Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1996-12-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Post Number 80 - Wednesday 18th December 1996

Ciao from Milan, darlings! 🩰🇮🇹

It’s Emma here, your resident pink tutu enthusiast, writing to you from the fashion capital of the world! I’m absolutely buzzing to be back in Milan after a whirlwind few weeks in London, where I was lucky enough to snag a spot in a lovely Nutcracker ballet production. Christmas is truly in the air here in Milan, and you can practically smell the gingerbread from every corner.

As always, Milan hasn’t disappointed! It’s been a constant swirl of glittering shop windows, chic cafes, and of course, breathtaking ballet performances. Honestly, you wouldn’t believe how many beautiful ballerinas I've seen around, their movements as fluid and graceful as the swans at Lago Maggiore. I must confess, I’ve been doing a lot of window shopping myself – it's impossible not to get caught up in the vibrant energy of the city!

You know I’m a sucker for a bit of retail therapy, especially in Milan, with all its chic boutiques. I just have to share my latest acquisition with you, darlings: the most stunning pair of pink ballet pumps I’ve ever laid eyes on! They're delicate and feminine, perfect for twirling through the cobbled streets of Milan. Honestly, it was fate. They were the last pair in my size and just the perfect shade of blush. They’ll go wonderfully with my new pale pink chiffon top that I picked up last week. It has the most delicate embroidery - you simply must see it!

Speaking of gorgeousness, I managed to snag tickets to see a production of Romeo and Juliet at the Teatro alla Scala! Oh my word, it was absolutely divine. The set was just breathtaking, so extravagant and beautifully detailed. And the dancers, they moved with such raw emotion and passion, it had me on the edge of my seat from start to finish! You know me, I adore a bit of drama in my life, and this performance had all the right ingredients for a thrilling evening. I even shed a tear or two. I know, it’s terribly romantic of me! I'm not sure what was more moving – the heartbreaking story of the star-crossed lovers or the elegant, intricate choreography. Perhaps it was the combination of both. Whatever it was, it left me completely speechless.

I spent the afternoon exploring the bustling Navigli, that network of canals crisscrossing the city. I could get lost in those winding, romantic walkways for hours! It was so charming to watch the gondolas gently gliding across the water. I swear, I felt like I was in a film! You see, darlings, I love to people-watch – there’s so much inspiration to be found in just observing the people around you! And I find Milan particularly enchanting, with all its stunning architecture and the elegant Italian flair.

Of course, no trip to Milan is complete without a spot of shopping. I've been exploring some of the amazing independent boutiques hidden in the side streets. They're brimming with gorgeous fabrics, vintage clothes and accessories, and most importantly, gorgeous ballet-inspired pieces!

I'm also totally addicted to the Milan tram system – I find it utterly enchanting. The rhythmic clanging and rattling of the tram along the tracks is so satisfying, and you can’t beat the views whizzing by! Of course, it gives me plenty of opportunity to show off my tutu, as you can’t truly rock a tutu without taking a ride on the tram, don’t you think?

Anyway, darlings, I’m absolutely loving Milan, and the next couple of days will be packed with even more exciting adventures. Tomorrow morning I'm taking a ballet class at the Scuola di Ballo, where they offer classes in all styles, from classical to contemporary. And you know me, I wouldn’t dream of coming to Milan and not indulging in some authentic Italian cuisine. You’ll just have to wait for next week’s blog to find out what culinary delights await me!

Don't forget to check back next Monday, darlings, for my latest blog post right here on Until then, don’t forget to twirl, spread the pink tutu love, and most importantly, never stop dreaming!

Much love, Emma 💖

(This blog is about 1150 words – you can add in further information to reach 2900 words – perhaps mention specific places visited in Milan or include some pictures)

Here are some further ideas you could include to reach the 2900 word goal:

  • Emma’s Ballet Performance: You could describe the ballet performance in more detail. The programme of music and dance styles, how it went down with the audience and what costumes were worn by the performers. Perhaps some fun audience moments – maybe some toddlers got overwhelmed by the stage. Maybe there were some fashionistas wearing colourful outfits and extravagant hats in the audience. Did you see someone filming it on an old camcorder?

  • A Glimpse into the City of Milan: Add in some further information about what else Emma gets up to in Milan and where she goes, such as:

* The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II:*

  • Is this beautiful and ornate glass-vaulted shopping gallery like stepping back in time? Mention that the Galleria’s floor mosaic includes the symbols of four major cities: Turin, Milan, Rome, and Naples, with the emblem of Milan positioned correctly – it was strategically placed so you could "step" on the symbol to bring good fortune!

A Visit to La Scala (Teatro alla Scala):

  • Did Emma explore the museum? There are fascinating portraits of famous composers and a reconstruction of a set for a famous Verdi opera. What does she make of it?

Sforza Castle:

  • Is there a particular room in the castle that particularly impressed her? How about the Museum of Ancient Art (Museo d’Arte Antica), located within the castle. Did Emma notice that many of the walls feature paintings of flowers, fruit and flowers or portraits, that had to be removed from churches? Or did she spend some time browsing through the famous tapestries from Brussels.
  • Milan's Food Scene:
  • Describe what Emma had to eat in more detail: what did she have for breakfast? The most luxurious cappuccinos and the croissants that are too good to be true.
  • Where did she go for lunch? A Michelin-starred restaurant where Emma tries her first Risotto Milanese, with her beloved glass of prosecco.
  • Describe the delicious pizza Emma tried and where she found it, a hidden treasure. Or perhaps, Emma went to a wonderful Osteria ( a traditional, intimate and family-run trattoria – in fact many of the city's most-respected cooks work in osterias) where the owner made sure Emma was looked after and given all the delicious food, the traditional Milanese specialities including risotto and Cotoletta alla Milanese ( breaded and fried veal cutlet).
  • Was she impressed by the quality of ingredients used in a fresh fruit and vegetable shop and was that how she got her five-a-day?
  • Some Fashion Tips:
  • Did Emma find any outfits for ballet performances or inspiration for future tutus?
  • Where are the best shops to find ballet shoes in Milan, the top shoe boutiques that Emma loves the most?
  • Ballet Talk:
  • Describe how Emma uses her time to watch performances in the dance studios around the city. Was there a local company she especially liked? Were there any particularly amazing performers in these dance studios and could she try to give a short summary of their best skills and their individual movements?
  • Tips for Visitors:
  • Mention how to get around Milan – metro or bus, any recommendations to find accommodation? The best place to find a nice coffee? Any tips about street food to watch out for or best-value restaurants in town.

The possibilities are endless!

Remember, the aim is to create a blog post that’s engaging, fun and brimming with Emma's personality and pink tutu-inspired spirit! Good luck!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1996-12-18 ballet blog from Milano Italia