Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1998-09-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan #171: A Whirlwind of Pink in Milan!

Ciao, darlings!

It's Wednesday again, which means it's time for another installment of Pink Tutu Milan! I'm absolutely buzzing with excitement to share all my adventures with you. This week has been a total dream - imagine, Milan, the fashion capital of the world, with its charming cobblestone streets, glamorous shops, and a constant buzz of creativity.

But, I'm not just here for the fashion, though, trust me, the fashion here is utterly divine! My pink tutu, in its softest shade of blush, has been turning heads, and I've had so many delightful conversations about the power of a good tutu. 😉

The Tram Tracks of Milan

This morning, I took a leisurely tram ride to the Teatro alla Scala. It's a stunning theatre, all opulent red velvet and intricate gold details. And let me tell you, the acoustics are truly spectacular! I was enchanted by the ballet performance, which was a contemporary piece featuring graceful movements and beautiful costumes. There were moments where I even had tears in my eyes, it was so beautiful. The dancing was truly magical, like a flurry of pink petals caught in a gentle breeze. It just went to show that you don't have to go back in time to be transported by a good performance, the dancers were so incredibly gifted and they made my heart sing!

I must admit, the tram journey there was part of the fun! There’s just something so whimsical about travelling through a city via tram, observing the locals, their routines, their lives unfolding just like a beautifully choreographed ballet. The whole thing just felt so Parisian, which always reminds me of the amazing day trip we had there last month – remember, the one with that lovely cafe by the Seine where I snagged that divine hat with a giant pink bow? 😉

From Performance to Promenade

After the show, I popped into one of those quaint, little shops just a hop, skip and jump from the theatre. You know, the kind that’s overflowing with luxurious silk scarves and intricate antique trinkets, tucked away in an unassuming alleyway, the kind you’d never find if you weren’t just strolling by, with no set destination, simply letting your inner explorer guide your feet. And wouldn’t you know it, nestled amidst the antique charm, was this fabulous little pink knitted purse, just perfect to hold my essentials: my ballet flats (in case of blisters, you never know!), my travel-sized perfume, my ballet diary (gotta write everything down, dear!) and my signature blush lipstick – no pink tutu is complete without the matching pinks, darling!

This afternoon, I decided to wander through the city's elegant streets, feeling utterly inspired by everything around me. I picked up a delightful coffee in the sunshine at a quaint little café (all wrought-iron chairs and tablecloths that looked like they had come straight out of a Jane Austen novel, how quaint, isn’t it? Such a lovely place to indulge in a little people-watching, you know?). Then, I continued on my way, enjoying the delicious scent of freshly-baked pastries from the patisseries lining the street, the melodic tunes pouring from a nearby street musician – all in all, a very delightful and relaxing afternoon indeed.

And I wasn't alone. As I twirled around in my tutu, the street seemed to come alive. A child squealed with delight at my appearance. A young couple looked on, beaming and giggling as they strolled hand-in-hand. And then, there was this one particular, older gentleman in a tweed jacket – you could tell by his smile that he’d seen it all – he pointed at my tutu and tipped his hat in acknowledgement! That just makes my day, darling, such moments are pure joy. You know, it’s that little something that reminds me just how impactful a little bit of pink can be, spreading smiles wherever I go.

A Symphony of Fashion

Speaking of pink, my friends, I simply had to share with you a truly inspiring experience – a whirlwind of colours and styles - I went to a fantastic exhibition at the Museo di Moda e Costume yesterday – the exhibit featured a magnificent array of vintage haute couture - think fabulous tulle ballgowns, opulent lace creations and headpieces fit for a queen. There was so much inspiration, so much sheer beauty! And, of course, I found myself drawn to the pieces that featured shades of pink - a vibrant fuschia silk gown, a delicate ballet slipper in the most exquisite pale pink. Oh my, I had to contain myself! What would Emma do with another vintage tutu anyway, eh? The exhibit was pure eye-candy and got me thinking: every piece was an artistic statement, a masterpiece in its own right – you see, it’s not just about clothes, darlings, it’s about an entire vision, a feeling, and expressing ourselves, the unique characters we all are.

Dining and Dreaming in Pink

And speaking of inspiration, last night was one of those evenings you never forget, darling – the kind of evening that takes you right to the core, and gives you the energy to chase your dreams even bolder. I was lucky enough to snag a table at a wonderful restaurant – the one everyone seems to be raving about – think soft lighting, an elegant ambience and divine dishes that look like edible works of art – and it all went perfectly with my vintage, pearl and pink necklace, if I do say so myself, haha.

What’s that you say? Don’t let me go without saying where I dined last night, dear? Oh my goodness, of course – it was at that charming restaurant I was telling you about – Trattoria al Duomo - oh, it’s simply darling - all rustic Italian charm, but with a truly chic touch, the staff are delightful, too. I do hope we have another opportunity to chat when you are here, darling – next time you’re in Milan, let’s dine in pink! But shush, don't tell everyone, it's one of those places you want to keep a little secret – for those in the know.

But here’s the real reason this dinner was so special, dear. It’s about something more than just good food and good company. It's about dreams, you see. This incredible Italian couple, they came to me after dinner and told me how inspired they were by my blog – you see, their daughter just got accepted into ballet school. She's a very talented young girl. And my pink tutu, it seemed, was all it took for them to have a little lightbulb moment! – all that glittery, happy joy, inspiring dreams and possibilities. It reminded me of my first time on stage. You know what? The beauty of ballet? It transcends the language barrier, it’s pure emotion. And the very fact that these people came to tell me how they felt about seeing me dance - wearing pink, yes! - but mostly just the pure expression, the movement, it fills me with this overwhelming, deep satisfaction, and I believe this is my true purpose: to share the joy and magic of dance with the world!

A Whirlwind Week, a Pink Promise

This week, dear, has been such a wonderful, vibrant blur, the kind that just leaves me aching for more. It was a delightful week filled with pink and possibility, I am so excited to be back in this beautiful, exciting city.

If you're ever in Milan, I encourage you to explore the vibrant art, the delicious food, the fascinating fashion – oh, and let's not forget the graceful and enchanting ballet performances – all of which just add to the enchantment of this truly magical city!

Until next time, darlings,

Happy dancing and stay stylish!

Love, Emma

PS Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog at and stay tuned for next week’s adventure!

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1998-09-16 ballet blog from Milano Italia