Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1996-11-27 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #77 - November 27th, 1996: A Ballet-tastic Journey Through Milan!

Ciao, darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the vibrant streets of Milan, Italy. I'm thrilled to be back with you all this week, a whole seven days later from last week's fabulous adventure! Can you believe it? Seven days have whizzed by since I landed in Milan, a city that pulsates with energy, a whirlwind of culture and style, and of course, ballet galore!

This week has been a beautiful blur of tulle and glamour, so settle in, grab your favourite cuppa, and let me tell you all about it.

Trams, Trains, and Pink Tutu-licious Travel

First things first, I had to embrace Milan's iconic tram system! Imagine this: me, in a blush-pink tutu and a sparkling beret, gliding through the city streets. Honestly, it was a vision. A true fashion statement on wheels! People just couldn't resist smiling and waving, even the most grumpy old Italian men. It's amazing what a pink tutu can do!

One afternoon, I hopped on a train and whisked myself out of the city to a beautiful village perched on a hillside, surrounded by vineyards. The colours of autumn were so vibrant – think burnt orange, golden yellow, and fiery reds – it was like walking into a masterpiece. I swear, every leaf felt like a brushstroke. And of course, I twirled – how could I not? It's simply not possible to resist a twirl, especially when surrounded by such beauty!

Milan, A Theatre of Dreams

As usual, my focus was, of course, on ballet. This city has a wealth of talent! I've had the pleasure of seeing the most stunning shows this week. I saw “Swan Lake" at Teatro alla Scala, the magnificent Teatro alla Scala. The dancers were utterly mesmerising, a whirlwind of elegance and grace. I nearly forgot to breathe. Seriously. My pink tutu nearly went flying in the air from sheer awe and amazement! Later, I enjoyed a ballet performance in the open air. The music echoed through the city, a beautiful melody under the starry Italian sky.

Then there were the ballet classes! I even took a ballet class in a beautiful converted loft space in the heart of the city. I felt inspired and energised! I'm feeling extra flexible now, too. You all know I’m a sucker for a challenge, and it was a delight to see the dedication and passion of these Italian dancers. It’s something I hope to cultivate more when I’m back home.

Milan’s Shopping Scene: A True Pink Tutu Paradise

You can't visit Milan without embracing the shopping, right? Oh, the clothes! The shoes! This city has it all! And you can bet I wasn't holding back. I’ve been indulging in some delightful Italian designer discoveries, especially vintage shops – my current obsession. Imagine, darling, a silk dress in a muted pink, or a fabulous embroidered bag, perfectly complimented by my latest blush pink tutu acquisition, bought in a lovely little shop near Duomo square. What could be more stylish?

Pink Tutu: Milan Mission

While here in Milan, I have this sneaky suspicion I have actually achieved my mission: I've converted quite a few people to the pink tutu! Now I’ve even seen several pink tutus worn by the most stylish women I met here in Milan. It's catching on! And when the locals started wearing pink tutus in Milan, it just cemented the fact: it’s spreading like wildfire. There's nothing quite like watching someone discover the beauty and freedom of wearing a pink tutu. A pink tutu makes everyone happy and carefree and joyful. You'd never believe how much fun we had trying on pink tutus! We twirled, we laughed, we even invented a few new dance moves together! Who knew the power of a pink tutu!

More Milan Adventures: To Come!

As this week wraps up, I'm so grateful for the unforgettable experiences Milan has gifted me. It’s been a whirlwind, but my adventures aren’t over. Next week, we’re venturing into the world of art, exploring Milan's stunning galleries. I can't wait! I promise, more pink tutu magic to come! Catch you next Monday at Keep on twirling!

Yours in pink tulle,


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1996-11-27 ballet blog from Milano Italia