Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1998-10-14 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Post 175 – A Whirlwind of Romance and Pink, Darling!

Wednesday 1998-10-14

Buongiorno, my lovely little ballerinas! It's Emma, your pink tutu-clad friend from Derbyshire, spinning into Milan for another week of chic fashion, enchanting ballets, and of course, a whole lotta pink!

You won't believe what's been going on here in the fashion capital! This week, Milan has been positively pulsating with the energy of the Spring/Summer 1999 fashion shows. I can't even begin to describe the vibrant colours, the daring designs, the impossibly high heels and the sheer volume of fabulousness!

Honestly, I feel like I've been walking through a whirlwind of silks and sequins. It’s dizzying and I am totally here for it! The shows are the best kind of visual ballet, full of breathtaking movement, drama, and incredible stories told through the language of clothes. It's no wonder why so many iconic looks are born right here on these Milanese catwalks.

And as you know, darlings, no journey to Milan is complete without an indulgent afternoon spent browsing through the glorious boutiques of Via della Spiga. Just picturing those sleek displays, those exquisite shoes, those racks overflowing with the latest trends makes me want to squeal with delight! I couldn't resist snagging a divine pair of delicate pink ballerina flats that I'm sure will be my new go-to, and a pink and black polka-dot skirt for my next performance, of course. It wouldn't be Pink Tutu Milan without a touch of the adorable, wouldn't it?

I found this adorable little cafe near the Duomo on Monday morning. I practically tumbled out of my tram, it was such a whirlwind ride, and spotted it tucked down a narrow side street, with fairy lights twinkling all around it. It was called "Dolce Vita", and they served the most delicious creamy cappuccino topped with swirls of chocolate. The little baristas had those cute, playful little pink aprons, like a little ballet tutu for your hips, and as soon as I walked in, they just smiled. It's that magic, don't you think, those smiles? We are all connected through pink and glitter, darlings, just you wait!

They have the cutest little pink flamingo figurines tucked everywhere you look, so I was a very happy camper. There was even one strategically perched on the counter next to the espresso machine! My heart went pitter-patter for those little flamingoes; a little taste of home, right there in the heart of Milan. They're so full of life and vibrancy, and just radiate happy vibes.

Of course, being in Milan means taking in a few exceptional ballet performances! It's the place where you really feel the pulse of this art form, the tradition, the passion, and the sheer dedication that the dancers pour onto the stage.

My favourite was La Traviata on Saturday night, it was utterly captivating. The dancers, dressed in elegant, ethereal costumes, told the story of Violetta, a young woman caught in a love triangle and grappling with the tragedy of her life. The entire performance, from the hauntingly beautiful music to the exquisite choreography, just washed over me, leaving me spellbound.

The lead dancer, a young Italian ballerina named Isabella, was an absolute powerhouse, commanding the stage with her exquisite control and delicate expressiveness. Isabella is a total ballerina hero! Seeing her on stage, and feeling that rush of excitement from her performance, made me feel so proud to be a ballerina myself, all those years of training, of determination, all those pirouettes and jumps, it was all worth it. The applause at the end was overwhelming! I knew right there that I wanted to make it big on stage, dancing on that stage, in that auditorium, maybe even someday playing the lead role in that beautiful play. Oh, darlings, isn't that an absolutely thrilling thought!

It's funny how this city, with all its fashion and glamour, can still inspire me to think about those simple moments of grace and passion found in every plie, in every grand jeté, in every ballet performance. Maybe it's the connection between elegance and beauty that truly makes both fashion and ballet so captivating, so inspiring.

But back to the real world, after all the glam and spectacle, nothing beats the serenity and tranquility of a ballet class! I have to confess, after a day filled with the high-energy chaos of Milan, stepping onto the dance floor at a local studio feels absolutely heavenly.

The calming rhythmic routine, the focus on the grace of our movements, and the joy of connecting with other dancers all make it a true moment of self-expression and personal peace. There's something truly magical about the sense of community that develops in a dance studio! It doesn't matter where you are from or what you do, we are all just a bunch of girls united by our shared passion for the art form.

It’s quite honestly one of the things that makes the journey of pink tutus so rewarding. To find kindred spirits wherever you go! We are all in this together!

Speaking of which, I found myself chatting with the most delightful ballerina after a particularly intense class on Tuesday morning, a young lady with the most incredible talent and a huge infectious laugh! It turned out she had also just recently come to Milan from another Italian town called Firenze, a lovely little town she told me, full of charm and hidden beauty.

That made me smile, you see? The beautiful dance world connecting people from every little corner of the globe, you really can't beat it. Maybe that’s the essence of the whole pink tutu dream! To travel to different towns and cities and experience what each one has to offer, and do it all while rocking the pink!

Our conversation somehow morphed into discussing the absolute wonder and joy of travelling around the globe by train, just you, a few big bags and maybe a pink tutu bag for all the little treasures you pick up along the way, a train window seat and a million beautiful views, all passing by at breakneck speed. The pure magic and thrill of discovering a new city!

That's a vision for the future! Travelling the world by train in my pink tutu! It was that dream of exploring the world, seeing different cultures, experiencing new sights and tastes that made me give up a life of ballet school routine for the adventure of the road, of life in my pink tutu!

After a lovely evening spent trying some of the local cheeses at this delightful market (where, thankfully, they had the most decadent creamy mozzarella and parmesan, and did I mention those cute little pink ribbons holding together the cheese wedges? You see! Pink is EVERYWHERE!) and taking in the bustling nightlife around Navigli, it’s time for me to sign off and head to bed, you see, early start in the morning for some delightful shopping at this fabulous new boutique I've heard about, full of these whimsical little dresses made from recycled fabrics – yes darling! They’re absolutely gorgeous and oh-so eco-friendly too, you see! It's Milan after all!

And after my whirlwind weekend here in Milan, with its exciting ballet shows and fabulous fashion, there’s still one more bit of Italian adventure left on the menu: A charming little weekend getaway to a small, coastal town I heard whispers of, on the northern Adriatic coast called Rimini! Just the thought of azure blue skies, the warm breeze on my cheeks, and the lapping sound of the ocean waves, filled with sand castles, charming cafes and maybe even a chance for an early-morning beachside stroll, is enough to fill me with joy.

But first, breakfast! The scent of coffee and the sound of laughter are calling me from the cafes down the road, and of course, I've gotta grab my favourite pink cappuccino (you just know there will be pink sugar, right?), before the day really gets going!

Until next time, don't forget to be bold and be brilliant, darling, and don't be afraid to spin your own story. I will be right here on next Monday to share another exciting chapter, all dressed up in my favourite pink tutu!

Remember, even the biggest fashionistas have a soft spot for a little sparkle!

Bisous from Milano,
Emma xx

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 1998-10-14 ballet blog from Milano Italia