Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1996-08-28 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #64 - August 28th, 1996: Ciao, Bella Milan!

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite tutu-wearing traveller, Emma, here, and I’m absolutely beaming as I write to you from the enchanting city of Milan. It's a place where fashion dances, art takes flight, and even the cobbled streets have a graceful rhythm to them. This is my sixth time in this vibrant Italian metropolis, and it’s always a whirlwind of delicious discoveries, stunning sights, and, of course, a constant craving for fabulous new pieces to add to my ever-expanding pink wardrobe.

This week's post is coming to you a little later than usual, but trust me, you won't mind once you see what I've been up to.

I arrived in Milan on Sunday afternoon, a burst of sunshine greeting me as I stepped off the train from Venice. The station is such a delightful building – the arches and chandeliers evoke a sense of glamour. I practically waltzed out onto the platform, my tulle twirling merrily with every step. My dear old pink tutu, a vintage treasure from a vintage shop in Nottingham, has never looked more at home than amidst the beautiful, slightly chaotic, but definitely charming atmosphere of this magnificent city.

I’ve spent this week exploring the magical world of Milanese ballet, venturing into studios tucked away in quiet alleys and catching some truly mesmerising performances at the Teatro alla Scala. There's a kind of magic here, a captivating energy that permeates the whole experience. The dancers seem to defy gravity, their movements so precise, so passionate, it truly makes you gasp for air!

I have to confess, I haven't been able to resist indulging in a few fashionable indulgences too! Milan is a shopper’s paradise – the windows of the fashion houses on Via Montenapoleone are like a dream come true. And you won't believe what I found on a quiet side street yesterday: the most delightful vintage shop overflowing with tutus in every shade imaginable! From pale pastel pinks to fiery flamenco reds, they were like rainbows bursting with dancey magic. And naturally, I couldn't leave without adding a new pink tulle confection to my collection – a vintage ballet skirt that has a sweetly faded charm.

Today, I decided to explore the vibrant, cobbled heart of Milan. The city is teeming with life, a constant symphony of honking trams, laughing children, and buzzing conversations that flit from Italian to English and back again. The aroma of freshly baked pastries and strong espresso hangs in the air, an irresistible invitation to linger and indulge. I'm sitting right now in a charming café with a delicious cappucino, the morning sun streaming through the window and catching the twirling folds of my tutu as I write. The perfect picture of a relaxed morning in Milan, wouldn't you say?

But the main reason I wanted to write to you today is about a ballet performance I saw last night at the Teatro alla Scala. It was called "Swan Lake", and the whole experience was so utterly breathtaking I can hardly describe it.

The set design was a breathtaking spectacle, all glittering lakes and moonlit skies. But the highlight for me was the ballerina playing Odette. Her every movement seemed effortless, her elegance like the fluttering of a swan's wings. I could feel the emotion of her performance radiating through the theater, it was so incredibly captivating. There was one particular moment when she leaped high into the air, the music swelling around her, and I genuinely gasped. The theatre fell silent for a moment after her performance, then a storm of applause broke out that went on for minutes.

I felt inspired by the whole performance – it truly ignited the dancer within me, even though my own pirouettes have seen better days! Seeing a performance like that always reminds me of the power and magic that lies within ballet, the beauty and grace that transcends any language barrier.

But the most captivating moment of the whole evening wasn't even the performance itself – it was a moment afterwards as I stood near the stage exit waiting for the crowd to disperse. A young girl, maybe eight years old, was standing with her father. The girl was dressed in a pale pink tutu and little ballet shoes, and her eyes were wide with awe. The ballet company's manager was standing near the stage door, handing out signed programs to anyone who asked. He glanced at the little girl and said, "You're a ballerina?"

And the girl, eyes shining with hope and dreams, replied in the most enchanting, childish voice: "I want to be like them, just like them."

In that single moment, the world around me seemed to fade. All I could see was that little girl in her pink tutu, a bright pink flame burning with passion and the unwavering belief that she could make her dreams a reality. The whole experience felt so utterly magical, it truly made my heart soar.

It's that moment, seeing that little girl's dreams sparkling in her eyes, that really embodies the magic of ballet. And that is the spirit that I hope to bring to the world through my little pink tutu. I hope to inspire everyone, even those who think they're too old or too "un-ballerina-like" to put on a tutu and dance freely! Because when you slip on a tutu, you unlock something magical, something joyous within yourself. It's an invitation to embrace your inner child, to find a playful rhythm within you, and to move through life with the grace of a swan, the strength of a ballerina, and the infectious joy that comes with the simple act of twirling in a pink tutu.

You've got to wear one, just once. I guarantee, it will change your world!

So, as I sign off, I'm feeling inspired, invigorated and ready to dance my way through the rest of my stay in Milan. And as for the rest of my adventures here? Well, you'll have to wait until next Monday for those.

Stay fabulous, and may your days be filled with tutus, sunshine, and endless possibilities.

Ciao for now,

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1996-08-28 ballet blog from Milano Italia