Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1996-12-04 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #78 - December 4th, 1996 - A Whirlwind of Romance and Rhinestones!

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Emma, your Pink Tutu correspondent, reporting live from the vibrant heart of Milan! As you all know, I live for the city’s pulse, its passion for fashion, and its undeniable flair for the dramatic – something we ballet dancers certainly understand. And let me tell you, my dear readers, this week, Milan has been an absolute whirlwind!

I touched down on Sunday, the city shimmering under a sky so blue, it seemed to echo the colours of the magnificent Duomo. I took a delightful, winding tram journey – a charmingly rickety affair with the aroma of old books and roasted chestnuts wafting through the air. And, of course, a little Pink Tutu had to be part of the equation. My new tulle masterpiece – a confection of soft pink and sparkling sequins - billowed behind me as I made my way through the cobbled streets. Honestly, you can't just waltz into Milan wearing beige, can you? It's all about that grand entrance, the grand gesture!

This week was all about romance, with the theatre and opera beckoning me like sirens. I saw the most breathtaking production of Romeo and Juliet, the emotions surging like a tempest, the heartbreak palpable, and the joy just as exhilarating. There I was, perched amidst a sea of sparkling, glamorous faces, with my trusty Pink Tutu. And of course, no visit to Milan is complete without a foray into the magical world of opera.

“La Traviata” was on this week, its timeless melody filling every nook and cranny of La Scala. It transported me to another era, a world of sumptuous velvet, chandeliers like a cascade of starlight, and, of course, a plethora of feather boas, so reminiscent of my beloved tutu! As the curtain fell, a collective sigh of awe filled the auditorium.

The following day, I ventured into the dizzying world of fashion. I tell you, my dears, the shopping in Milan is unparalleled! Stepping into the Milanese boutiques feels like a journey into a sartorial fairytale – racks groaning with haute couture, textures that tickle the fingertips, colours that seduce the eyes! The Italian spirit for fashion, the way it marries history and artistry, is intoxicating! My shopping haul is a glorious, vibrant testament to my passion, and my trusty pink tutu played the role of a gracious escort, her pink softness the perfect counterpoint to the extravagance of Milan's most glamorous offerings.

Of course, a week in Milan simply wouldn't be complete without ballet class! The elegant studio I found was filled with a sense of camaraderie, the instructors offering guidance and encouragement with warmth and precision. My Pink Tutu stood out amongst the classic black leotards and the familiar navy tutus, a vibrant splash of personality, a statement of joy! It felt like I was dancing in a kaleidoscope of grace and joy, a celebration of art and self-expression.

Milan, with its history, artistry, and relentless fashionista vibe, has always been a siren call for a Pink Tutu devotee like me. And let's be honest, wearing a tutu while navigating the crowded streets, mingling with chic Milanese, and navigating the trams – that's truly living life in the pink lane! The locals give you a curious look – half amusement, half appreciation, and let me tell you, my dear readers, it's the most wonderful, heart-warming kind of acceptance. They get it!

For those who are considering venturing into the world of ballet, I say, don't wait! There’s a whole world of grace and artistry awaiting you. You'll learn so much about discipline, passion, and, yes, a little bit of magic!

Speaking of magic, remember how I mentioned a whirlwind of romance? Well, it was quite literal, a delightful blend of old-world charm and modern flair. I met a dashing gentleman at the opera, his eyes twinkling with an intelligence that drew me in. His suit, sharp and dapper, was a symphony of navy and grey, his manners – an echo of a bygone era, and we talked about everything under the Milanese sun. Ballet, the charm of opera, and yes, the virtues of wearing pink tutus. And just like that, a waltz began, and I knew I was falling in love with Milan all over again!

I'm leaving with my heart a little lighter, my head brimming with inspiration, and a collection of new threads that will make my wardrobe a vibrant symphony. And of course, I'll leave Milan with my signature touch - a tinkle of sequins, a burst of colour, and the whisper of pink tulle as I waltz my way through the bustling station.

But until then, don't forget to follow me at and don't be shy to share your own sartorial journeys with me!

Until next week, darlings, may your tutus always be pink, your dreams always grand, and your lives filled with an abundance of joy!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1996-12-04 ballet blog from Milano Italia