Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1996-12-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan - Blog Post #81: Christmas in the City of Fashion

Merry Christmas from Milan, darlings! I’m so excited to be sharing this festive post with you all from the fashion capital of the world, and even more excited because it's the twenty-fifth of December, Christmas Day! It's been a whirlwind week here in Milan, a beautiful city I absolutely adore.

As always, my adventures are fuelled by the magic of ballet, and my trusty pink tutu. I found myself whisked away here for a beautiful performance by the Teatro alla Scala, the prestigious opera house known throughout the world. I can still feel the goosebumps now as I recall the enchanting choreography, and the rich melodies of the performance. The beauty of the whole experience was just breathtaking, and a true reminder of the power of artistic expression.

Speaking of artistic expression, did I tell you about my little encounter with a street performer earlier today? He was playing Vivaldi on his violin near the Duomo, and his music filled the air with an air of joy. It truly made my Christmas morning magical! And his bow? Why, it was the prettiest shade of pink! You see, darling, even street performers here in Milan know the power of a little pink in their lives!

Speaking of colour, have I mentioned Milan's vibrant fashion scene yet? I simply must raves about the stores! They are simply stunning. I couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed by all the choice, and ended up treating myself to a pair of exquisite silver ballerina flats (with just the tiniest bit of pink embellishment, of course!) in the heart of the Quadrilatero d’Oro - what a treat! They were the perfect finishing touch to my little Christmas outfit, a classic pink polka dot midi dress and my trusty, ever-loved pink tutu. What can I say? I can never resist a touch of pink!

The most wonderful thing about my Christmas Eve was discovering this charming little cafe, a tiny treasure tucked away in a little side street, with an air of old-world elegance. I enjoyed the most delicious hot chocolate and a delectable, dainty, and pink-iced Christmas cake, accompanied by a beautifully wrapped gift from Santa himself! He left a note, too, with an inspiring message, reminding us all about the beauty of joy, love, and peace. The note even suggested we embrace our inner pink tutu on a daily basis. It was almost like he was speaking directly to my heart!

While I’m usually a firm believer in the thrill of exploration, I decided to give my trusty pair of ballet flats a well-deserved break and spend my Christmas day exploring Milan on a delightful tram journey, window-shopping my way through the enchanting city. And let me tell you, even on a December day with a bit of a nip in the air, Milan has an undeniable sparkle that only grows brighter around the holidays. It felt like something out of a film – the streets adorned with sparkling decorations, the lights glowing with a warm glow, and a lively energy flowing through the city.

I wouldn’t dream of leaving you with just my own observations though. You know I always like to incorporate the wisdom of other fabulous folks who love fashion and dancing as much as I do! So, I have been busy interviewing the people who have helped make Milan the fashion capital it is! Let's dive into some wonderful insight!

My Milan Moment with Maria :

Meet Maria, the most elegant seamstress I have ever met! I was completely charmed by her little shop, tucked away in a quiet street not far from the Duomo. Maria is the type of person who radiates a warm energy – her hands were calloused but gentle as she showed me her meticulously crafted clothing, pieces made from gorgeous silk with intricate lace embellishments.

As we talked about her work, she told me with a smile, “Fashion is like dancing! Each piece has its own story, a life of its own, and the best thing is to give that life, that story, movement!” And isn't that a beautiful metaphor, my dear friends? The story she was telling me about a life of elegant dancing through her fashion creations just brought tears of joy to my eyes! It's moments like these that really do make Milan so special.

Another Moment with Marco:

Of course, no trip to Milan would be complete without meeting someone who works within the fabulous world of ballet. And I'm so delighted to tell you I met Marco, an exquisite dancer with the Teatro alla Scala. This charismatic young man shared with me, "In the studio, we are always searching for a way to tell the story with our bodies – every movement, every twist and turn needs to convey something emotional, something meaningful." His passion for ballet was infectious, and I couldn’t help but get caught up in his love for the art form.

Marco is not just a dancer – he is a storyteller! Each movement, every step he took, had a narrative. It reminded me of my own pursuit of ballet. Each step, each twirl, each leap – every motion should tell a story, bring a spark of magic into the world, a story told through movement and expressed through the joy of the pink tutu.

Don’t forget to explore beyond the fashion boutiques and dance studios, darlings, as Milan also boasts stunning historical attractions. From the grandeur of the Duomo to the beautiful Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, you’ll be spoilt for choice. My favourite place was the Duomo – the details, the intricate art of this massive cathedral left me simply breathless. Its soaring spires seem to reach for the heavens and are a sight to behold. Every step of this cathedral is filled with story and mystery! And that was something that I couldn’t help but admire and adore. I even found myself wishing that I could just dance a little twirl on the grand marble floors – it just seemed too elegant to be resisted.

What is my greatest tip for any adventurer exploring the city of Milan? Always allow yourself to wander! Explore its little hidden streets, get lost in its vibrant energy – discover all the hidden little secrets it holds in its charm. I found this quaint little café with a sweetly quaint patio, where I was served a cup of the most exquisite, milky-soft coffee. I sipped on that deliciousness while people-watching and sketching the street performers with my sketchbook, taking in the delightful chatter and the gentle breeze. It was in those little moments of pure joy that I realised how special Milan truly is.

So whether you're planning a festive journey or a little getaway for some ballet-inspired adventures, I recommend Milan, with all its fashion, ballet and romance.

This time, my darlings, the train journey home was especially poignant, a quiet moment of reflection on all that I've experienced here.

As I watch the green English countryside go by, I'm feeling inspired to write my next chapter – maybe even to create my next pink tutu design in hopes of bringing the joy of dancing and all things pink back home with me from my trip to the fabulous Milan.

And don’t forget: It's always a good time for pink, darlings!
So let’s get twirling!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1996-12-25 ballet blog from Milano Italia