bustling ballerina twirling in a sea of vibrant life! This week, I'm channeling my inner sugar plum fairy, exploring London with a spring in my step, thanks to a delicious dose of pink-tinted excitement. My latest adventures will find their home here on the Pink Tutu Blog London for you to relish! 💖

I packed my pinkest tutu – it just had to be the "Pretty in Pink" one, shimmering like a million tiny disco balls, naturally. It's going to make a fabulous entrance onto London's stage today, believe me! I also made sure to pack my trusty pink ballet bag – you never know when inspiration for a twirl might strike. London is just a giant ballet class in disguise, after all!

The journey to London was a blast! Aboard the train, I had the most adorable adventure. It started with a lovely young lady with eyes as big as the theatre curtains – she saw my tutu! Then, the most brilliant thing happened – a group of girls with faces lit up like Christmas lights came up to me! They all wanted photos, and even their mums and dads were excited! My little pink tutu started a chain reaction of joy! Turns out, you can start a fashion revolution in a railway carriage – who knew?

I feel my tutu has given me this special power…a kind of magical "Make The World Pink" charm, I call it! My ultimate dream is to get everyone to twirl in a pink tutu…even if just once. The joy it brings, it's infectious! Imagine a city like London… pink, fabulous, and twirling in harmony! What a vision! 🩰

A Day in London Town

And what a day! Arriving in London with the sunshine warming my pink tutu and the scent of freshly brewed coffee filling the air, I had this exhilarating feeling. The possibilities felt limitless.

First, it had to be tea! My ultimate comfort is a cup of strong Earl Grey, best enjoyed in a whimsical little tea shop. And this place was perfection! Imagine a quaint cafe nestled into a corner of Covent Garden, filled with flowers, butterflies, and pink accents (of course). It was an oasis of pink tranquility in the midst of London's vibrancy.

The most charming thing about it was that the barista wore a little pink bow. "It’s just so delightful, it makes you smile even before you even sip your tea," I mused out loud.

She chuckled, her smile mirroring my own, "Pink tutus? They're my favourite, darling! Always remind me of my grandmother and all those gorgeous, graceful ballet shows we used to see. Just like the ones you do, darling!"

She then went on to describe her childhood ballet memories. She had studied ballet until her teenage years, telling me of the thrill of opening night and the magical feeling she felt standing on the stage in front of the curtain, all dressed up in her ballet attire. We discussed everything from tutu etiquette (fluffy vs. flat) to our favourite ballet productions and, yes, even our absolute favourite dancers. She even knew my latest ballet choreography - I just felt so connected!

That’s one of the amazing things about ballet! It transcends all barriers – even the language of fashion and life itself. One tutu, a shared passion, and bam, instant friendship! I told her she needed to check out my Pink Tutu Blog London – "You can share all your beautiful ballet stories," I suggested.

Shopping in the City

From the little pink haven, it was onto London's streets. And what a beautiful mess! The energy was infectious! I could almost hear a chorus of laughter and cheers. Even the grey, brooding sky felt part of the spectacle. This is why I love London – a never-ending stage where fashion, dreams, and adventure dance in perfect harmony!

There was something irresistible in the air - the sheer glamour and promise of style! And you know me, a ballet-loving girl just can’t resist a good dose of London style! Shopping was calling my name. It was as if the boutiques were whispering sweet nothings. They were bursting with glittery hues, sleek designs, and luxurious fabrics! I was instantly smitten.

My mission today was to find a perfect piece to match my tutu for tonight's ballet show. Something pink, of course! I even found the most delightful little shop tucked away in Soho – you’d be surprised at what you find if you’re bold enough to look behind the main street façade! The shopkeeper was a fellow ballet fan!

This time it was an elderly man – the absolute cutest thing with a thick pair of glasses that magnified his passion and twinkling blue eyes! "A tutu, you say, darling?" He purred in a charming accent, "Now you’ve just got to see this…”

His shop was a haven of shimmering silk, velvety lace, and shimmering beads – everything a ballet girl could dream of! He introduced me to a stunning pink silk scarf, adorned with tiny hand-sewn ballet dancers, that matched my "Pretty in Pink" tutu to a tee! He then carefully tied it around my shoulders, giving me a grand ballerina curtsy, “There you go, love! A true vision of elegance.”

I loved him, I loved the scarf, and I loved his generosity! This man has a gift – making every ballerina girl feel like a princess! The scarf is going to look amazing with my tutu – oh yes, just wait!

And that wasn’t all! He gave me a few other treasures – some stunning feather earrings that will shimmer in the theater lights, a delicate pink ballerina broach to adorn my ballet bag, and an intricately carved wooden ballerina pin to wear on my lapel. “All pink, of course,” he whispered with a wink! “To go with your magical tutu.”

He seemed to see the magic within me. Perhaps it was the way I carried my tutu with a ballerina’s grace! Or the spark in my eyes that lit up as brightly as a star dancer! Maybe it’s that unique Pink Tutu Magic we all have, that shines with pink-tinted dreams, right? He really is an expert, after all.

The Ballet Show: Dancing Under The London Sky

Finally, after an afternoon of shopping and delightful pink encounters, I found myself entering the grand hall of the London Coliseum! The magic of the theatre was intoxicating! You could sense the whispers of a thousand stories and the anticipation of a thousand dreams in the air! I just loved it!

Tonight’s ballet production – The Nutcracker – is a childhood favorite! Seeing this ballet for the first time as a little girl was the very moment I realized how much I loved ballet, even inspiring me to learn to twirl. I’ve seen it several times now, in different versions and theatres all over the country! It's an enduring beauty!

The magic began the moment the curtain rose! It’s as if the dancers were brought to life, just like that! Each gesture, each movement, each twirl felt like magic, so captivating, so beautiful! As the music swirled around me, I found myself transported to a world of snow fairies, mischievous mice, and courageous princes, and I realised that each character is an individual story told through beautiful movements! I think it’s the magic of dance, it speaks without words, its beautiful stories touch every soul!

Of course, I had to document the whole evening. The ballet program was a treasure trove of information, and my notepad overflowed with details, impressions, and artistic observations – as a ballet fanatic, I had to write it all down, for posterity! I might be wearing a tutu but this girl has her serious side, too, just like every dancer out there. 🩰

After the show, as the last notes of The Nutcracker faded away, I wandered out of the theatre into the twinkling London night, feeling inspired and a little giddy, with the music still echoing in my ears and my “Pretty in Pink” tutu shimmering beneath the starry sky! The city felt magical.

Even though I wasn't in Derbyshire this weekend, I had all my loved ones at home, and all the Pink Tutu Blog London readers, in my thoughts and wishes for them. They're always at the back of my mind, because what's a dance performance, a show, or a London exploration without the love and support of my community? I wouldn't be able to twirl this magic without my pink tutu friends. 💖

And speaking of pink tutu friends, tomorrow, I’m off to London's biggest fashion event - a giant celebration of color and style, the legendary Pink Tutu Day! It's a yearly highlight where everyone, yes everyone, puts on their most sparkly pink tutus! I love seeing the creativity on show, it's an inspirational sight and I will make sure you have a little look!

So keep those eyes peeled for the next post of Pink Tutu Blog London as I unveil this pink fashion extravaganza and my take on what the city’s biggest pink tutu event brings! And if you happen to spot a pink tutu twirling about the streets of London this weekend – don’t be afraid to give a little wave – you just might have spotted me! 💖

Today's Pink Tutu Blog London Playlist:
  • The Nutcracker Suite, by Tchaikovsky
  • Waltz of the Flowers from The Nutcracker Suite
  • Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, by Tchaikovsky
  • The Nutcracker: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, by Johann Strauss II (this one’s a modern rendition and always puts a spring in my step!)

See you next Friday on Pink Tutu Blog London.

Until then, keep dancing and dreaming, and never be afraid to make your world pink!

Much Love, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogLondon Friday 2022-12-09 Exploring London