Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1998-06-10 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post #157 - Dolce Vita and Ballet Bliss!

Buongiorno, darlings! It's Emma here, your resident pink tutu aficionado, signing in live from the magical city of Milan, Italy! This week has been an absolute whirlwind of breathtaking architecture, delicious Italian food, and, of course, some of the most beautiful ballet I've ever seen!

A Journey to the Heart of Milan

My trip to Milan began with a gloriously sunny journey on the Eurostar. It's amazing how a simple train ride can be so picturesque, especially when you're whizzing past vineyards and rolling green hills on your way to such a vibrant city.

Milan welcomed me with open arms – a bustling metropolis bursting with character, stunning cathedrals, and a delicious aroma of freshly baked bread wafting through the air. I immediately felt that indescribable feeling of excitement you get when you know you're in a special place, a city that holds endless stories waiting to be explored.

My Love Affair with the Tram

One of my favourite ways to explore a new city is by public transport – especially trams. I love the sense of connection you feel, watching the city whizz by, observing everyday life through the windows. Milan's trams are like works of art in themselves – sleek, vintage vehicles with ornate details that feel straight out of a fairytale.

Pink Tutu in Piazza del Duomo

Speaking of fairytale, I couldn't resist taking my trusty pink tutu for a twirl in the Piazza del Duomo. This iconic square, dominated by the majestic Duomo di Milano, is a masterpiece of architecture and a magnet for photographers and tourists alike. I felt a bit like a whimsical princess, dancing beneath the awe-inspiring dome, while the sun cast shimmering patterns across the marble floor. It was a truly magical moment!

Milan Fashion Week Delights

Of course, no visit to Milan is complete without exploring its fashion scene. This city is the epicenter of chic and sophistication, where elegance meets cutting-edge design. I wandered through the charming boutiques of Via Montenapoleone, gazing at exquisite dresses, swooning over luxurious fabrics, and getting lost in the sheer creativity of Italian craftsmanship. My dream pink tutu wardrobe just grew exponentially larger!

Ballet in the City of Style

Now, onto the main reason I travelled all this way: BALLET! Milan is a city brimming with theatrical magic. This week, I saw a production of La Bayadere at Teatro alla Scala – an incredible experience. The set was breathtaking, the dancers' movements were so fluid and expressive, and the entire atmosphere was simply magical. You could feel the passion and artistry in the air. I especially loved the role of Gamzatti, her powerful performance had me captivated from the first movement!

Taking Class at the Accademia Teatro alla Scala

Of course, I couldn't be in Milan without visiting the iconic Teatro alla Scala and, even more importantly, trying out a ballet class at the Accademia Teatro alla Scala. This school, which dates back to 1778, is a beacon of ballet history, renowned for nurturing talented dancers worldwide. It felt incredible to be in the same studio where legendary dancers have trained for centuries. I definitely had some awkward moments trying to master new steps alongside students whose level of technique was simply breathtaking. But even though I felt a bit like a clumsy penguin amidst graceful swans, the sheer joy of learning, of pushing myself outside my comfort zone, was truly inspiring.

Enjoying Milan's Delectable Treats

Between all the ballet and fashion adventures, I've been treating myself to the delectable delights of Milanese cuisine. From perfectly made pizzas topped with artisanal cheeses and bursting with flavour, to mouthwatering pastas seasoned to perfection, the food has been a feast for my senses.

A Bit of Ballet History

Today, June 10th, I took a fascinating tour through the Teatro alla Scala. This world-famous opera house is an iconic symbol of Italian culture, and its rich history is truly fascinating. We learned about its beginnings, its legendary performers, and its significant impact on the world of opera. Walking through the opulent corridors, feeling the grandeur of this architectural masterpiece, you couldn’t help but be awed by the legacy of artistic excellence it represents.

A Little Bit of Home

This trip to Milan has reminded me that home isn't just a place, it's a feeling. Even in a beautiful city like this, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of longing for the rolling hills of my Derbyshire countryside, the cobblestone streets of my little hometown, and, most importantly, for the familiar faces of family and friends. But that longing only fuelled my desire to spread the pink tutu message and share my passion for ballet and travel with the world.

Spreading the Pink Tutu Love

I've had the chance to meet so many lovely people here in Milan who have inspired me. From the kind, friendly locals to fellow travellers from all corners of the world, I’ve found that our love for art and beauty transcends language barriers.

Now, you all know I am passionate about spreading the love of the pink tutu. And while I’ve not been able to convert anyone to the full pink tutu look yet, I’ve been inspired by some of the street fashion trends here in Milan. The Italians certainly have a knack for turning ordinary items into fashion statements. I saw several ladies with amazing scarves, tied in playful, dramatic ways, giving them a touch of effortless elegance that’s not so far off from the pink tutu vibe, don't you think? Perhaps, a pink tutu-inspired scarf is a gateway to the full tutu embrace?

Looking Ahead: A New Tutu-Filled Adventure

Until next time, darling, don't forget to twirl and live your life in pink!

Ciao for now, Emma

P.S. Head over to for my Milan blog posts every Monday, for new pink tutu outfits, tips for your next ballet adventure, and to find out where I'll be spreading pink tutu joy next! Don't forget, my blog is funded through my ballet performances - so be sure to check out my show calendar! You can find links to my upcoming performances, details on tickets and photos of past events right on the website! Let’s all make the world a pinker, more fun place, one tutu at a time!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1998-06-10 ballet blog from Milano Italia