Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Milano Milan

#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2005-06-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia

Pink Tutu Milan: Wednesday 2005-06-01 - Post Number 521

Ciao, darlings! Emma here, back from another whirlwind adventure in the fashion capital of the world, Milan! I’m so excited to share this week’s adventures with you lovely lot on It’s been a fabulously busy week filled with stunning ballet performances, glamorous shopping sprees, and even a spot of delicious Italian pasta, just like Mamma used to make (only, you know, much fancier!).

This week, my fellow pink tutu lovers, has been a triumph of colour, culture, and captivating performances! The highlight, without a doubt, was catching the absolutely breathtaking “Romeo and Juliet” at the Teatro alla Scala. Talk about a production that had me enthralled! Every element was a masterpiece, from the incredible choreography, which was both powerful and moving, to the magnificent costumes. It was a visual feast!

But you know me, I’m not all about high-culture and grand opera houses. My adventure in Milan wouldn't be complete without a bit of exploration, a splash of spontaneity, and a dash of street-side flair. So, armed with my trusty camera and my oh-so-stylish pink tutu, I ventured into the streets of this fabulous city, ready to soak up all the vibrant energy and creativity.

Now, Milan, as you all know, is a city brimming with fashion. There’s a real excitement in the air, especially in the fashion districts. I had to experience this energy first hand, of course! After grabbing a scrumptious panini from a street-side café (I simply couldn't resist!), I went shopping for new pink additions to my wardrobe. The amazing shops in Milan offer a plethora of options for a tutu-loving fashionista like me. This time, I landed a pair of the most darling ballerina flats with pink bows and a feather-light pink shawl for my evening performances – perfect for the balmy Milan evenings!

Oh, and can I tell you about this incredible vintage boutique I stumbled upon! It’s hidden away down a charming cobbled street, and it was filled with vintage ballet costumes, and – you won't believe this – an original 1950s pink tutu! Of course, I simply had to take it for a twirl, right? Just imagine, dancing under the Italian sun with a little piece of history! My Instagram followers loved it! #pinktutuhistory

After my shopping spree, I treated myself to a delicious Italian coffee and the most magnificent gelato. Nothing beats an afternoon treat, especially in the sun! And then, feeling incredibly energized, I set off on a tour of the city, and even took a ride on the iconic Milan trams. I mean, where else could you ride a tram with the stunning Duomo in the background?! Absolutely breathtaking, wouldn’t you agree? It felt like stepping back in time with a hint of chic modernity.

Later that day, I made my way to the Teatro Dal Verme. My fingers were still tingling from the fabulous “Romeo and Juliet,” so it was wonderful to see some more excellent dancers from the Accademia Teatro alla Scala, showcasing their skills in an exhilarating showcase of contemporary dance. The choreography was so original and unexpected, and the costumes were just stunning!

I’m definitely a woman of my word – I never forget my promise to share my pink tutu with the world. In fact, I've been inspiring a new trend in Milan! More and more people are spotting a touch of pink in their outfits, whether it's a pink scarf, a vibrant pink bag, or even just a pair of pink shoes.

Don't worry, I'm not stopping there, either! I even got some fellow ballerinas at the studio here to join my pink tutu revolution! We've all decided to wear our pink tutus when we attend ballet classes next week – imagine, a whole room full of ballerinas wearing pink tutus! That would definitely be something to see!

Talking of dancing, have I told you about my latest exciting venture? I'm currently training at a gorgeous studio in the heart of Milan – all my pink tutus have made a home here and it’s definitely turning out to be an adventure in itself. My classes are always such a joy, with my favourite instructors and incredible fellow dancers. Just picture it – the gentle sway of my pink tutu, as I pirouette across the studio floor, the feeling of pure bliss, and all my fellow dancers around me, laughing and sharing that magical, artistic energy. I feel like I’ve finally found my happy place here in Milan.

Before I go, I wanted to tell you about the incredible thing that happened while walking through the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. There were all these little stores selling traditional Italian scarves, so naturally, I had to pick up some new additions to my pink collection. It was so inspiring, you know, the colours and patterns and textures – I instantly fell in love!

I couldn’t resist trying a gorgeous pink scarf with intricate floral patterns around my neck. As I turned to admire my reflection, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. It was a lovely woman who instantly recognized me as the Pink Tutu Ballerina! She told me that she'd been following my blog and her granddaughter absolutely loved watching my dance videos. And, this was the part that completely charmed me – her granddaughter has her own pink tutu, which she wears everywhere! Just like my pink tutu, her granddaughter’s one is also a source of strength and confidence for her. It truly made my day to hear that I'm inspiring so many other pink tutu fans, no matter how young they are!

Now, it’s time to end my Milan adventure for the week. This city truly never disappoints, always buzzing with energy, creativity and style. You won’t be surprised to know that my tutu is already packed, ready for my next adventure!

Oh, I have a confession to make – I'm starting to plan my next Italian escapade. Maybe Florence? Maybe Venice? I haven’t decided yet, but it will definitely be a pink tutu journey. I’ll be sure to keep you all updated on my blog!

Ciao, bella! Until next week, keep twirling and spreading the pink love. #PinkTutuMilan #MilanFashion #DanceTravel

Yours in pink,


#PinkTutuMilan Wednesday 2005-06-01 ballet blog from Milano Italia