Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-03-19 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Ciao Bella! #93 (19 March 1997)

Buongiorno from sunny Milan, darlings! This week, I'm taking a break from the London ballet scene for a spot of dolce vita in the heart of Italy. You all know I'm a bit obsessed with travelling, especially when it involves pink tutus, and Italy just calls to my soul.

Remember how I promised to bring you all along on my adventures? Well, this week, my trusty pink suitcase is packed with enough tulle to last a lifetime, and I'm ready to embrace all that this stylish city has to offer!

This whole Italian trip was an absolute whirlwind, starting with my biggest performance yet. A charity gala in Nottingham! You wouldn't believe the crowds that turned up. I'd been practicing for weeks, even learning some Italian ballet moves to impress the audience, and they were completely captivated by my little performance! I was bursting with pride! Afterwards, we enjoyed a scrumptious dinner, topped off with a slice of my Mum's famous chocolate cake. Mmm, talk about a treat!

From Derbyshire to Milan by Tram and Train

This morning, I set off from my little flat in Derbyshire - with a touch of melancholy, I must say! But also, with a huge dose of excitement as I boarded the train to Milan! I couldn't help but imagine myself waltzing through the streets in my pink tutu, surrounded by ancient buildings and beautiful cobblestone lanes.

Of course, I couldn't resist taking the local tram through the Italian countryside. The scenery was breathtaking. You really wouldn't believe it - so very different to our English countryside! And, let's not forget the charm of the charming Italian locals on the train with me! We had such a good time exchanging glances and little smiles. They seemed very interested in my pink tutu. I swear, I saw a little girl, dressed in a similar fluffy, pink tutu on the way to the station. We made eye contact and for a moment, we were both dancing in this fantastical, pink tutu bubble. Such a lovely little moment! I think my pink tutu really brings people together, you know. They all smile at me, and seem happy to see it fluttering about. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and happy I could put a little joy into their day.

I think my tutu just melts people's hearts.

Fashion in the City

After a couple of hours on the train, I was welcomed to Milan! This is, as you all know, a city with a fabulous reputation when it comes to fashion, so I was on high alert, darling! You can't turn a corner in this place without stumbling upon the latest designs. The shops were packed with gorgeous clothing! Everything from brightly coloured jackets and gorgeous dresses to the most amazing pairs of shoes I have ever seen. But, I couldn't be tempted by anything yet because I wanted to save my pennies for the stunning fabric and lace stores I was going to be exploring this afternoon! I was excited beyond belief! You just wouldn't believe it. You know my love of lace!

After checking in to my hotel - in my pinkest dress and most delicate ballerina flats, naturally - I embarked on my mission. Shopping for the perfect fabric for my new dance costume! And let me tell you, darling, I did NOT come home empty-handed. The Milanese lace stores are a sight to behold - endless shelves and cabinets filled with fabrics more exquisite than you could possibly imagine! You just couldn't resist buying a roll or two! I bought the most amazing velvet, brocade and lace you have ever seen! It was absolutely stunning. I found a particularly wonderful floral print silk and decided this was my winner for my new dance costume! The colours just screamed 'Italy!' The sales assistants were so excited to help me with my decision! I could just tell they appreciated the fact that I was making this little dream a reality. Their enthusiasm for beautiful fabrics was absolutely contagious! I had to resist the temptation to buy EVERYTHING in the store, honestly, my self-control is a real force to be reckoned with. But the fabric that really took my breath away was an ethereal lace, as delicate as gossamer and in the softest shade of blush pink, perfect for a romantic waltz costume. A ballerina's dream!

After this whirlwind of fabrics, it was off to the famous Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II! The light cascading through the stunning glass roof was utterly magical. It truly is a beauty of a shopping arcade. Every shop in this place was like a treasure trove - brimming with designer gowns, shoes, bags, and jewels! I could have easily lost myself in this amazing spectacle! But I wasn't buying a thing - after that beautiful fabric, I wanted to save my money to see an amazing opera in the La Scala theatre! I am absolutely certain it will be one of the highlights of my trip. You all know that a true ballerina never misses the opportunity for a classical music concert or opera!

Food, Glorious Food

By this point, my tummy was rumbling for a proper Italian dinner. As much as I love the delights of our good ol' Derbyshire bangers and mash, it really can't compare to the magic of a classic Italian pizza, can it? With a bit of 'what's the best Italian pizza' googling on my laptop, I was directed to the most famous pizza joint in the city, apparently! (I couldn't reveal the name, it’s a secret between me and the locals!). Anyway, I ended up having the most amazing Margherita pizza with a glass of the best Italian wine I'd ever tasted! The wine was smooth and delicious! The waiter recommended a selection of local cheeses and cured meats too! After finishing that delectable meal, I just wanted to sleep, to be honest, with my stomach all full and happy. But the show must go on!

A Waltz in Milan

Before arriving in Milan, I decided to give the gorgeous Italian capital a little research session. And you wouldn't believe it but, right in the centre of the city, they have a stunning opera house called the Teatro alla Scala! They've got a performance on tonight - 'La Traviata' starring one of Italy's most renowned sopranos! The show started just after 7, so after my pizza and wine feast, I had to dash back to my hotel to change. A good pink tulle tutu was essential for this occasion! And a sparkly top! (It was actually one of the prettiest tops I’d ever seen! It had tiny shimmering pink, purple and turquoise sequin embellishments on it!). Then off I trotted to the Teatro!

The La Scala is such a beauty, it's like stepping into a gilded palace, full of glittering chandeliers and intricate carvings. I just sat and soaked up the atmosphere and everything about it. As for the performance, I’m not sure if it was the stunning costumes, the amazing music, or the dramatic acting - or perhaps the fabulous scenery! The whole thing was an incredible treat! You would have loved it.

The highlight of the whole evening was seeing an iconic Milanese waltz dance number performed onstage by one of Italy's best ballet dancers. The movements were simply spectacular, with every spin and twirl feeling effortless!

I was so inspired. The passion, the grace, the story that the dancing conveyed – I’ll never forget this beautiful performance. And of course, I sat in the stalls for the show, my own pink tutu making quite the statement against the plush red velvet seats. The tutus always look beautiful at the theatre, especially amongst the ornate interior design! It was all quite romantic.

I'm writing this blog from a cute little café near the theatre, sipping cappuccino and indulging in the last bite of my amazing pastry.

Tomorrow's going to be another busy day of exploring! There's so much more to see here in Milan - The Duomo, the Sforza Castle, and the breathtaking botanical gardens.

But before I go, darling, I must tell you about my next big performance. Next Saturday night I am dancing for charity in a new community center they’re setting up near the River Trent in Derbyshire! The fundraising for the center is still in progress. All the proceeds of the event will go to this worthy cause! They’ve hired me to dance, and the community is really behind this one, which I think is just wonderful. We even made all the costumes by hand. It is going to be a night of fun, friends and a whole lot of sequins!

The next week, after my community center gig, I'll be flying back to London, to my tiny, perfectly pink, one-bedroomed flat near Hyde Park! It's been an amazing few days in this stylish Italian city. If you're planning a trip, you have to see it for yourself. Milan's truly got it all – from fashion and architecture to breathtaking history and incredible music.

Remember to visit Pink Tutu website every Monday for another week's worth of pink and fluffy goodness. I can’t wait to tell you all about my next exciting dance performance, and where I'll be travelling to next! Until then, have a wonderfully stylish week and don’t forget to spread a little pink tulle love!

Emma x

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1997-03-19 ballet blog from Milano Italia